Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1735 Is your wife still missing? ...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘雷响’, ‘月灬幽月’, ‘the sinner 01’!)

"Eight! Cloud! White!"

On the other side of the hall during the speechless speech, Marisa and Alice, the voice of an angry voice rang like a thunder.

Hearing this voice, there was a bad voice in the silent voice.

When I came to Fantasy Township for only one or two days, although I met a lot of people, almost no one gave me the opportunity to introduce myself without words. Naturally, no one knows the nameless.

The only object of self-introduction is to use the name ‘eight cloud white’ to call it speechless, only one person...

I saw, on the other side of the hall, in the direction of the doorway, a witch costume wearing red and white, a girl with a big bow on her head, sulking on the heavy footsteps, coming to the silent side. It is.

"That is...the spiritual dream?..." Marisa took a look of uncertainty, and looked at it with horror.

"What did you do to get the spirit of that thing that is not interested in anything to this level?..."

Alice seems to be a little surprised to see the spirit of the dream of anger, the cast on the silent eyes more curious.

Only with no words, licking my face, I can't say anything again.

Only he knows that there are only one reason for the spiritual dream to be angry...

"You guy, what did you want to see all day long?!" The imposing manner came to the faceless speech, and the spirit dreams loudly and silently.

"Don't you know that you are a big trouble? Will it cause trouble when you go there?!"

Sure enough, the reason for the fascination of the spiritual dream, ** is not far from the ten, certainly not worried about where to go all day, but worried about whether there is no trouble in the whole day.

"For your ‘super big trouble’, I will not refute it for a while...” He said, his face was as impatient, and he waved his hand.

"Moreover, even if you really get into trouble, give you some money. You will forgive me too..."

"What do you think of me as a person?!" Ling Meng screamed.

"Give a little money? Can you solve the problem with a little money? At least give it a little more?!"

Aside. Both Marisa and Alice almost fell, and they twitched a face without a word. They looked at the unrequited spiritual dreams and didn't want to vomit.

"Can you speak a little louder?..."

At this time. A voice full of dissatisfaction in the tone passed into the ears of a group of people.

"I don't know who thought you were going to fight. The banquet couldn't be opened yet?..."

I heard this voice full of unpleasant voices. The group turned their heads.

The next moment, a pajamas-like dress, a girl with a long purple straight hair entered the vision of a group of people.

Amazing. It’s Paqiuli!

Looking at the station there, I was looking at this side with dissatisfaction. In fact, it should be said that I was looking at the unspeakable Paqiuli, and Lingmeng, Marisa, Alice and others couldn’t help but face each other. .

"What the **** did you do with people and gods?..." This is actually Alice who just met.

Alice’s look at the silent voice has been completely disregarded from the beginning, disregard, confrontation, curiosity, and now.

"Let the spirit of almost never moving, the big gas is too big, and even let the family who has no ups and downs of this feeling have such a big gas, can you really get into trouble?..."

"Impressed?..." Marisa couldn't help but look at Paqiuli.

"Is it mad at Pachelie?..."

It is also taken for granted that Marisa has such a question.

After all, from the perspective of others, looking at the unspeakable Paqiuli with a look of dissatisfaction is more like saying that he is speechless.

At least, Ling Meng and Marisa think so.

But Alice is definitely nodding.

"This family is really angry!"

"It’s a family, I’m really sorry...” Pachelie’s unpleasant face turned to Alice, and she twitched a smile.

"It’s really better than playing with a doll..."

Suddenly, Alice’s eyes were also smacked, and her face was also smiling.

"After all, it’s a banquet. I might have to go to the stage to play a puppet show. It’s not like a family who only reads books..."

"That's really unfortunate. Today's banquet doesn't make it necessary for a playmate to go out on stage. As a host, let me come to the house to entertain you."

“Isn’t it a bad thing to have a family? Isn’t it very embarrassing to come out to entertain us? If a family’s sudden physical strength suddenly falls, then it’s trouble?...”

"The Red Devils Hall is very large, but the venue for the banquet is only here. There is no need for the guests to worry about physical strength. I am more worried about whether there will be too many people, and the dolls of a certain playmate will be trampled. That is our responsibility..."

"Where, where is the Red Devils Museum, how can someone be trampled on a rotten doll?..."

"Don't say that, it doesn't matter if you step on one or two? Or it's too disappointing, isn't it?..."

For a moment, Pa Qiuli and Alice looked at each other's eyes as if they had released a current, and they collided fiercely in midair, causing sparks to splatter and smash.

Looking at such Paqiuli and Alice, the silent, spiritual dream, and Marisa three have stepped back, and Marisa’s face is full of panic and doubt.

"Pachelie became not like Pachelie, and Alice did not become like Alice..." Marisa weakly voiced.

"It is clear that Paqiuli is very calm, Alice is very gentle, why did it suddenly become like this?..."

When I heard the words of Marisa, I couldn’t smile but laughed.

Why is Paqiuli not like Paqiuli, and Alice is not like Alice? ...

Very simple.

Because Paqiuli likes Marisa, Alice is the same!

The same is lily!

Like the magic sand that loves to fight!

Naturally, they are also the rivals of each other!

It is such an incredible relationship that makes both Paqiuli and Alice different from themselves.

"I don't know!" Lingmen don't go too far, lazy and scattered.

"I came to the banquet, not to persuade me, come up to eat me!"

"Call you!" Marisa decisively shot a shoulderless speech.

"As a husband of spiritual dreams, shouldn't you serve spiritual dreams?..."

"The husband of the spiritual dream?..." Paqiuli and Alice, who are likely to fight at any time, look at the spiritual dream, and they are surprised.

"Do you also learn the crows who love to sneak shots?..." The dream of a spiritual dream.

"He is not my husband!"

"Is it?..." No words squinted at the spiritual dream.

"Even if I give you a bag of gold coins every day, would you not admit that I am your husband?..."

"A bag every day?..." The spirit dreams, and the spirit is full.

"Get the gold coins out first and talk about it!"

"I said..." Marisa looked like a spiritual dream.

"Some gold coins let you sell yourself, I really misread you..."

"Is it?..." Turned his headlessly and looked at Marisa, saying so kindly.

"If that, I also give you some precious and precious treasures every day. Would you like to be my wife?..."

"Treasure?..." A black and white thief erected his ears.

"What treasure?..."

"Magica!" Alice saw his face full of emotions, and Alice raised her tone.

"You...shall you really want to marry this man?..."

"Actually, you can come together..." Alice, who had just met five minutes ago, made an invitation.

"If you marry me with Marisa, you can roll the sheets together every night..."

"Follow with the magic sand... Rolling sheets?..." Alice’s head 嗡 的 的 的 , , , , 俏 俏 俏 俏 俏 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱

Looking at the three beautiful girls, Ling Meng, Marisa, and Alice, each of them was sunk by themselves, and the face was shaken, and the words were slightly dark and silent.

Suddenly, I felt that my clothes were pulled by people, and there was a coolness behind them.

"You... actually played the idea of ​​Marisa..." Pachelie lowered his head, his voice looked extremely low, and the silent heartbeat could not help but speed up a little.

However, when Paqiuli looked up, the look on her face was not only half-gloomy, but also a little blush, a shy look.

"You... is your wife still missing?..."

"Lack!" There was no words, and then he did not hesitate to pick up Paqiuli’s hand.

"Daily lacks, nights and nights are lacking, minutes are missing, and there is a miss in a minute. If you have any cute cute girls, please be sure to introduce them to me!"

"..." (to be continued..)

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