Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1797 Let's touch it twice, nothing? ...

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for ‘Stars and Drunken’!” and ‘With Vegetable Radish’, ‘Light Son’s Shana’, ‘Secondary’s Double Scorpion’, ‘湮雨江南’, ‘(り’'s reward!)

Fantasy Township, Magical Forest...

Stepping on ‘咔叽咔叽’, the rhythm of the land, the land of the foliage, walking in the forest, like a tropical rain forest, rich in humidity, silently took a deep breath.

Such an action, in fact, is very unwise.

As long as people in the fantasy town know basically, the air of the magical forest is filled with spores and suffocates released by the mushroom monsters that can make people feel illusory. If ordinary people inhale, they will not only have hallucinations, but even serious It will become unconscious from then on.

Is it wise to take a deep breath in a magical forest that is illusory and full of spores and suffocates in the air? ...

If such a move is carried out too many times, then let alone an ordinary human being, even some ordinary monsters, goblins, and demon spirits will fall into the illusion and cannot extricate themselves.

Of course, speechlessness is not an ordinary human being, nor an ordinary monster.

On strength, on the level, on the lineage, no words are all the best, even in this fantasy town that is taken care of by the gods, it will never fall into the illusion because of the spores and suffocation of the area.

However, Paqiuli said that there is nothing wrong with it.

In the forest of magic, these spores and suffocating sensations that can make people fall into illusion, although they can't affect speechlessness, can't let him fall into the hallucination, but like chemical drugs, can make the sin of the seven sins that are inciting inside. Get calmed down.

However, it is said that it is calmed down, but it is not. Even if you stand deep in the magical forest, the eagerness of the opposite **** is still beating, making him think about the beauty of the beautiful girls they know.

These spores and suffocates that can make people illusory in the magical forest can play a role. It is also like dilution, which can only help to ease the impulse and enthusiasm of the innermost desire for the opposite sex.

of course. It’s just that, it’s also a big help for nothing.

At least, in the case of the relaxation of these spores and suffocation, even the inner desire for the opposite **** is still working, and there is no word and no direct loss of reason.

"Spores and suffocating...??"

Walking in the woods of the Magical Forest, he looked up silently and looked around the suffocating air with the same humidity and a hint of purple. Can not help but slightly contradicted.

"The suffocation is no problem, but what about spores, so it **** into the body, even if it is impossible to affect yourself, it feels a bit disgusting..."

I will think so, in the whole fantasy town, probably, there is no one.

After all, unlike the outside world, there are people living in fantasy towns. Common sense is totally different from the common sense of people outside.

In the heart of the human beings in Fantasy Township, let alone **** the spores into the body, if the flesh and blood of the monster can cure the disease. They must not mind eating a bite.

This is the difference between the fantasy township and the outside world, the fundamental concept.

No words are different from them. There is still some resistance to the absorption of spores. It is even more impossible for him to eat the flesh and blood of the monsters, but now it is not a small time.

Compared with the behavior of seeing people, it is much more disgusting to feel a little bit more. If you don’t want to go back to normal tomorrow, you will get the title of “Fantasy Township Bulldozer” and “Perverted Vampire Reality”.

"Forget it..." I thought of it here. Silence is relieved a little.

"In any case, the spores and suffocation in the magic of the magic also have the effect of improving the magic. Even if the amount of lifting is not as good as sitting down and meditating for a little while. It is better than nothing to gain..."

It is better to say that even in the magic of the forest, **** a whole day of spores and suffocation. The amount of magic that can be obtained without words is not as good as sitting down and meditating for a little while.

No way, the magic of speechless is too big, and very pure, far from the ordinary magic can be comparable, plus no words, but also use the body of the true ancestors supplemented by the most advanced magic cultivation method to cultivate magic, The amount of improvement in your own cultivation is not trivial.

Therefore, the spores and suffocation in the magical sensation of the magic, for a common magical ambassador, may be a good shortcut to improve the magic, for the words, it is a bit ribbed.

Even Marisa and Alice, who live here all the year round, are basically unable to gain magical power, let alone speechless, and the effect is negligible.

"Oh..." sighed, and grabbed his hair without words.

"You have to stay here for a whole day, where are you going?..."

In the forest of magic, no words are not without a place.

Marisa lives in the forest of magic, and Alice also settles here. It is a good pastime to visit Marisa and Alice.

If it is changed in the past...

"Oh..." He smiled without a word.

"When you visit Marisa and Alice now, will you have all sorts of troubles?..."

For example... push down...

Another example... push down...

Still like... push down...

"Oh..." sighed again, and he nodded his hands.

"Still go around, or find a place to sleep..."

However, unfortunately, nothing is doomed to be counterproductive.

Almost in the moment when talking to himself, a good voice persuaded the same voice to scream from the back of the speechless.

"If you don't know where to go, I can recommend a good place for you..."

"Wow!" The sudden sound was a shock to the speechless words that had just been said to himself, and screamed like a reflex.

"Yeah--!" and the silent voice seemed to be a shock to the future. The next moment, a lovely exclamation sounded, and the silent eyes attracted the past.

I saw, behind the speechless, a delicate and lovely girl is holding a screaming posture suspended in midair.

Wearing a very ordinary white shirt with a black pleated skirt, black short hair with shoulders, a red hex cap on the head, and a pair of crow wings on the back.

Come, it is just a long time ago, I saw a shot of the ball.

"Is it you?!" There was some confusion and some horror.


"You can call my full name to shoot the corpse, or you can call my name directly, or even call me a nickname, but please don't call me a dog!" Shooting the ball is first shot and he was just shocked. Be careful of the liver, followed by a dissatisfied face.

"I am a dedicated journalist, not a paparazzi!"

"Good dog boy! I know the paparazzi!" Nodded innocently, and immediately touched his chin.

"However, I did not expect that you would also make such a cute cry as ‘Yes’. Is this the paparazzi I know?...”

"I said that I don't call the paparazzi!" The appearance of the anger and shyness appeared on the face of the shot, and it seemed that he was a little bit guilty about making a cute call.

"And, strictly speaking, before today, we don't know each other. No, it should be said that now we are only going to know the degree of the other person's name. Don't say that you know me very well. Isn't I not cute? ?..."

Hearing that the shooting of the essays is like this, the silent and subconscious mind has looked at the shooting essays suspended in front of his own eyes.

I have to say that the shooting of Maru is really cute, and the figure is not tall, but it is not full, but the big place is big, the small place is small, the standard figure is better than the day and night.

Taking note of this, the silent heart began to make a fuss, and swallowed involuntarily.

"Oh?..." Seeing this scene, the shooting of the corpse was first vigilant to fly backwards for a short distance, followed by a smile.

"It seems that my charm has not diminished, although I am attracted by the Red Devils Housekeeper who is guilty of seven sins!"

Hearing words, he was silent and pressed down his heart, but he was helpless and confused.

"Origin, you know it?..."

"Hey..." Shooting a smug smugly raised his chest and put his hands on his waist.

"I can't find anything I don't know in Fantasy Township!"

"Don't say this!" Shooting a pair of eyeballs, and a pair of eyeballs slid a little, waving to the silent.

"Hey, the housekeeper over there, don't you know where to go? Do you want to go with me?..."

"I can't go out of the magical forest!"

"Moreover, don't you know what I am doing now? Do you dare to be with me?..."

"Reassure, I am running fast, if you can catch up with me, let you touch it twice, nothing!" shots can not wait to say.

"And, the place I am going to is in the forest of magic, you don't suffer anyway, come with me!"

After that, the shooting of the essays is not waiting for the wordless consent, flying forward from the self-concerning, let the silent voice burst into a moment. (To be continued)

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