Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1915 Strangle! Falling down the stone! ...

(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘Mapo’s dying!’)


In the astonishing loud noise, the raging impact of the wind and waves is like the waves that rushed past, with the sound of rumping, the tide of madness emerged and spread to all directions.

Under such an astonishing collision, the space of the entire woodland was slightly trembled. Some of the trees that were relatively close were even blown by the impact of the wind and waves. A crack appeared on the trunk and issued a '咔嚓咔嚓' The sound of scalp and numbness.

The impact of the storm is still resounding, and the spread of the source is constantly spreading out. The speed of the spread is extremely rapid. In just a few breaths, the Warcraft that has just been surrounded is like food, and they are swallowed up.


In the next moment, many of the World of Warcraft that were affected were hit hard, and they took the blood of the road all the way. They flew out and squatted on the ground. They didn’t break the trees, they were directly on the ground. The body was swept up, and a **** trace was wiped out. It was shocking.




The impact of the wind and waves almost affected the entire woodland, so that those who were lucky not to be affected by the World of Warcraft to make a sound of fear and snoring.

Not for the other, just because in this collision, all the World of Warcraft have felt a fear that spread from the depths of the soul.

That is the fear of death!

It’s just a ripple. Warcraft will sniff out a breath of death!

Even the ten nine-order World of Warcraft could not help but withdraw, and did not dare to be affected by those storms. For a time, it was actually the sky that was filled with a shadow of only the World of Warcraft in the previous second.

On the other hand, the right one, the flag that led to the emergence of such a scene is also the same as the strong man.

The flag of the flag only feels a very violent, violent to almost irresistible force from the fist of his own wave, and the impact of the smashing on his body, so that the flag is the favorite throat There was a low snoring sound between them. The petite figure rushed out.

Compared with the bullet-like madness that went out like a bullet, the macho man just stepped back a few steps. A drop of blood dripped from a thick fist, and the color of cyan and black became deeper and deeper on the rough face.

Obviously, this hard touch. Not only will the flag of the flag be repelled, but the poison in the man's body will spread even more. The body suspended in the air is already shaking, as if it was blown by the wind, it is very unstable.

However, looking at such a strong man, in addition to going to catch the flag of Astra, the favorite girl, the rest of the girls are somewhat awkward.

You need to know the poisons that the strong men take. But now the most powerful poison in the world of Spartal, according to Hilifer and Fifi, this poison was once poisoned to a 9th-order powerhouse in just a moment!

It’s been almost three minutes since the poisoned man was poisoned. As a result, the strong man not only has not been poisoned, but also seized the opportunity to rush up, almost the girls will be an army.

Although the anti-virus ability of Warcraft itself is much stronger than that of human beings, the poison that can poison a nine-order powerhouse in a flash can not poison a beastmaster of a pseudo-half god. The beekeeper does not expect to be able to die by poison. Strong man. But did not expect that the other side actually has the spare force to attack.

It’s just that the Beastmaster of the pseudo-half-level is so terrible. Then, what is the king of the sacred gods who will be strong? ...

Of course, at the same time as some shocks, the beekeepers are more certain.

If you don't get rid of the strong man, once the strong man finds that the patron is not there, the Ai Lu Empire will definitely be destroyed!

At the moment, the beekeeper prayed for a bite, and in a pair of stars, a small star stunned, and a strange circle of cockroaches emerged from the body of the beekeeper.

Under the influence of this circle, the surrounding Warcrafts, who were once again surrounded by a body, were stagnate, and a pair of beasts were replaced by stars, followed by a turn, with a sly face, and plunged into suspension. In the midair, a man who is crumbling by the influence of toxins.

"Wh--!" Even the strong man did not expect that the family he regarded as waste would actually defy his own command as the Beastmaster and in turn attack himself, so that the strong man is slightly stunned and waits for the man. After the reaction, there was a terrible anger and murder on his face.

"You dare!"

Along with the roar of the strong man, a thick black mist surged from his body, and a circle circling, turned into a dark ring, and the smashing shocked around.


The dark ring is like the sharpest blade in the world. It spreads around and sways through the swooping World of Warcraft. Then Warcraft is smashed and the body becomes two halves. With the blood of the sky, it fell on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the food bee pray also knows that controlling the Warcraft who can't stop even Astrarea to attack the strong man will not have any effect. The gleaming star in the glow flashes a few times, then it is exposed. A firm look.

"绢旗! Flanda! 泷 pot! Astraya sauce!"

Using the ability of 'psychological control', the beekeeper prayed while holding the endless rush of Warcraft, while passing his words directly into the flag favorite, Flanda, 泷 理,, Astor The heart of the four of Lei.

"Next, I will hold back the surrounding World of Warcraft. You are poisoned by the Puppet King and kill him!"

Wen Yan, the flag of the most love, Franda, 泷 理 、, Astreya four hearts, but did not hesitate.

Astrea, who is killing the surrounding World of Warcraft, immediately turned back and rushed to the strong man.

The flag's favorite is also the fist clenched, the chaotic airflow in the hands of the shuttle back and forth, and then moved to the strong man.

Seeing Astraya and the flag of the United States love to rush to themselves, because the poisoned and cowardly man screamed, not retreating, walking as if to shake the ground, the pace of the mountain shaking, Taking advantage of the burly body, it also rushed out.

A contrasting hammer is still hard, and the palm of his hand is thicker than the casserole, and it is full of black air, bringing a whistling sound. The strong man is so punched against the first Astraya rushing in front of himself. Your majesty.


It is a laser lightsaber that greets the man's black-eyed fist.

In a crisp sound like a gold and iron cross, the laser lightsaber in the hands of Astraya collided with the fists of the strong man, and it was a spark.

"call out----!"

At the same time, Qiuqi's favorite petite body also springs like a spring to the front of a strong man. The original black shadow flashes in front of the majestic man. A pair of fists that look petite are with the atmosphere. For the violent tremor, the violent surging vision of the airflow, like the previous strong man, slammed over.

A strong man who has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief can only have a very colic body, his face will be green for a while, and he will black up another fist surrounded by black gas, violently attacking the flag of the upper scorpion. A horror blow.


This time, there was no crisp sound of gold and iron, and there was no spark of sparkling. There was only a muffled sound as if it was directly on everyone’s heart, which aroused the impact of a riot in Astreya. In the middle of the three men who loved the flag and the strong men, they opened in the middle.

In the midst of the storm, Astraya, the flagship of the most popular and strong men, the figure of the three men retired in the opposite direction.

However, Astrella relied on excellent engine power and the wings behind it to stabilize the figure in the wings of the wing. The flag is also loved to swing two punches in the opposite direction, causing a burst of bursts. The air waves keep your body steady.

A strong man is quite awkward.

Under the influence of the venomous poison, coupled with the love between Astraya and the flagship of the two flags, the original man was only a strong man with severe physical pain. At this time, the vision in front of his eyes began to distort. The head began to stun.

Obviously, the influence of toxins on the strong man's body is getting heavier and heavier, causing the strong man to fall on his body and hit a tree.

In the sound of ‘砰’, the trees collapsed, but the face of the strong man became pale.

Of course, that is not the favorite credit of Astreya and Qiqi, all because of the influence of poison.

If you go on like this, even a strong man will not die because of poison, and he will be strangled by Astria and Qiqi because of the influence of poisonous! (To be continued)

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