Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1983 Declaration of the girls! Firm trust in the heart! ...

(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘Mapo’s dying’ and ‘Shadowmoon Boy’!)

"I am back!"

As the sound of a full of excitement sounded, Astrea rushed into the 'heart of the generation' hall, followed by the beekeeper, the flag, the Fran, the 泷 理, the fish, the fish The generals entered the hall together.

Until entering the hall, the food bee prayed, the flag favorite, the Franda, the 泷 理 、, Astreya and his five girls found that the hall, not only purple presence, even to the Phil Empire Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yehya, and Xixian are also present. The piano, the madness, the ten incense, the origami, the beautiful nine, the four scorpions are also a group of elf girls, plus them, The girls who set off for the three empires once again gathered.

"You are all back?..." The beekeeper prayed a little surprised to see the Meiqin and the piano.

"Don't you come back in a floating boat?..."

"If that's the way!" Meiqin couldn't take care of the beekeeper, and stood aside in the corner of the hall. The pair of blue-eyed pupils stared at Icarus at the entrance to the hallway. I have a white eye.

"In order to catch up with Icarus, we can fly back directly at the fastest speed. When it is almost no strength, it is almost there!"

"How can an ordinary floating boat compare to my 'Flaxinas'?" The piano was straightforward.

"If you move forward at full speed, come back. It doesn't take a day!"

"Then, what about the master?..." Astra's question was asked by Ai Ai.

"How is the master not?..."

"Not yet out..." Sitting on the sofa, the purple tea with a leisurely drink of black tea smiled.

"I have to put myself in the room since I came back. Should I have a day?..."

Hearing, the beekeeper praying, the flag flag favorite, Flanda, the coffin, and Astraya also understand why everyone stays in the hall, why is Icarus straight? I looked at the direction of the hall entrance entrance.

Feelings, the girls are all waiting for nothing!

"Master..." Astrea couldn't help but look at the entrance to the hallway corridor, whispering.

"When can the master come out?..."

"Who knows..." Purple looks like a careless look. If you look closely, you can see that there is a slight expectation in the eyes of the gem.

"But wait for him to come out. Maybe you will not recognize him."

The meaning of this sentence certainly does not mean how much change the unspoken appearance will change, but its own overall change.

Although I didn’t see what it’s been like in the copy world for two years, I don’t know if there’s a “half-god road” mission that successfully completes the entire loop, but there’s no purple when I come back. See no words. Did not go to see him.

Purple believes. No words will not let you down. It will not let all his summoned characters and everyone in the fantasy town disappoint!

A group of girls seem to understand the meaning of the purple words, no more to say anything, but a discussion on each other's empire trip. Purple also broke the Beastmaster, and he did his hands and feet on the power of the false gods, letting the Beastmaster eat a big loss and said something about it.

"The situation finally returned to the original point!" The beekeeper sighed.

"When the Beastmaster replies to the best state, he will directly lead the World of Warcraft Corps to attack the ‘the capital of the next generation’ as recently.”

"And, this time, Beastmaster will certainly not give us another chance to seal him!" The piano also caught a lollipop, and the red eyelids flashed with a hint of helplessness.

"Moreover, we have no means to seal him. The five-and-a-half-throw powerhouses in the world of Spartil are also over-consumed. They will not recover for a while, and they will not help!"

"Would you like to ask for help from the three empires?..." The madman stunned his head.

"The Beastmaster will definitely solve the problem of dealing with the three empire first. We alone, even if we don't count the Beastmaster, it is not easy to deal with the whole Warcraft family?..."

Going to the three empire for rescue, a group of girls did not regard Warcraft as a threat, but focused on the three pseudo-beast kings who led the World of Warcraft, and did not attack against Warcraft.

That is to say, in addition to the three major beastmasters, the casualties of the World of Warcraft corps attacking the three empires of the Ai Lu, the Baruba and the Phil Empire are simply pitiful.

Now, the three great beastmasters have been removed, but the beastmaster has been out of trouble. During the period of the sacred spirit of the riots in the body, the Beastmaster will once again gather the Warcraft scattered among the three empires to gather the power of the entire Warcraft family. , attack 'the capital of a different generation'!

By that time, the 'different generations' need to face, it is more than a single attack on the three major empire, the World of Warcraft corps that brought a major threat to each of the three empire, but also several times the army. !

Although the line of girls are all nine-order powerhouses, the number of nine-order Warcraft in the World of Warcraft is definitely more than the number of 'the generations of the world'. The rest of the World of Warcraft is countless, and the flooding can drown the whole. 'The capital of a different generation'.

It is really difficult to rely on 20,000 sisters to deal with the entire Warcraft family.

Of course, if the purple of the semi-deity can deal with those low, medium and high-order Warcraft, then the Warcraft family will not be a problem more than a few times. The question is, can purple be able to deal with those ordinary Warcraft? ...

Maybe, before that, the Beastmaster will definitely win the purple first? ...

Therefore, if you want to win, it is absolutely necessary to ask for help from the three empires. If you want to come, the three empires that have just been saved by a group of girls will not refuse, and they will not refuse.

After all, the three patron saints are still healing in the ‘universal capital’...

However, Purple said so.

"The Warcraft family is not afraid of it!" Looking around at the line of surprised girls, Zi Zi pointed the paper fan in the hand to the horrible beekeeper.

"You are not right when you return to the original point!"

"Don't forget!" After smiling, the purple voice opened.

"Compared to the last time, we have a hole card on this side, a card that can be many times stronger than the Beastmaster, and can do anything!"

When I heard the purple, the girls in the line first groaned, followed by a bitter smile, and some dissatisfaction in their hearts.

This dissatisfaction is for yourself.

Who is the omnipotent card in the purple mouth, there is no need to doubt.

Now, Zi’s trust in this card is unprecedentedly high, and the time spent with him is no less than purple, and even the relationship between them is more intimate than the relationship between him and purple. It’s up.

Isn't this proof that you have less trust in that person than purple? ...

At the thought of this, a group of girls had a deep dissatisfaction with themselves.

"Planning, strategy, coping skills and even all the means derived from the word 'zhi' can be used to produce unimaginable effects, but after all, it is still weak and strong!" The girls are silent, and they say slowly in a soft voice.

"If we are a strong side on our side, but the other side is not able to use the means of wisdom, why should we ask for it?"

In a word, once again showed the absolute trust in the purple heart!

There is no doubt that Zi believes that this time, he will be the strong side!

"That's right!" The beekeeper prayed to pick up the emotions in his heart and smiled.

"I believe in him!"

A group of girls slammed their heads, including Icarus and Origami, and they said a word in unison.

"We also believe it!"

Purple smiled with satisfaction.

In the moment when a group of girls collectively firmed the voice of trust in their hearts, a rather emotional and funny voice echoed in the hall of the ‘heart of generations’.

"In other words, I am a very emotional person, a long-lost reunion, don't be so moved to want to shed tears?..."

When the voice passed into the ears of a group of girls, the girls first felt a stiff, and their hearts trembled as if they were afraid of this illusion, slowly turning over and looking at the entrance to the hall corridor.

The next moment, printed in the eyes of a group of girls, is the figure that occupies their entire atrium, as if they have been stationed forever, and can no longer afford to fall.

And, that familiar with the soft smile that makes people really want to shed tears.

Looking at the smile, the girls in the line trembled again, as if they had melted.


"Small words!"



Many girls rushed to the familiar warm embrace, and the men who embraced their soft and tender body laughed and smiled so gently. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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