Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1837 Didn't look at it? Just trying to accept it? ...

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At this time, the most eye-catching shot of the murdered Maru was keenly aware of a scene that has been neglected by the people from the beginning, and the surprise was very loud.

"How do you hold hands?..."


From the beginning, Silence and Alice have been holding hands, and they have not been released for a moment.

Silence is deliberate not to let go, and Alice does not know whether it is habitual or has not been found before, a slight glimpse, followed by some panic earned.

However, Alice's movements are not so intense. It should be said that when it has not developed to a violent level, it is easy to force a hand in advance and bind Alice's hand firmly in his own hands.

Feeling that the overbearing force made him unable to break free, Alice's flustered disappeared, but turned into helplessness, and the strength of struggle also softened, and it was a fate.

Lingmeng and Marisa seem to have reacted until now. The two of them, like the shooting of Maru, have amazed look, but one is directly exclaiming and yelling.

"Yes! Right! How do you hold hands?! How do you hold hands?!"

"Noisy!" Lingmen was annoyed with the numbness of the hand in his hand, knocking on the head of Marisa, and the exclamation of Marisa became a cry.

"This question has been asked by the text!"

"Oh oh oh yeah..." As a reporter, in fact, it is the paparazzi of the paparazzi that smells like a cat. The eyes burned with a strong gossip and came close.

"Don't you. Are you two better?..."

"What is better?..." Alice is very uncomfortable. Obviously, she has never experienced such a scene before. Deeply frowned.

"Do you have to say so ugly when you talk?..."

"Sorry, sorry. Then I will change the one!" Shooting the ball without reducing his enthusiasm, curiously asked.

"Are you together? Or are you together? Still together?..."

"Although this statement is not hard to hear..." Alice's brows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

"But why do I still feel very unhappy?..."

"Do you know this cub crow on the first day?..." It was speechless, and he couldn't help but grin.

"Even if we have a reason, we have to do this. This cub crow must also say that the white one is black, and it is hard to copy the scandal. So, for her, only the real gossip and the anecdote are the expectations. What is boring to explain, that is the most boring!"

"I didn't expect you to know me very well..." Shooting a ball and smiling, the smile seemed very embarrassing.

"And, it seems that you have no sophistry at all, even if I don't mean to black you, your relationship seems to be very unusual..."

"Is it normal?" Alice's frowning brows slowly. It seems that it has finally calmed down, and with no sorrowful face, I shook my head.

"No matter what. I don't want to be too noisy, so you better not ask too much..."

"Oh..." Shooting the ball is not full.

"Is that not very boring?..."

"Please, we are not a tool for you to have fun!"

"And, what is your interest, what is it?..."

"Is that still used to say?..." Shooting the ball, Wen Wen stood up.

"Of course, I shoulder the responsibility of my cultural journalists and make your relationship public!"

Speaking of such a sentence, the shooting of the ball is also habitually to touch the position of his chest, intends to pick up the camera that was hanging in front of him. Take a photo for this scene, you can touch it. Naturally, I touched an empty one.

After all, shoot the camera of Maru. Still in the hands of no words...

"Camera!" Shooting a scorpion hit a spirit and jumped up.

"You haven't returned my camera yet!"

"Before that, give me the negatives inside!" Marisa also jumped out, then looked at Alice, asked in confusion.

"But, Alice, do you really fall in love with the younger brother of Yakumo?..."

When I heard Marisa, the entanglement in Alice’s heart can be imagined.

Simply deny that the established facts are not Alice's style. Similarly, it is not Alice's style to recognize anything.

In the style of Alice, at this time, most of them will choose to ignore or indulge in the past, and how others can try to figure out how to ask is Marisa, and Alice will naturally have the urge to explain.

But in the end, Alice still didn't choose to blink and sigh, and sighed and said what she was thinking.

"You think too much, I didn't look at him, just trying to accept him..."

Did not look at him, just trying to accept him!

This is the real thought in Alice's heart!

In any case, the relationship with speechlessness is already an established fact, then there are only two choices for Alice.

First, stay away from speechlessness, and nothing has happened.

At the beginning, Alice made this choice.

But this choice was forced to abandon in the inexplicable way of forgiveness.

So Alice left only the second choice.

As I just said, try to accept speechless.

I have to say that although Alice is the first time she has encountered such a thing, the idea is really decisive and the best. It doesn't know how many times it is better than cutting it.

It is also clear that Alice is such a person, and no words will be forgiven for forgiveness, because, in that case, Alice will try to accept herself.

It is possible to make this girl who has the most beautiful name among the girls in the Western series of Fantasy Township to meet for the first time less than ten days ago, and to make such concessions after less than ten days. I am very proud of it.

Of course, the spiritual dream, the magic sand, and the shooting of the murder are unclear, so it is right.

"Forget it, I will be the little brother of the Eight Clouds!"

It should be said that it is Marisa. In the face of things that cannot be understood, she will understand it in a way that she can understand, and she will shake her head and say such a sentence.

"Reassured, Alice, although the relationship between the spiritual dream and me is also good, the monster of the Eight Clouds is also very strong, and the Red Devils seems to be very difficult to wrap, but I will stand on your side!"

"Magica..." Alice didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, and she could only tangled it.

Only the spiritual dream, after Alice, deeply wrinkled his brow.

"Why should you pull me?..."

"Hey?..." Marisa looked at the dream of horror.

"Don't you say that you will let the younger brother of Yayun's family be your husband?..."

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience calmed down.

That is of course.

After all, Alice didn't know about the shooting of Maru. Before that, for a few bags of gold coins, Ling Meng tried to sell himself.

Alice cast some cold eyes on the silent body, and the shots of the essays burned again.

"What? Why haven't I heard of this?..."

"You said that?..." Ling Meng also remembered what he had said before, but waved his face without care.

"That's still ok!"

"Oh?..." It was only with Lingmen and others that they were going to make trouble, but they were only curious about Alice’s sneer.

"Don't want to sell it with your own virginity?..."

"You only sell chastity!" Ling Meng mouth sighed, said impatiently.

"How did I know that you can get into trouble?..."

The implication is that the previous spiritual dreams did not know that speechlessness is a curse, a existence that may destroy their leisure life all the time, so it is only awkward, and intends to accept the gold coins without words.

As for what makes a selfless husband become his own, most of the time, the spiritual dream is intended to be a famous name.

Do not doubt, this whole body up and down in addition to red and white or red and white witches, it is so no exercise.

So now, the repentance is just like eating something that is hard to eat. Although it looks a bit ugly, it doesn't care.

Realizing this, speechless and speechless, took a bag of gold coins from his body and threw it into the body of the spiritual dream.

"Well?..." Lingmeng subconsciously took over the heavy gold coin bag and felt the familiar feeling inside. He quickly took the bag into his arms and asked immediately.

"What are you doing?..."

"Do you dare to ask if you will receive the gold coins in the future?..." There is no way to vomit, and you lick your own eyebrows.

"In any case, the shrine is destroyed, I am more or less responsible, you use this compensation to rebuild the shrine!"

Hearing the words, the face of Ling Meng was so good. (To be continued)

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