Shoujo Grand Summoning

: Can't fly in 1949? Huge puzzle! ...

(Thank you very much for 'Ice Sealed Dragon', 'Zixiang Night', 'Maple's Withering', 'poké Touching n', 'Lessing the Wind', 'Love's Displacement', 'Let's Turnip', 'Dream of the Dream 'The reward!'

On the other hand, when the beekeepers who traveled to the Ai Lu empire prayed for a group of people and the people in the piano who went to the Baruba empire to solve the Beastmaster who led the World of Warcraft, Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yaya, and Yuxian The girls who went to the Phil Empire had a huge problem.

If the world of Spartil is presented in the form of a map, the center of the behemoth forest is centered on the southwest side of the Ai Lu Empire, the north is the Baruba empire, the southeast is the Phil empire, and the three empire are triangular. The situation, surrounded by the behemoth forest.

Since the southeast direction is a warmer climate, the precipitation has always been more than the other two empire. Therefore, the environment of the Phil empire in the southeast is not as bad as the Baru empire, even more than the road. The empire is okay.

Just one day after the girls set off from the township to the town, they went to the empire of the beastmasters they needed to deal with, that is, a group of elf girls in the piano solved the same day of attacking the ruins of the Baruba empire. In the empire, Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian, who entered the Phil Empire, have not yet arrived in the Imperial City of Phil!

The reason, simple, is simple, because it can't fly.

That's right!

Can't fly!

Since entering the border of the Phil Empire, a group of girls such as Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian have discovered. Whenever you want to fly into the sky, an extremely heavy pressure will be suppressed from above, and all people who are more than five meters above the ground will be pressed back to the area below five meters.

That is to say, once a group of girls, such as Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian, are more than five meters above the ground, the figure will return to the distance of five meters from the ground because of some inexplicable pressure. The method continues to fly upwards.

Therefore, until one day after the departure from the supply town, the means of flight was lost. The girls with 5,000 daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian were still squatting. In the territory of the Phil Empire, it was delayed to reach the Imperial City of Phil.

at this time. The daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian, with 5,000 royal sisters, are among the forests of the Phil Empire. Difficultly leading the large forces, trying to cross this small forest.

The daisy that was at the forefront stopped at a certain moment, looked up and looked at the sky.

Dark night sky. A round of meniscus is hanging on it. A faint cold moonlight sprinkled from the sky. Sprinkle the earth, illuminate the road in the forest, so that a group of girls will not be black. Nothing can be seen.

It seems that the daisy has only noticed that the night has come down, wiped the sweat from the smooth cheeks, turned around, and looked at the Meiqin walking next to her.

"Mega, the weather is not too early, let the sisters take a break..."

Wen Yan, Meiqin also raised his head and glanced at the sky. Although some of them were not willing to stop and rest, but considering that the physique of their sisters was restored to the normal person's condition, it is also normal. The degree, from the morning to the road, rushed to the present, even with the help of 'cr-unit', physical strength is overdone, right? ...

With this in mind, Meiqin also nodded.

"Let's rest!"

Under the organization of the daisy and the piano, the sisters of the board of directors began to spread silently. It was very skillful to take out the tents one by one. Some sisters were responsible for putting them together, and the other part was to pick up some of them. Firewood, ignited the bonfire, let a light smoke in a corner of the forest, just like camping.

The faint bonfire beats lightly, bringing a touch of warmth and light to this silent, cold night.

Next to the biggest campfire, a group of girls, such as Daisy, Meiqin, Icarus, Yazha, and Xixian, sat down and talked relatively silently.

Yehya is playing with the branches in his hands and playing with the flames in the campfire. The pair of eyes in the mercury is full of unpleasant looks.

Looking at such a yoke, the squint of a half-squinting eye seems to know that Yaya is dissatisfied with what he is, and stunned his head.

"Ask, is Yaya still angry?..."

"Isn't that natural?..." I casually threw the branches in my hand into the campfire. The delicate and cute face of Yaya is very bright under the bonfire, and the palm of my hand is holding the chin. Look like it.

"We are the witches of the hurricane, and the elves of the Eight Dances have been rejected by the sky. This is a shame!"

As an elf with the ability to control the wind, the sky has always been the domain of the two.

In the world of 'Dating Big Combat', the two elf girls are taking advantage of their violent and violent movement range and moving speed. Every time the 'local world' can find trouble in the future 'ast' and 'dem 'Give it behind you, and it’s a free ride.

Now, once Yajiya and Yuxian are five meters away from the ground, there is no way to continue to rise. It seems that there is an invisible ceiling there, and there is no way to fly. This makes the sky always be its own field. How can you be happy? ...

In fact, the heart of the eve is also secretly unhappy, but it has never been vented, and naturally understands the dissatisfaction of Yaya.

"I can't fly, it really brings us a lot of trouble..." Meiqin also sighed.

"Continue like this, when will we arrive at the Imperial City of Phil?..."

"If you keep going like this, it will take a few years to reach the Imperial City of Phil!" Daisy said helplessly.

"So, we can only find a city first, see if we can take a floating boat to the Imperial City of Phil, or it is really not good!"

Meiqin nodded and bit his nails, some annoyed.

"Really, why can't you fly?..."

"Isn't I already given a sacred order?..." Yekaya raised his hand and snorted.

"It is the sky that is rejecting us!"

Daisy and Meiqin looked at each other and looked at each other. Then the daisy said something awkwardly.

"I said, yeah, can you say it easier to understand?..."

"Explain, Yaya is saying that the dominance of the sky has been taken away by people!" The eve of the string is like a faceless expression, and like a listless face, responding to the sound.

"Someone, controlling the wind in the sky!"

"Someone is controlling the wind of the sky?..." Daisy and Meiqin both hesitated, and then, Meiqin said with a bit of uncertainty.

"What do you mean, is there anyone who is controlling the wind in the sky, so that we can't fly up?..."

"Agree..." Xi Xian gently nodded, raised one of his hands, and rolled up a small tornado.

"Yeya and Yu Xi can feel the wind in the sky being taken away by others, so everyone can't fly!"

When you hear the eve of the chord, in addition to the ya ya, the daisy and the melody are more or less unknown, but the general meaning can still be guessed.

That is to say, some people are interfering with the behavior of 'flying', so that the sky five meters above the ground becomes a completely restricted area, so everyone can not fly to the sky.

Then the problem is coming.

Who is interfering with the flight of others? ...

Why do you want to interfere with the flight of others? ...

What is the significance of such a move? ...

"Since I dare to **** the territory of the Elf of the Eight Dances, I have to be enlightened by the magic gun that I have to pay for it!" Yaya had clenched his fist and was very excited.

"Exactly, my divine power has been evolved under the washing of the sacred water. Let me, the elf of the Eight Dances, the Eight Dances, and the 汝, 汝, etc., how foolish it is to offend my territory!"

"Translate..." said the faint opening of the chord.

"Because of the transformation of the magical pool of water, the strength of the yoke can not wait to find someone to fight, so, Yaya is now very excited!"

"Xi string!" Ye Yayao sullenly turned to the eve of the string, regardless of continuing to speak in the second, dissatisfied.

"Why are you exposing my ideas?..."

"Retorted, even if the idea of ​​Yaya is not exposed, it will be so exciting to see Yaya, and everyone will understand..."

"I... I am not excited!"

Looking at the eight dance sisters who had quarreled each other, Daisy and Meiqin both smiled bitterly, but they had a full understanding of the relationship between the two.


At this moment, a loud noise echoed. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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