Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1981 Level S! Transform ‘圣骑装’! ...

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for ‘Omelette Rice’! and ‘falling morning dreams’, ‘Mapno’s fading’, ‘’s reward!)

As I said before, the peak of the gods is the limit of every living body!

No matter what kind of existence of this living body, as long as it can cultivate, break through, and upgrade, it will at most be promoted to the peak of the demigod, and then go up, it is impossible to achieve by personal cultivation alone!

The words are the same as the girls who call the characters!

Although because of the system, the girls who are speechless and their summoned characters can gain experience as long as they can fight, thus accumulating and getting upgraded. This kind of upgrade will stop at the peak of the 99th level, even if it is a system. There is no way to continue to learn from the experience and make people improve.

And if you want to be a god-level powerhouse that transcends the peak of the gods, you must have the following two conditions:

One: The level of its own reaches the peak of the gods!

Second: absorb the power of God and get a chance to break through!

The half-god peak, no words have arrived!

Then, if you want to be promoted to the rank of God and become a true supreme, the only thing that is lacking in words is the same.

The power of God!

The system has also said that the so-called power of God refers to the formation of nature, the equipment with the power of the power can have its own kind of spirit!

Because it belongs to nature, there is no symbol of life, it does not belong to the category of life, and it can be equipped with the warmth of equipment. This kind of spirit without the symbol of life has the nature of breaking the limits of the living body, so that the living body can set foot in the realm of God, that is, to promote the gods!

This kind of natural formation. With the power of the power, the equipment with the power of God, there are in the system!

But how can those equipments match the equipment tailored specifically for them? ...

Although I don’t want to be promoted to the ranks of God, I don’t want to exchange a s-level myth weapon because I am promoted to God. If I want to do it, is it better? ...

And some people will say, since the power of God is naturally formed. There is a kind of sharpness in the equipment of Dawei, and the s-class equipment built by the system can also contain the power of God? ...

answer. Nature is ok!

According to the system, the s-class myths are all naturally formed equipment, and the so-called system creation is just a transformation of a s-class myth weapon that could have been redeemed from the system. The transformation is more suitable for the user!

Therefore, no words are simply not exchanged, but built.

However, looking at the words that need to be equipped with equipment points, props points, and ability points of 10000000 points, a pair of glaring eyes are awkward, reaching out and clicking on the system list.


Character: speechless

Equipment point: 4770000

Item point: 5370000

Ability point: 4660000

Summoning point: 1210000

Rating: 99


After five years of experience in the five copies of the world, except for the summoning point, the silent equipment points reached 4770000 points. The prop point reached 5370000 points, and the ability point reached 4660000 points, which is not much.

but. The s-class myth weapon installation needs only 10000000 points for equipment points, prop points, and ability points!

It’s a different day!

At the moment, there was no voice and laughter. After a while, after a while, on the body, a magical torrent suddenly slammed into a knight costume that burned like a flame. Covered his body.

"System..." silently speaking.

“Can you use the s-class mythical garrison as a bridge to upgrade the ‘Sanctuary’ level?...”

Is the wordless "Holy Mount" not the most suitable equipment for speechlessness? ...

If the system can be used as the same material for the s-class mythical soldiers that would otherwise need to be modified, upgrade the ‘Saint-ride’. Should I be able to lose some of the points consumed? ...



“Drop! The possibility of raising the level of “Sanctuary” is 100%! You need 9 points of equipment, props and ability points!”


Hearing the system's prompt tone, there is no danger.

Equipment points, prop points, and ability points are 9000000 points each? ...

At the beginning, when I built the 'Saint riding', I spent 1000000 points on the equipment points, props points, and abilities points. The s-class myths were equipped with equipment points, prop points, and ability points of 10000000 points each. The level of 'installation' requires 9000000 points of equipment points, props points, and ability points. Isn't this equivalent to the 1,000,000 equipment points, props points, and ability points that will be used to build the 'Saint ride'? ...

"Hey..." Sighed a little, and he could only confess his own ‘golden ring’.

There are five magical crystals in the ‘Golden Ring’!

Five magical crystals, which should be able to exchange a lot of abilities? ...

At the moment, five and a half gods are removed without words, and they are turned over to the system.


"Hey! Get 5000000 points!"


5000000 points ability point? ...

That is the magical crystal 1000000 ability point of a semi-god step? ...

In this way, the ability points are all together, but the equipment points and prop points are still much worse.

After thinking about it, he opened the ‘Wang Zhicai’ directly without words, and turned his attention to the five behemoths resting in the depths.

It is a mechanical foot with six giant nails and two hooks like a tentacle. It resembles a spider, and has a red dot with a red glow on the head. The body is covered with armored mechanical monsters.

Behind the five spider-like mechanical monsters, there is also an armor that is equally covered in size, but is twice as large as the other five. It has the same mechanical limbs, and the body as the center is relatively large. It is not placed at the front end of the body, but like a three-pronged crown with a thin upper and a wide width. It is probed at the top of the body and is equipped with a large mechanical monster similar to the elongated opening and closing barrel of the launcher.

Obtained from the world of ‘blood-blooding and madness’, the heroic weapon of the sacred gods that have been utterly given to the treasures – the ‘Narak Vila’ and the ‘Narak Vila’!

These bodies, silently, are intended to be used in the same way as the patron saint tree seedlings, and they are protected in the 'universal capital', so that they can protect the 'generational capital'. The power of these, "Narakla" has been placed in the 'Wang Zhicai'.

Now, it is possible to make them contribute to the silence.

There was almost no hesitation in the slightest. Without words, many of the militants in the ‘blood-blood attack’ that had been dreamed of by the militants were handed over to the system.


"Hey! Get equipment points 3000000 points!"

"Hey! Get the item point 5000000!"


3000000 equipment points and 5000000 item points!

The legendary sacred weapon is not a vain name!

The items are counted, and the equipment points have reached 7770000 points. Only less than 1.3 million equipment points will be able to increase the number of points in the ‘Holy Mount’ level!

By that time, speechlessness can also be promoted to the ranks of God by absorbing the power of God!

Equipment points!


The slightly irritated speech can only bite the teeth, and all the equipment and treasures in the 'Wang Zhicaibao' are handed over to the system. Among them, there are '贽殿遮那', 'Meteor Night' and numerous For the iron sand of the treasure.

And the equipment in the 'Wang Zhicai' is so lost, the level of the "Wang Zhicai" that must rely on the quantity and quality of the stored equipment to increase the power is also rapidly declining. In the end, it will be overwhelming. Things are put into a space ring, and the 'Wang Zhicaibao' is turned over to the system.

The East went together, and the West went together. After five minutes, the silent points were finally raised.


Character: speechless

Equipment point: 9011000

Item point: 10370000

Ability point: 9660000

Summoning point: 1210000

Rating: 99



Looking at the various points displayed on the system list, I said with a sigh of relief.

"System, upgrade the level of 'Holy Mount'!"


“Drop! Elevate the equipment level! Upgrade the target ‘Saint ride’!! Deduct the equipment points, prop points, and ability points each 9000000 points!”

"Elevation begins..."


In the next moment, the flaming-like ‘Sanctuary’ was like a gasoline, and the ‘h’’ sounded fierce.

However, there is no wording about the sacred riding that is burning.

Because, he felt it.

In the "Holy Mount", a very strange power suddenly appeared out of thin air, so that the organs, tissues, cells and even the magic of his body trembled slightly, sending out a eager signal. (To be continued)


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