Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1758 shouts from the outside world! ...

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When Paqiuli and Alice came to the battlefield of the magical forest, not far from the battlefield of the magical forest, the barrage that appeared in front of the two girls was already fierce to completely stop.

In the vision of Pachelie and Alice, such a scene is printed in the eyes of two people.

A person stood on the ground, not moving like a mountain, but behind it was a red crimson space, a black knives, swords, guns and other all kinds of all-out dark weapons burst out from the sky. And started to shoot into the sky.

In the sky, another person is standing on a broom, facing the round of shooting, showing unparalleled flying skills, that is, the wolverine and lightly shuttle the weapon that emerged from the shot. In the middle, there are still wooden small squares in the body, and the laser is shot from time to time and falls to the ground.

The dark one made a strong movement with the dazzling laser and a dazzling laser. The fierce collision between the two shadows between the two figures ignited a burst of smoke and fire, which produced a strong impact. Suddenly attacked in all directions.

At first glance, the two seem to have a battle and have nothing to do with each other, but Paqiuli and Alice know clearly.

The situation of Marisa is extremely bad!

This is also a matter of course.

Even if Marisa's magic cannon is so powerful that it can threaten opponents, but it is only a powerful move, it is impossible to win without words.

After all, it is said that it can threaten the opponent more and more, but what is said is just a threat. It is not dangerous. If you don’t really hit the opponent, the power will be useless.

and. This more threatening, you have to look at what kind of opponents you face.

Facing the ninth-order junior opponent, relying on the magic cannon. If you are found by Marisa, take some small tricks. If you hit your opponent, you can't beat it.

But unfortunately, no words are not the ninth-order primary opponent, but the true nine-step peak!

If you take it seriously, it will only take a moment, and Marisa will be defeated!

As for the seemingly flat barrage showdown, in fact, it is also unfavorable to Marisa.

the reason is simple. Even the magic guns that are fully shot can not damage the silent treasures, let alone those lasers with greatly reduced power. ...

Therefore, this fierce barrage showdown, in fact, at most it is superficial.

The real situation is that the laser of Marisa can only strike off the orbit from the invading treasure. Otherwise, Marisa does not need to continue to avoid the shooting of the treasure.

The wordless treasures seem to be a mess, but they are just irons of treasure. If you use electromagnetic force to control, you can easily control the direction of the treasure, and let those treasures that are hit by the magic sand and avoiding it continue to pursue the magic sand. But it is a breeze.

In other words, Marisa's attack has no effect on speechlessness, but the silent attack is actually threatening Marisa!

At this point, from the beginning of the speechless standing on the ground, there was no movement, and Marisa flew in the sky, and it was very embarrassing to be able to see it.

"Not good!" Alice exclaimed.

"If you go on like this, Marisa will definitely be defeated!"

"White!" Pa Qiuli was forced to breathe and screamed out because of the rapid rush.

"stop it now!"

It’s not enough to say that Paqiuli and Alice are rushing over. I intend to stop speechless.

"Hey!" I found out that the arrival of Paqiuli and Alice was silent, and the figure that had not been moved at all was finally a move. Raised a hand, the above wave of the aperture composed of magic. It spreads in space.


A magical array with precise geometric patterns suddenly rises from the ground and instantly expands to a radius of more than 20 meters. With the outer circle of the magic array as the source, a light curtain with a cylindrical shape rises. The battlefield between the words and the Marisa was surrounded.

Paqiuli and Alice almost slammed into the light curtain rising from the circle of the magical array, and the hands on the light curtain were like the light on the glass.

"An enchantment?..." Alice stunned.

"It’s just an instant, even if the mantra is not sung, it builds such a large enchantment?..."

"No! It's not just the scale of the enchantment!" Pa Qiuli felt the glass-like light curtain in front of him in a panic, and with his own magical accomplishments, he instantly saw the truth of the enchantment in front of him.

"The defensive power is still quite high. Even if it is the magic weapon of Marisa, if there is no ten, it will not hit it!"

"Magica's magic cannon? Still have to send ten?..." Alice was shocked.

"So for a moment, even a second of time is not enough, even the chanting mantra is not, is this enchantment so advanced?..."

"I am afraid that it will not stop..." Pachelie smiled.

"It seems that the magic of white magic is higher than I thought..."

"Isn't there so many books in your library?..." Looking at the magical scorpion, he was dodging, and it was possible to be hit at any time. Alice quickly asked.

"Do you have no way?..."

"It's not difficult to crack this enchantment, but it takes time!" Paqiuli was also upset.

"But during this time, Marisa may be injured at any time!"

Just as Pachelie and Alice had an eager and irritable conversation, inside the enchantment, the words seized the opportunity of the magical power of the magic, and carried out a lot of treasure projection.

I noticed that the violent, fast and frequent weapon that broke the darkness came out. There was no way for Marisa to pick up his own gossip furnace and inject the magical power of the body into it. Once again, a dazzling beam of light was shot.

The magical beam of light passes through the treasures of the place where it passes, and cuts through the space. In a sound of the sound of the sound, the meteorite falls and flies to the faceless.

However, before that, standing in the crimson space behind the speechless, a wave of iron sand swept out, like a dumpling, engulfing the magic cannon that came from the impact.


The mighty magic cannon was like a dumb gun, and it exploded in the iron sand wave that formed a ball.

At this time, in the sky, Marisa, under the carrying of his flying props, passed through the smoke and fire just caused by the collision of the treasure and the laser. He held the gossip in his hand and smiled with confidence. , rushed to the face of speechless.

Then, the gossip furnace, like a muzzle, was waved by Marisa, and it was in front of the speechless.

"Love - rspark (limit spark)!"

After the screaming sound, a glare of glare flashed from the enchantment.

"Booming ---!"

Like a thunderous thunder, the amazing roaring sounds resounding, carrying the madness of the wind and the rising fire, filled every corner of the enchantment.


However, almost at the same time that the wind and the fire skyrocketed, a violent wind-like magic also violently shocked and ignited all the surrounding fire.

Until then, Paqiuli and Alice saw it.

In the hands of Marisa, who rushed to the face of no words, on the gossip of the silent gossip, a whole body was black and braved, and the hand that was lightly smoked was holding it.

That is a silent hand!

Silently, in the moment when Marisa’s magic cannon was about to be shot, he actually held the gossip furnace of Marisa with his own hand and blocked the shooting port of the gossip furnace!

As a result, the silent hand was hurt, but the people were fine!

"Shi ————!" Marisa dared to widen his eyes, but ushered in, but a silent statement.

"Ended..." Holding the gossip furnace, the hands of the black and smoked cigarettes were tight, and the cold cold light burst into the eyes, raising another intact hand and clenching it into a fist.

Above, the violent blue and white current is flashing.



Outside the enchantment, Pachelie and Alice screamed at the same time.

And the hand that braved the blue-and-white electro-optic, directed at the head of Marisa, who did not react, went without mercy bombardment...

At the beginning of the millennium, several figures appeared without a precursor in the presence of a handsome figure wearing a maid costume, and appeared behind Paqiuli and Alice. When they appeared, they saw this scene.

At the moment, the handsome figure wearing a maid's costume was amazed, the blue eyes turned, biting his teeth, and without thinking, yelling at the silence in the enchantment.

"Actually, the people Patricia and Miss Alice like are not the black and white mice, but the white adults!" (To be continued)

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