Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1746 Collecting the blood of different people? ...

(Thank you very much for the ‘小焰酱’, ‘tanzit’, ‘湮雨江南’, ‘有菜萝卜” reward!)

Fantasy Township, Red Devils Hall...

Sitting in a seat on the platform round table at the end of the stairs in front of the hall, the speechlessness is bearing the sight of the surrounding road.

"Stare..." Remilia suspended in midair, and the scarlet eyes stared blankly.

"Staring..." Fran tried to put on a serious look. As a result, in the eyes of outsiders, it was so cute.

"Staring..." Staying up late, the face of Gujing, without waves, stood behind the floating Emilia and Fran, and his eyes were cast on the silent body. The blue eyes revealed a trace of silk. curious.

"Staring..." Pa Qiuli is sweeping away from the sightless body, just like trying to slice the words.

These four girls, big and small, are surrounded by words, staring at the silent, like watching a flower bud that has just been planted, looking forward to it blossoming, from now to now, to maintain this The state has been around half an hour.

The silent side sitting on the seat bears the gaze of four young and old girls, holding one's cheek on one side of the hand, and the elbow is on the back table, leaning on the body and looking at 蕾米莉Ya, Fulan, staying up late, and Paqiuli are four people, and their faces are so happy.

In this way, after another ten minutes or so, Emilia lost her patience.

"What?" He snorted, and Emilia said with some disappointment.

"Don't you say that he drank the medicine of the moon man? How has it changed since now?..."

"Are you really planning to watch the fun?..." The whispered corner of the mouth was a bit of a bitterness.

"First tell you that it is not a medicine that will turn people into animals. It is not a medicine that will make people fly like a fireworks to the sky. Even if you plan to watch the fun, you can't see anything..."

It is better to say that if it is a medicine that can turn people into animals, it may be a medicine that makes people fly like a fireworks to the sky. It will be happy without words.

After all, even if you become an animal, you can rely on a little magic to change yourself back to the original.

And if it explodes like a fireworks, the pain can be very painful. But speechless is the true ancestor. It won't die, but it will save you a lot of trouble if you have a pain. ...

However, the medicine of Ba Yi Yong Lin is something that can lead people to the most instinctual sin!

to be frank. Silence is now full. Worried that you will suddenly become different from yourself. Or do something irrational under the influence of medicine.

Fortunately, here is the fantasy township, one more than a person who has no words and no ability. Coupled with an invincible city management witch, there is no need to fear that what is going on.

It is because of this that he will drink the bottle of medicine without words, and become the target of the test of Ba Yi Yong Lin.

And what will happen to the words after drinking without drugs, others will not say for a while, the people in the Red Devils Hall show full curiosity, this will, after the event of learning to drink without drugs, the group will come over and watch .

This also justifies the unspoken previous thoughts.

In the fantasy township, basically, except for the Bo Li Ling dream that is troublesome, all of them are guys who like to watch the fun...

"Make people into animal medicines... people who fly like fireworks to the sky to explode..." Fran slammed.

"My brother will become an animal, will it fly like a fireworks to the sky?"

“What's good about animals and explosions?...” Remilia ringed her hands and said something disdainfully.

"If you want to see animals, you can go to the world. Maybe you can go out and catch a monster that becomes an animal. You can't do it. As for the explosion..."

"Sister wants to see the explosion? Nafran can help!" Fulan stunned his head and said innocently.

“Fran only needs to “grab” it, no matter what will ‘砰’, it will explode...”

I heard that Fran said such words with innocent expressions. Silent, Remilia, staying up late, and Paqiuli had such a moment, the scalp was slightly numb, and they laughed out loud.

"No... no need..."

"In other words, why do you want to drink some unclear medicines in order to enter the place where the moon people live?" Remilia asked in confusion.

"It won't, you want to find the moon's weapon from the moon man?..."

In this world, the technology level of the moon is not known to the level of the earth, and the ability to arm is not a little bit strong, and even threaten the monster.

Remilia also went to the moon during the second lunar war and saw the advanced weapons of the moon. Therefore, Emilia thought that she was trying to get those advanced weapons, otherwise she could not explain. Why do you want to enter the Forever Pavilion if you don’t hesitate to drink unclear medicine? ...

However, Emilia is obviously wrong.

"I don't have any interest in any weapons..." There was no words and sighs.

"Just there is something, I want to find the owner of the pavilion forever..."

"You said that before..." Pachelie looked up and asked questions with suspicion.

"But what is it?..."

"Well..." There is no word and no concealment.

"I just want the blood of a master of the pavilion forever!"


Silently wanting to enter the pavilion forever, just to get the blood of the owner of the pavilion forever, in order to complete his ‘half-god road’ mission!

The fourth ring of the 'Semi-God's Path' mission requires five words of blood without words.

‘The blood of fantasy!’

‘The blood of the power of the realm’!

‘The blood of eternal power’!

‘The blood of nature’s power!’

‘The blood of the power of time’!

Before, with Fulan back to the Red Devils Hall, in the battle with Remilia and the night and the night, the speechless has obtained a drop of blood from the night and night that can control the time.

That is, ‘the blood of the power of time’!

This just proves that the guess before the speech is correct!

The five kinds of blood are the blood of the existence of the five abilities of ‘fantasy’, ‘realm’, ‘eternal’, ‘natural’ and ‘time’!

In other words, you only need to get the blood of the existence of ‘fantasy’, ‘realm’, ‘eternal’, ‘natural’, ‘time’ and so on. You can get these five quest items separately without words!

‘The blood of the power of time’ is the blood of the night!

‘The blood of the power of the realm’ is the blood of purple!

In the lost bamboo forest, the owner of the pavilion always has the ability to be related to ‘eternal’!

If you can get a drop of blood from the owner of the Forever Pavilion, 'The blood of eternal power' will be ready!

This is why I have no choice but to drink the medicine of Ba Yi Yong Lin and want to enter the pavilion forever!

Otherwise, if you break into it, even if you break into it, the owner of the pavilion will not give yourself this uninvited guest a drop of blood, unless you come to grab it, but that would really be a complete offense to the mind of that month. It is.

Compared with the offense of Yongyi Yonglin, it is still more reliable.

Anyway, it is just a bottle of medicine that is only valid for seven days. After seven days, it will pass.

By that time, the promise of Ba Yi Yong Lin must also be honored, not only will it let no words enter the pavilion forever, but will help as much as possible.

Let Ba Yi Yonglin give himself a drop of the blood of the owner of the Forever Pavilion. Shouldn’t it be excessive? ...

Of course, I don’t know what happened to Remilia, Fran, Day and Night, and Paqiuli. The Emilia also said such a sentence.

"Don't you have a ancestor with the blood of different people?..."

When I heard this, Pa Qiuli and the day and night were also amazed.

It’s a pity that they have forgotten it. Without words, he never drinks blood, and he will not collect blood for others for his own good.

"Well, you should be my cockroach..." No words or explanations, stood up.

"It's not too late, go back to sleep..."

"I just woke up!" Emilia snorted.

"Moreover, it’s all night, what do you still sleep about?..."

No, no, in general, should you sleep at night? ...

However, for the vampire of Remilia, the evening is the time of activity, and the day is used to sleep.

"Then you play slowly..." He turned his eyes and shook Fulan on the side.

"Fran, let's go to sleep..."


Finished, silently holding Fran, going to the room.

"Give me a stop!" Remilia groaned and yelled out.

"Don't go to sleep when you go to Fran! Also! You are in the direction of my room!"

"White..." Looking at the back of the speechless, Paqiuli God made such a sentence.

"If you feel that your body is strange, remember to tell us..."

"Got it…"

Leaving such a lazy discourse, the silent back disappeared into the hall... (to be continued.)

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