Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 416: Spacequake alarm, as expected…

Tenguu City, Raizen High School.

The teacher did her best to unleash a torrent of knowledge upon the students. She didn't stop for the whole duration her class was in session. Wu Yan admires her ability to talk non-stop like that. However, he didn't listen to her lessons at all.

He understood the lesson, even if he didn't, Impeccable memory allowed him to recall the lesson and its content with perfect accuracy. However, classes are a form of mental torture for him, he's an otaku through and through, a torment like this one is one he had suffered for 12 years.

Excluding preschool, that is…

Luckily for him, the classes here at Japan aren't as lengthy as the one over in China, there are also clubs, clubs, and more clubs. This is practically heaven compared to what he had to deal with. Thus, he just laid back and enjoyed the day as much as he could.

Aside from Wu Yan, there's another student who didn't listen to the class at all. Tobiichi Origami had the best grade of her year, full marks in physical education, cute looks, she's basically the model student of all model students. She's behaving unlike herself, she's not paying attention to class. She had her mind full of thoughts about Wu Yan.

It's like she's worried that Wu Yan would rampage and hurt people.

Wu Yan didn't like this attention she's giving him. It's not like he dislikes getting attention from a beautiful girl like her. However, the way Tobiichi Origami is looking at him, it's like an android trying to analyze everything he does. It's so unnatural that he can't get used to it.

After class…

Shiori packed up her stuff and she turned to Wu Yan.

"Shido, let's go to the family diner, Kotori should be there waiting for us…"

Wu Yan nodded, at least, he planned to nod until Tobiichi Origami interrupted them by standing up all of a sudden.

Tobiichi Origami got close to Wu Yan and she stared at him so hard that he felt uncomfortable, he thought he would cry.

Miss, you have been staring at me the whole day. I am not handsome and as a true ancestor, there's really nothing much to see except for my eyes, please stop with the staring…

Maybe she heard Wu Yan's internal monologue, Tobiichi Origami voiced her thoughts with her expressionless face.

"Why are you here?…"

Wu Yan laughed her off.

"I can guess why you're asking me that but why do you appear unfazed at my appearance?"

Shiori scratched her cheek and she raised an arm.

"Er, do you two know each other?"

Tobiichi Origami turned towards Shiori. Wu Yan also noticed that Tobiichi Origami looked at Shiori with a really passionate pair of eyes even if she appeared expressionless.

Shiori shivered and she backed away subconsciously from her intense stare. She's wondering just where did she meet this genius girl, why is she acting like she's familiar with her?

In the original work, the answer remains unknown and naturally, no one could give an answer to Shiori's internal question.

Wu Yan confirmed the change in attitude as he arrived at the conclusion that his prior suspicion had been correct.

They turned a fine lady into a yuri girl…

Wu Yan turned his attention towards Shiori who is put on the spot by Tobiichi Origami. He admired Shiori, he had a lot of respect for Shiori right now.

Even after getting his gender-reversed, she could still attract girls. It's a level of attractiveness that people praise.

Ignoring whatever respect he might have for Shiori, Shiori is creeped out by Tobiichi Origami. She tried to run away.

"Erm, Tobiichi-san, we have a prior engagement so if you'll excuse us…"

"Itsuka Shiori!"

Tobiichi Origami spoke in a calm manner, cutting Shiori short before she can finish her sentence.

"Don't get too close to him, it won't end well for you…"

Shiori flinched and she protested back in a defiant but meek manner.

"But, Shido is my brother…"

Tobiichi Origami's pupil contracted. She wanted to believe Shiori but how can she? She would rather die than believe a spirit like Shido is the older brother of Shiori. Even if she can't get any readings indicating he's a spirit, she saw him descend with the spacequake last time.

This must mean that Wu Yan did something to Shiori.

It's certainly possible if it's the power of spirits.

"What did you do to Shiori?!"

Wu Yan twitched his lips.

"If I say I didn't do anything, will you believe me?"

Tobiichi Origami said nothing while leering at Wu Yan.

Shiori wanted to say something about Tobiichi Origami and Wu Yan's apparent confrontation. However, a loud blare stopped her. The alarm covered the entirety of Tengu city.

"Spacequake detected, all civilians should proceed to the closest shelter for cover, this is not a drill, this is not a drill. All civilians should proceed to the closest shelter for cover. Repeat, all civilians should proceed to the closest shelter for cover."

"Repeat, spacequake detected…"

It's here!

Shiori looked very surprised but Wu Yan and Tobiichi Origami had different expression, they put on their serious looks.

Tobiichi Origami looked at Wu Yan one last time before leaving the classroom. Shiori gasped and she yelled at her.

"Tobiichi-san, don't run around, we must get to a shelter as soon as possible…"

If it's any other time, maybe Tobiichi Origami would have listened to Shiori. But, if it's spirit related, not even Shiori can stop Tobiichi Origami. The revival of Tobiichi Origami's parents is probably the only thing that can stop her reckless abandon in her fight against spirits.

In the original work, Shido had to stand between Origami's cannon and another spirit for her to compromise. It's clear that every spirit is on her shit list.


Shiori turned towards Wu Yan and she pleaded in a frustrated tone. Wu Yan replied.

"Shiori, let's go take cover…"

Shiori nodded with a hint of anxiety.

"I wonder if Kotori found a shelter yet…"

Shiori took out a phone from her pocket and she tracked Kotori down via GPS, Wu Yan couldn't stop her as she yelped.

"Why?! Why is Kotori still at the family dining place?"

Shiori recalled what Kotori said to her this morning and she turned pale.

"Kotori, is she really waiting for us over there?"

Wu Yan patted Shiori on the shoulders…

"Go take cover, I will deal with Kotori…"


"Leave it to me!"

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