Shoujo Grand Summoning

: Welcome in 1985! The high-level of the world of Spartil gathered! ...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘’, ‘night’s moon’, ‘647644’, ‘dream’s little demon’!)

The next day, early morning...

Today, the 'Different Generations' located in the corner of the Great Beast Forest does not shield itself from the past, but relieves all enchantments and all means of protection. The Great Lara is exposed to the sun, presenting In the eyes of everyone.

At this time, a total of 20,000 sisters were equipped with line clothing and 'cr-unit', neatly arranged in front of the fortified walls on the sides of the 'Different Generation' gate. As with the soldiers, the posture has not changed for a moment, quite neat.

In front of a group of sisters, a group of girls stood in the first place, lined up in a row, under the leadership of Zi, slowly stepped forward, looked up and looked at the direction of the sky.

There, there are at least hundreds of large floating boats flying slowly over here.

Take a closer look, the hundreds of floating boats are mainly divided into three camps, separated by a distance in the middle, the first one has a whole double than the rest of the floating boat, the whole body is golden float Airboat.

On the deck of all floating boats, including the golden floating boats, they were all full of people.

Looking at that scale, this floating boat will carry a million people, and hundreds of floating boats will add up to a million people!

Moreover, it can be seen from the atmosphere of the whole million people who are concealed and fluctuating. These people, at least have to be the fifth-order powerhouse!

One million large corps of at least the fifth-order powerhouse!

If such a group of people rushed into the world of Spartal, believe. Sweeping the entire world of Sballil is definitely not a problem!

Of course, there is no need to sweep.

Because this is divided into three batches of hundreds of large floating boats, which are the floating boats that dominate the three empire of the entire world of Spartil!

The three ships are more than double the size of the rest of the floating craft, and the whole body presents a golden floating boat. It is also a special floating boat for the royal family!

The floating boat team watching the three empires slowly flew over. And all of them fall into the behemoth forest, purple with a line of girls and many royal sisters quietly staying in place. Did not say anything.

Not long after, in the forest ahead, a large number of people walked in the direction of ‘the capital of a different generation with very neat footsteps. Exposed to the vision of all girls.

This large group of people is also divided into three groups, separated by a distance.

On the left are the three families of the Ai Lu imperial royal family and the Lori family, the Saito family, and the Leiding family. They belong to the group of the Ai Lu empire. They are headed by Kate, Hilifer, Lei Wang, Bolu, and Yage.

In the middle are the Baruchan Empire royal family and the Moma family, the Weitan family, and the Mani family, belonging to the group of the Baruba empire, headed by Goda, Safa, Coron, Will, Ge Bi and his party. Five people.

On the right are the family of the Phil Empire and the Wyan family, the Sender family, and the Remy family, belonging to the Phil Empire group, headed by a group of five people from Via, Kaya and three other veterans.

At this moment, the three imperial royal families that dominate the entire world of Spartal and their respective three major families. The top 12 forces on the mainland gathered together and came to the ‘the capital of a different generation’!

And when this line dominated the top 12 forces of the entire world of Spartal, it came to the front of the ‘the capital of the next generation, except for the leading figures led by the three major empire groups. The rest of the people all stopped, and the rest of the people, under the leadership of Kate, Goda, and Via, came to the front of the purple, took off the crown, and respectfully performed a ceremony.

"I have seen Zi Daren!"

The three emperors are saluting a girl who looks good in the flower season!

This scene falls in the eyes of those who know the identity of the girl in the flower season. It is just as natural.

Just because of this flower season girl. It is one of the semi-deity powers standing at the peak of the world of Spartil!

Spartal world power is supreme, as long as you have absolute power, you can override the kingship and the empire!

If you don't see it, the guardians of the three empires of the Ai Lu Empire, the Baruba Empire, and the Phil Empire will not show up in any way, only when the royal family is in danger of being destroyed, and the royal family will be saved. Foundation, at other times, no matter how much the battle is so hot, even the birth of the Beastmaster of the first half of the gods will not come out? ...

I don’t see you. When the three empires faced the World of Warcraft troops and faced a huge crisis of extinction, the three emperors discovered that the patron saint was not in the palace in this critical moment, but there was no way to complain to the patron saint. Thought? ...

This is the majesty of the semi-divine powers standing at the peak of the world of Spartal, and the individual is superior to the existence of the king and the empire!

Therefore, let alone the ceremony of the purple, that is, the three emperors all pass to the purple skull, and the strong people around the three emperors will not have a strange look.

Violet looked at the nine-order powerhouses of Hilfer, Safa, Kaya and the other nine families who continued to salute after Kate, Goda, Via, and other three emperors. The look is still calm and casual, said casually.

“The hard work all the way to the rush to my ‘the capital of a different generation’, I welcome the arrival of the owners of the ‘the capital of a different generation’!”

Hearing this sentence, everyone who was still looking like a normal person, this time, his eyes and face changed.

The host representing the ‘the capital of a different generation’ welcomes us? ...

In other words, is this one of the semi-god powers standing at the peak of the world of Spartal, not the master of the ‘transverse generation’? ...

At the thought of this, everyone looked at each other and they were a little shocked.

Is this one of the never-famous ‘universal capital’, and there is a higher status than the semi-god? ...

Even the line of Kate, Goda, and other leaders who have known the owner of the 'Miscellaneous Capital' are blindly stunned. They don’t want to believe in this half-god step. Will serve others.

Of course, on the surface, everything is still the same.

"Laughing purple people come out to meet!" Kate is getting right.

"The patron saint personally contacted us yesterday, let us bring most of the strong to come to the ‘the capital of different generations’. Since it is the order of the patron saint, we naturally obey!”

"I also listened to the patron saint, and the ‘the capital of the next generation’ helped the patron saints a lot, and that was the grace of our Baruba empire!” Goda nodded heavily.

"If there is any order, please let the purple adults, despite their opening, be able to do it, the Goda and Baruba empire will never deny!"

"Also ask the purple people to lead the way!" Via reverence and respect again.

"The patron saint said that the purpose of coming here is to know the owner of the ‘the capital of a different generation’!”

Purple lightly nodded and glanced at everyone around me.

"The top three empire and the top nine families have taken a trip with me, and the rest are here!"

The semi-deity powerhouse personally ordered, and there are three emperors' words as a foreshadowing. How can the strong people from the three major empires and the nine major families dare to defy? ...

At the moment, everyone around me has a look and shouted.


Purple turned around and looked at the girls with a line. After seeing a line of girls nodding their heads, they held out the hand holding the paper fan and moved forward.


Suddenly, a huge 'gap' covered with blinking eyes is like a very strange black threshold. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it stands in front of the gate of the 'Generation of the Same Generation' and appears in this space. .

"Follow it!" The purple head did not go back, the soft voice turned into a breeze, and the fluttering swayed around.

"My Lord has been waiting for you for a long time!"

The three imperial royal families headed by Kate, Goda, and Via, and the top members of the nine families all looked up and lifted their steps. Under the leadership of Zi and a group of girls, they walked into the threshold. It is generally standing in front of a huge 'gap'.

The next moment, except for the purple and a line of girls, a large team of about 100 people walked into the "sand" and disappeared into the space.


When the top three empire and the top nine families gradually recovered their vision from the state of reaching out, the people found that they came to a vast open space.

There is a platform in front of the open space, and in front of the platform stands a tree with a soft green light and a magnificent crown.

On the platform, before the big tree, several figures stood there and entered the eyes of people at the place. (To be continued)



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