Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1926 Day insurance! Arrive at the Imperial City of Baruba! ...

(Thank you very much for the reward of 'Maple ** Withering' and 'Thundering'!)

In the middle of the endless desert, there are two huge mountains.

It was two deep-terrain terrains, like two huge fingers that clung together and towering into the mountains.

Between the cracks of the mountains like the two fingers, a huge city is located here, just like the bridge connecting the mountains. It is spectacular.

This city, nestled between the two huge mountains, is the most important king of the Baruba Empire!

Like the city of Ai Road, like the city, the king city with the golden palace in the middle is different. The king city of the Baruba empire is more like a city than a fortress.

Not only is the area so staggering, but the walls are also cast from lacquered black underground rocks, like the barbed walls in the abyss, not only with terrible defensive power, but if something is loaded On the barbs on the wall, the result must be smashed.

This kind of wall like a hedgehog, just look at it makes people goose bumps, let alone on the wall, at this time, there are densely guarded city guards stationed here.

If you look closely, you can see that the densely-warmed soldiers on the wall are holding bow-and-arms, and behind them are a group of magicians holding the staff, a look that is ready to go, so it is specifically for long distances. The layout of the offense is almost the same as the situation of the Imperial City of Ai Lu.

Together with the horrible wall and the eclipse that looms like a wave of water. If, now, the attack on the Imperial City of Baruba is one of the two empires of the Ai Road Empire and the Phil Empire. If you want to forcibly break the King City, I am afraid that it will cost a lot.

It is a pity that this time, it is not an empire that attacks the fortress like this, but the real Warcraft Legion!

With the attack of Warcraft, who is not afraid of death, the wall like a hedgehog can not play a deterrent role, and may even arouse the blood of Warcraft. Flying World of Warcraft does not need to pay attention to such a wall. It only needs to attack from the sky. It can be said to be the worst enemy in history.

It is precisely because of this that the expressions of the warriors and magicians on the wall of the city of Barubas Empire did not relax for a moment, and the whole face was stretched tightly. I am afraid I don't know when. Warcraft will attack again.

fortunately. Unlike the Imperial City of Ayutthaya, the kingdom of the Baruba Empire was built in the middle of two winding mountains, both sides of which were blocked by mountains. At the rear of Wangcheng, the two mountains are directly connected.

That is to say, the king city of the Baruba Empire is located in a huge mountain range of 'u' type. If Warcraft wants to attack the Imperial City of Barubas, except for attacking from above, it will only attack this road from the front. It is.

Therefore, the defenders do not need to be like the Ai Lu Empire, always guarding the Warcraft Legion from all directions, but only need to keep an eye on the front and the sky, it is no doubt easier than the Ai Lu Empire. less.

What's more, the desert is also a very favorable terrain. It is also very difficult for Warcraft to charge in the yellow sand of the whole land. The World of Warcraft also suffers from the dust and dust all the time, whether it is state, vision or breathing. Difficulties have led to the World of Warcraft's offensive so far not getting any favorable gains, only a symbolic attack two or three times, no pain.

Therefore, it must be said that the Imperial City of Barumba really has a great advantage in the conditions of the land, and the nationals are also very suitable to fight in the terrain of the desert. People and aspects are also detached, which is really beneficial.

According to this situation, or, can always stick to the king city without being invaded by World of Warcraft, in this battle of human and Warcraft, the forces that persisted, can not be done, in the end, it is really only possible to be the Baruba Empire.

As long as there is no accident...

However, this accident has already been buried in the kingdom of the Baruba Empire, making the most impossibly ruined city of Baruba, the most likely party to be attacked in advance.

At a certain moment, in the sky full of dust and dust, an airship that could not be seen with the naked eye broke through a lot of obstacles. In the sharp sound of the air and the fierce action of the engine, heading for the imperial city of Baruba. go with.


In the command room of 'Flaxinas', Milina pointed to the scene of the imperial city of Baruba, which was returned on the big screen.

"That is the king city of Baruba!"

"Wow..." Looking at the king's city in the middle of the fortress, which was backed by the two mountains in the big screen, all the girls had amazed voices.

"This is the so-called natural danger?..." Mad 3 is also difficult to cover his face with amazed look.

"There is such a king city, I want to come, the beastmaster who led the attack on the Warriors of the Barucha Empire is also a headache?..."

"This can also make us a lot easier..." As always, the piano contains a lollipop, like a red flaming gaze watching the kingdom on the big screen, nodding his face.

"I can understand that the Beastmaster needs a group of traitors to contribute. I want to rely on brute force to break this fortress, unless the beastmaster of the pseudo-semi-god has personally shot it. Otherwise, I will calculate all the nine-order Warcraft. The next danger!"

After that, the piano also looked at Milina.

"We are going to land, and you are responsible for communicating on the side of Wangcheng!"

"I understand!" Milina turned her head down heavily.

Immediately, the engine behind 'Flaxinas' intensified, letting 'Flaxinas' fly out at an extremely fast speed, and in a moment, appeared in front of the top of the Barucha Imperial City, ie In the sky in front of the fortress-like king city, the figure is slowly showing.

A huge airship suddenly appeared in the sky, which naturally caused the turmoil of the defenders on the wall of Wangcheng City. It also shocked the people in the city and almost attacked it until it was attacked. It was discovered that it was a rather strange floating boat that calmed down.

After all, it is impossible for Warcraft to ride a floating boat. ...

Therefore, all the defenders know that the coming is definitely human.

At the same time, a stream of black or white light rose from the sky, flying to the sky, and like a fireworks, bursting directly in the sky, forming a skull pattern of a strange beast.

That is the signal from Milina!

Only when this signal is sent out will the enchantment of the Imperial City of Barubas be opened, and outsiders can enter the king city.

In fact, that is the signal that the Moma family used to communicate with each other, but it has now been misappropriated. As long as someone sends out the signals of the three major families of the Baruba Empire, the defenders can open the enchantment.

There was no accident. After seeing the signal, the defenders began to put down their guards and let people inform the people who controlled the enchantment. After they didn’t know whether it was five minutes or ten minutes later, Wangcheng’s sky was over. The entrance that allows the 'Flaxinas' to pass through the enchantment.

On the wall, some defenders began to make gestures to guide the advent of 'Flaxinas'.

There is no maverick in the piano, so that the sisters who control the 'Flaxinas' follow the guidance of the defenders, and descend to the enchantment at a constant speed, and enter the enchantment.

Originally, in the middle of the two mountains is actually an oasis, and the Baruba empire was built directly on this oasis.

Therefore, the interior of the imperial city of Baruba is no different from the ordinary city. There are some streets, and there are also grounds made of mooring roads, instead of being like the outside, all over the ground, natural, there are also Provided to the floating square where the floating boat landed and took off.

After 'Flaxinas' entered the enchantment under the guidance of the defenders, the four floating boats flew over from the floating square and stayed around the front and rear of 'Flaxinas'. In four directions, like the escorting of prisoners, the 'Flaxinas' was led to the floating square and landed on the floating square.

After the landing of 'Flaxinas', Qinli, Madsan, Shixiang, Meijiu, Origami, and Siyi are six people with Milina and 5,000 royal sisters collectively appearing from the airships. The entire floating square was filled in an instant, and the defending staff were once again shocked.

"" A middle-aged man who appeared to be the leader looked at the girls with vigilant eyes.

"Which city are you from?..."

"I am Milina of Galos! The Milina of the Morma family!" Milina stood up quickly.

"I have important things to see and see!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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