Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 455: Even bigger splashes in the hot spring

Kotori regretted the fact that she agreed to come here at the spur of the moment. If she didn't come here, she wouldn't be subjected to this treatment.

Kotori used all the strength she could muster to try and stop Wu Yan's hand. But, no matter how hard she tried it's all for naught. He rubbed her thigh so much he could probably reproduce a plaster replica from memory alone.

Kotori's heart would skip a beat here and there, she's also having trouble catching her breath as she started panting adding a bit of voice to this quiet hot spring.

The more she heaved and sighed the more her strength got sapped away. At this point, her hands are not doing anything other than being placed on Wu Yan's hand.

Blushing like a peach, she started sweating hard while wheezing. One sweat droplet flowed slowly down her forehead and her nose before dripping into the hot spring. The hot spring started smelling raunchy.

The weird sensation started making her lose control of her body. She tried to hold back her moaning but a few escaped nonetheless. Her red eyes started turning moist while she is still short of breath.

Wu Yan shook his head while smiling. If she's already like this when he's just touching her legs, what is going to happen if he moved on to other areas?…

He licked his lips in anticipation. He started kneading her soft meat.

Kotori clenched her teeth as she tried to endure the surge of pleasure. She really didn't know what to do with this new experience.

She looked at her Onii-chan, she wanted to beg for mercy but her sound became incessant moans whenever she tried to open her mouth. She can only hope that Wu Yan would get the message from her eyes.

Unknown to Kotori, her eyes are the most enchanting part right now. Her moist and pleading eyes would make anyone with their guards down into her captives.

Wu Yan moved his hand in a faster and more vigorous manner.

Kotori hated this Onii-chan of hers. Fine, she could forgive him if he took her first kiss, she could also forgive him if he rubbed her all over but it's a bit too much if he ignored her when she's begging him not to embarrass her in front of other people.

I should have brought my black ribbons…

Kotori isn't aware that Wu Yan only has the guts to bully her softer personality. He didn't have any plans on messing around with commander mode Kotori. After all, he didn't want to die just yet.

Wu Yan decided that the wiser route would be to first conquer imouto mode Kotori. Commander mode Kotori would have to admit her defeat if that happened.

This is the reason why Wu Yan either took her black ribbons away or make sure to ask if she had her black ribbons with her.

This method seems quite effective.

At the very least, imouto mode Kotori didn't reject Wu Yan, she would always put up a small protest before allowing Wu Yan to do whatever he wanted.

Wu Yan felt dissatisfied with just this much, he narrowed his eyes and he inched his hands upwards.

Kotori's eyes widened and she started panicking. Her heart is beating so much she's sure the others can hear her heartbeat. That's just how tensed she is right now.

No! Oh god no!

She prayed that this wolf of a man would be able to listen to her heart's voice but alas Wu Yan didn't have mind-reading powers.

Wu Yan discovered her secret garden where the sun doesn't shine and he flicked something hidden by a bush.

That flick alone was enough to make her moan out loud. It was music to Wu Yan's ears, he started unleashing a torrent of finger movements at her you-know-what.

It's like her body is wrapped in an electrical storm, the jolts of pleasure assaulted every cell in her body. She threw her head back with her mouth wide open. It's clear from her eyes that she's wandering the border between being conscious and being unconscious.

Wu Yan's breath stopped when he saw her entranced look. He used his free hand to remove her bath towel.

He got a close-up look at the development of her tender young body. Satisfied with how she's developing, he made doubly sure to imprint her tiny twin bunnies in his mind.


Kotori muttered. She's so bashful about the fact that her body is exposed to Wu Yan's view. His hand never stopped which put Kotori in quite a dangerous position where she can't do anything but be a subject of his lewd torment. She writhed around at Wu Yan's mercy.

He grabbed one of her still-developing jugs and he started molding it into different shapes. This was a two-pronged attack aimed at her upper and lower swimsuit areas. Following up without any rest, he bit down on her earlobe.


A sweet yelp escaped from her. Her face is tinged in a deep shade of red, she grabbed Wu Yan's arms in a weak manner. If an outside saw this, it would look like Kotori is the one guiding Wu Yan right now.

The rare resource known as rationality started collapsing as she sighed and panted away. Her moans echoed in this hot spring without Kotori being aware of it.

To avoid detection, Wu Yan closed her mouth by plugging it up with his mouth. He also didn't forget to pry her clenched teeth open with a delightful dance of his tongue. Once he slipped inside, he took her small tongue hostage and he made sure to teach her who is in charge by coiling his tongue and hers together.

The hot spring which is already steamy in the first place got even more steamy as if the hot spring is embarrassed to be a host to this kind of racy event. The steam obscured the two of them from view like some kind of censorship.

Tohka, Yoshino, and Yoshinon really dozed off as they didn't notice this M-rated event going on in front of them. If they did see it, it would probably ruin their innocence.

The two pairs of red eyes with different shades met each other as the two of them parted lips. They are both out of breath.

He gave her one more peck and he released the hand that was attacking the area around her inner thigh. He hoisted her up by her butt and he straddled her in front of him.

"No… Onii-chan…"

Kotori gasped.

"Not in a place like this… please…"

Wu Yan finally realized where the venue is and his mind cleared up a bit. He bitterly laughed and he didn't press her hips down and towards him. Instead, he rubbed her fanny up and down.

Faint panting sounds could be heard reverberating in the hot spring again and again…

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