Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1802 killing? make up? Be responsible for? ...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Ranger Max', ‘Little Winds’, ‘Dream of the Dream’, ‘God’s Remorse’, ‘Super Aan’, ‘Thunder’, ‘Butterfly’s Frost!’

Fantasy Township, Magical Forest...

The still forest is still a misty, filled with dizzying suffocating suffocation, so that there is no trace of anger in the forest where the scenery is not bad, just like death.


At a certain moment, this silent forest suddenly burst into a loud noise, and many sneaky monsters hidden in the forest were stunned, like frightened birds. And open.

If you take a closer look, many mushroom monsters actually see it.

In one of the corners of the Magical Forest, after a loud bang, a light smoke filled the sky and floated into the sky.

That place is the location of the Alice Mansion.

If someone is nearby, you can see that a pothole burst on the roof of Alice's mansion.

The smoke is rising from this pothole.

During this period of rising smoke, two streams of light swept from the inside, and ascended into the sky, as if they were chasing each other, flying through the small holes. The sky.

"call out!"

I haven't waited for the two streamers to fly out of the smoke and the wind, and they are exposed to the air, and a burst of sound is heard.

It was a few small afterimages that flew out from the back of a streamer.

The afterimage was cut in the speed of the smog like a sickle, and the lightning flashed out. In the sound of a broken air, the airflow was broken and the streamer flying in front was caught up.

In the next moment, the afterimages that caught up with the streamer all flashed a strong magical light, bursting into a burst.


The thunderous bang slammed again, accompanied by intense fire and smoke, like the atomic bomb of the explosion, mushroom-like, slowly rising.

Immediately, the streamer covered by fire and smoke came from the inside. Shows the original state.

A stature is awkward. It seems to be a panicked figure.

At the same time, below, another streamer also showed the original shape, a beautiful and delicate girl flew out. Came to the opposite side of the figure. There are a lot of exquisite villains in the body. The eyes carry a cold look, but more is shy.

These two people are natural. It is silent and Alice.

Although he still smokes lightly on his body, his body shape is quite embarrassing, but the clothes on his face are not even chaotic, and obviously, he has not suffered any harm.

However, even so, no words are still full of embarrassment and panic, watching Alice floating in front of her face, face cold and angry, and quickly screamed.

"Wait! Alice!"

"Don't call me!" In the face of silent speech, Alice, who is often difficult to anger, is not hiding her anger at all. The beautiful face is full of anger, and her eyes are full of anger and Killing.

"I am familiar with you?..."

Such a sentence, at first glance, is like being a self-willed child, and it is awkward.

However, Alice is a relatively indifferent to others, and relatively indifferent to the familiar people, basically not tied to things, very casual.

How can such a person be awkwardly casually? ...

Therefore, if you are familiar with Alice, you must know that this time, Alice is really angry.

It’s not a long time to really know Alice. It’s not even for ten days, but it’s quite familiar to Alice. Naturally, I know that Alice is really angry this time.

Of course, if Alice doesn't get angry, it will be strange to be speechless.

After all, I have just said that the time when I have no words and Alice’s true understanding is strictly calculated, not even for ten days.

That's it, there is no such thing as a girl who can't even meet for ten days to eat a living light.

In this way, if Alice is not angry, then it must be that the head is not normal.

Understand that he is losing money, and he can only raise his hand with a bitter smile and surrender.

"I know you are angry, but you at least give me a chance to explain!"

"Explain?..." Alice took a deep breath, as if she was pressing the anger in her heart, and said coldly.

“What else can be explained?...”

"You obviously know it!" Step by step without a word.

"I didn't do it on purpose!"

"!" Alice clenched her teeth and stared blankly.

"So? Because you didn't mean it, I have to stop?..."

Without a word, I can't speak.

Indeed, no matter how you look at it, Alice is only a victim. Although it is not intentional to say nothing, but he not only did not suffer, but occupied a big bargain. People are willing to force themselves to calm down and listen to him. It is worth it. Burning incense and worshipping Buddha.

"I know that you are very angry now, but things have already happened. Even if you really kill me, you can't let the things that have happened disappear..." The sad face.

"Give me a chance to make up for you, I will be responsible, okay?..."

It is said that Alice is not happy, but she is very angry.

"Who wants you to be responsible?!"

After that, Alice was like a sly girl in the dance, her hands were on display, and the magic thread danced from her ten fingers.

The exquisite little people who were suspended in Alice's body suddenly raised their long guns in the hands, just like the soldiers in the formation of troops, and they formed a formation, and then suddenly slammed out.

However, the small people who came out of the shock did not directly charge to the faceless, but as if they were running, they first rushed out of a distance, and immediately the long shot in the hand.


Suddenly, a burst of shock waves arranged from one to the other, the little dolls who pierced the long guns in their hands burst out in front of them. Like a huge cannonball, they swayed the air and slammed into the front.

Seeing, speechless can only be a general wave of hand, the palm of the hand swayed, a group of pure white flames like a flash of light, scratching the space, in the air riots and the tumbling of the air, silent Sweep out.

In a twinkling of an eye, the pure white flame ran into the invisible impact, and the invisible impact was immediately like the collapsed rock disk, which burst into a wind and dissipated into the invisible.

Seeing this scene, Alice's pretty face was slightly discolored.

Alice also heard from Marisa, and she once tried to challenge Remilia and stay up all night, and she played the role of Remilia and staying up late, and once overwhelmed Marisa. The suppression has been suppressed.

In terms of strength, Alice's strength is also very strong, even if it is Marisa, she can't say that she can win Alice, want to come, stay up all night is the same, and only Remilia dare to say that she is stronger than Alice.

However, compared with no words, it is definitely a lot worse.

In addition, with Alice's eyesight, I couldn't see the white flame that I had just used. What was the end of the flame, and I suddenly disintegrated my attack. Alice finally understood the strength of speechlessness. The tip of the iceberg.

Fight against him, you should be impossible to win!

Alice’s eyes became a bit sloppy, but there was no hard-line attack. This undoubtedly made a sigh of relief and a fortune.

In the face of an impact, there is no need to use the flame of 'White Dragon's Burning' to fight.

The reason for this is to shock Alice, let Alice calm down and listen to her own words.

It seems that this move is right.

"No matter what, can you calm down first?..." The voicelessly advised.

"You just didn't follow the rules of the card at all. If you bring the spiritual dream to you, then it is really troublesome. Do you want the whole fantasy town to know what happened between us?..."

When I heard this sentence, Alice's eyes were more and more intense, and I looked at the silent eyes, and the change of my face could not help but let the silent heart follow it.

No way, who will let him lose? ...

It is said that he is not intentional, but after all, he still does it himself, and even the factors that lead to his own 'not intentional', that is, the medicine of Ba Yi Yong Lin is also self-satisfied and willing to drink it. He has no way. Convince yourself that you are innocent.

So, if you can, I really hope that Alice can forgive him, that is the best.

Just as Alice was still hesitating, not far away, a full of surprise sounds and passed into the ears of the two.

"What happened?..." (to be continued...)

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