Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1769 The Roots of Sin - Seven Deadly Sins! ...

(Thank you very much for the ‘Book Friends 141212205051373’, ‘九戒久灵’, ‘有菜萝卜”, ‘夜月辰羽’, ‘疯印iS maple dance’, ‘tanzit’ reward!)

Red Devils House, Remilia's room...

Remilia, Paqiuli, Fran, and the night and the night gathered again in this room, surrounded by the surrounding, watching the words lying in bed and slumbering, all of them were awkward. .

In the first three days, there was nothing to say about almost every day, so that the entire Red Devils Hall could not be said to be peaceful, but it was definitely not quiet.

Now, without words, but in an honest and can't be honest, lying on the bed, even moving the bombs are not willing to move, just before the two extremes, but let Remilia, Paqiuli, Fu Lan, staying up late and others are not suitable.

However, what is certain is that the state of speechlessness is absolutely not normal.

Although it is noisy, but too quiet, is it an abnormality? ...

What's more, the state of being speechless is not so much quiet, it is better to say that it is half dead and dead, and anyone can see the problem.

"So, what happened this time?..." Remilia said in a helpless tone, her face was not angry.

"Is it because there has been no blood-sucking all the time, and finally it has ushered in side effects?..."

"But, he himself said that the vampire ancestors do not need to rely on blood for a living, even if they don't **** a drop of blood for a lifetime, the state will not be abnormal..." Pachelie pressed the sleeping cap on his head. The same hat shook his head.

"So, in such an abnormal state, there is only one possibility that can be thought of..."

"Is it the medicine of the moon man of the forever pavilion?..." When it comes to this, Remilia's helpless tone becomes powerless.

"It can be so noisy for the first three days. How suddenly was it quiet today?..."

On the first day, there was nothing to say, but nothing happened, but because of his arrogant speech and performance, Lemilia almost worried, staying up late is more and more silent and some can be in the two Between the erection of a wall that can never be broken, if it is not a wordless and timely wake up, I am afraid, continue, sooner or later, the people in the Red Devils will no longer be close to him.

The next day, speechless, because of the unreasonable psychology, not only hostile to Remilia, escaped from the Red Devils Hall, the whole Red Devils Hall rioted, and also had a barrage game with Marisa, if not Pachelie and Alice came to the rescue, I was afraid that Marisa had some scars.

The third day, that is, yesterday, early in the morning, no words, noisy, and the magical sand was smashed around, and the Red Devils Hall jumped like a frightened bird. Fortunately, there is no self-knowledge. In order not to get into trouble, I hid in the room for a whole day, otherwise, certainly not only.

Today, there is nothing but a half-dead, lying there. Even if so many people surround him, he is not willing to say a word. He has been awake for several times and continues to sleep, compared with the previous three days. The contrast is too big, and Emilia will have doubts, which is a matter of course.

For the question of Remilia, Paqiuli indulged for a while and spoke.

"Actually, I have a guess about the effect of the lunar man's medicine for the pavilion forever!"

"Guess?..." In addition to lying on the bed, attention has been on the silent Fran, and Emilia and her day and night have cast their eyes on Paqiuli.

"Pachelie adults..." said some nights and uncertainties.

"What do you mean, do you know what the status of Bai Daren has been in the past four days?..."

"It’s not hard to understand if you think about it..." Pachelie looked at Remilia and stayed up late.

"The lunar man of the Forever Pavilion said that the medicine that is swallowed by white is the most fundamental sin medicine that can lead to the deepest sin in the heart. And the so-called most fundamental sin, if there is no mistake, it should be seven sins!"

"Seven sins?..." Remilia stunned at the same time.

"Seven sins refer to the seven original sins of all the evil roots of life!" Pa Qiuli recalled, slowly explaining the sound.

"That is called sin, as long as it is a life with wisdom, it can never be avoided. It is arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, and seven kinds of sins. It is the root of all evil!"

"Prideful people will be arrogant, arrogant, and will be ignorant. They will despise everything they see, whether they are strong or weak, no matter whether they are male or female, no matter whether they are human beings or beasts, they will feel that they are small. The arrogant people disdain to communicate with them, even close!"

"The jealous people will envy, will swear, will resent what others have, but they don't have everything, whether it is money, looks, or even a good companion. They don't have it, or they have it, but they can't beat each other. The jealous people will want to use their own power to plunder, **** and even destroy all of them, and jealousy is also the basis of the seven original sins, and the shadow of jealousy can be found in the other six original sins!"

"A violent person will be extremely violent. In the face of such a person, even a disobedient discourse will cause a violent person to vent, retaliate, and vent his anger without any reason. This kind of person is also Often the most vulnerable to people around you!"

"The lazy person will never pursue in his life. If you insist on what to pursue, then the only pursuit of the lazy person is to sleep and rest. Even if you are hungry, you will first consider sleeping and resting. When you are thirsty, you will also consider sleeping and rest first. It’s a word to sum up, it’s lazy!”

Paqiuli said so much in one breath, and then turned her eyes to the lyingless voice.

"You don't think that the four-day performance of Bai can completely relate to these four original sins?..."

Wen Yan, Emilia and nodded at night.

On the first day, the attitude of arrogance and arrogance is completely arrogant. Even in the fantasy township, the strength and influence belong to the top five. Yong Lin is looked down upon by him. Isn’t this arrogant? ? ...

On the second day, there was no words and great kindness. It was obvious that staying up late was just doing his duty. He was hostile to Remilia, and even Patricia and Alice both made a fight. He hates Marisa, isn’t this the expression of jealousy? ...

On the third day, yesterday, although Marisa had no heart and lungs, it was really irritating, let alone she had broken a good word, and she could speak without words. At most, she was dissatisfied. Is it mad to beat Marisa in the entire Red Devils Hall? ...

Today, speechlessness is the result of this half-death, isn’t it the performance of laziness? ...

"The lunar man of the Forever Pavilion once said that the medicine swallowed by white can maintain the effect of seven days!" Paqiuli sighed.

"Lenovo has changed one look in the past few days, and then thinks that the moon man's medicine for the forever pavilion can trigger the most fundamental evil effect in the heart of the person. I think the effect of the drug should be in seven days. Let the person taking it take one of the seven original sin days..."

"This..." said the night with amazement.

"That is, will Bai Daren commit arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, and ** seven original sins in seven days?..."

"Yes!" Pa Qiuli nodded heavily.

"The seven root causes of sin will be manifested in all these seven days, and it seems that it is not white that they can control, but naturally want to do it. So, to be honest, Bai can fall into seven cases. I am really surprised by the suppression of the root cause of sin and sin."

Not only Pa Qiuli is surprised, if Ba Yi Yong Lin knows, should it be more or less surprised? ...

After all, no matter who you are, you will commit at least one of the seven original sins of seven sins. Even if the newborn baby will subconsciously crave for food and commit gluttony, who can say that he will never commit these seven original sins. What? ...

Even if it is the perfect nightmare of the maid, there will be arrogance, jealousy, and anger at some point. Paqiuli, to a certain extent, is also a greedy expression of jealousy. And anger can sometimes be committed, but only to a different extent.

And speechless, nature, can never be avoided.

However, the medicine of Ba Yi Yong Lin will increase, strengthen and forcibly bring out the sins of the seven sins, leading to the fact that the seven sins of silence are stronger than anyone else, and so many things will come.

"So, he is in this state, is that lazy original sin affecting him?..." Remilia looked at the snoring, no words that were awakened, and a headache.

"No way, stay up all night, take care of him today!"

Stay up all night.

"Yes! Missy!" r1152

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