Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 432: Become one? Manic passion!

Enveloped in a dark aura, Tokisaki Kurumi looked very insidious. Dark lights that looked like fireflies danced about her. Even the sky appeared to be crying as droplets of dark water rained down in this alley. The wind which normally would be invisible can be visibly seen as it had been dyed black by Tokisaki Kurumi's aura.

Wu Yan gathered his thoughts and he got into a stance. Tokisaki Kurumi caused a localized gale just by getting serious and Wu Yan knows it, he can feel his heart sinking. She's going to make her move soon.

Her black gothic lolita dress fluttered about as she poured forth her aura. The next instant, her clothes disappeared and though veiled by her dark aura, Wu Yan still managed to catch a few glimpses of her pristine body.

She flashed brightly and she emerged from the flash having donned her astral dress. It's still a gothic lolita dress but this one has red and black frills. He could see her ivory shoulders exposed to the air. She had long fingerless gloves and a giant ribbon tying her dress together at her waist. Meanwhile, her legs were hidden away by the long black silk stockings she had which were held up by a black garter belt.

Her black hair is now tied into twintails of uneven length with a crimson net bow. Her bangs are swept aside, her left eye finally visible to Wu Yan. Her left eye had a peculiar appearance in that it resembled a golden clock face.

Tokisaki Kurumi: Lvl 75

Her clock face eyes turned as if she's observing Wu Yan's reaction. Even if he's not used to eyes like this he can tell that she's very excited like she can't wait to eat him.

It's a counter for the time Tokisaki Kurumi has. If she succeeds in devouring him, Wu Yan's immortality would stop her golden eye because it would mean that her remaining time is not infinite.

Her passion is partly driven by her greed. She's like a hungry wolf being shown the sight of the most delicious meat to ever exist on this earth. Wu Yan frowned, he felt upset and angry.

It's as if she's so sure she can get him like he's some kind of food just waiting to be eaten. Wu Yan didn't like this notion.

Tokisaki Kurumi noticed his disgruntlement, she is slightly shocked at his reaction. She laughed.

"Ara ara, onii-san, I find your lack of surprise at my transformation a bit disappointing…"

She tilted her head.

"It's like you are aware of the existences of spirits."

Wu Yan didn't say anything in response. He approached her which amused Tokisaki Kurumi.

She supported her chin with the palm of her hand and she flushed red like a coy little girl. She purred.

"Say, Onii-san, do you find me beautiful?…"

Wu Yan is flabbergasted at her behavior. He retorted while shrugging her off.

"What are you trying to say? You want to know what I think of you and then confess to me?…"

Tokisaki Kurumi's smile widened. She stopped acting shy before she continued.

"Ara, I like that idea. You have no idea just how charming you are, I am really swooning here…"

He sighed at her.

"I see, pardon my doubt but you don't look like someone who would fall in love at first sight…"

"Oh? What's this? You're talking like you know me very well.."

She giggled.

"You're wrong, by the way, I truly fell hard in love the moment I saw your face…"

She approached him while minding her gothic lolita dress, her eyes looked like she's dazzled by him.

"Ah, ah, this is so vexing, I don't think I can leave you anymore? Oh, what should I do? This is truly a big problem!"

She looked like a madwoman but Wu Yan frowned at her eyes. Those eyes do not belong to someone in love, those eyes are like the eyes a gold-digging beggar would have at the sight of a rich lady passing by in front of him. Wu Yan's eyes turned cold.

She noticed this and she stopped getting close to him but her eyes are still the eyes of a crazy woman, psychopathic even.

She licked her lips and her smile turned into a sinister grin. She used her tender voice on him.

"Say, Onii-san, why don't you and I join together as one so we never part with each other?"

She laughed.

"Oh, don't even think about saying no. I might angry, you see…"

She laughed out loud, her shoulders trembled as she covered her mouth.

"Ahaha, look at me, I am so charged up…"

She shined bright red and her aura morphed into pale arms that came at Wu Yan like whips.

Wu Yan looked calm but he's panicking. When she started dripping sluff juice Wu Yan is already on high alert mode. Portals opened behind him and black projectiles shot out to tear the arms to shreds.


Gasping in surprise, she grinned at him.

"I was right, you're no human, neither are you a spirit. Makes sense, a normal human wouldn't have that much strength in the first place. Ah, ah, you're making me want to monopolize you more and more…."

Wu Yan wasn't pleased to hear such passionate words from her, being targeted by her usually ends poorly for anyone she has ever set her eyes on.

I need to get out of this joint pronto…

It's like she read her mind, she grinned before a musket and flintlock gun appeared in her hands.

Wu Yan stopped when he saw her drawing her guns. Tokisaki Kurumi fired a bullet at him without any warning at all. The flintlock gun shouldn't be loaded yet Wu Yan can sense the invisible energy gathering inside.


A bullet that had enough power to shatter rocks came flying at Wu Yan.

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