Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1730 Another 103,000 thousand Magic Book? ...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Thunder Rings', 'Dream of the Dreams', and 'Little Winds'!)

After some conversation, everyone broke up.

Tonight, Remilia will hold a banquet in the Red Devils Hall, inviting some guests to come and participate in the celebration of Fran's return to normal, from now on to be able to live with the girls in the Red Devils.

Also to announce this, Emilia would want to open a party.

After all, knowing Fran knows how dangerous the previous Fran was, especially the goblin maid in the Red Devils. In the past, it wasn’t that Fran’s life was bad, causing the goblin maids to hold on Fulan. There is a great deal of fear.

In order to let others no longer fear Fran, and to let others know that Fran returned to normal, you can treat Fran as an ordinary person and get along, this is the main purpose of the opening ceremony of Remilia.

So, staying up late to follow the orders of Remilia, to invite those who are familiar to come to the Red Devils Pavilion at night, Fran is also forced to pull away by Remilia, to the room to go to the long-lost sister room Communication.

Of course, the so-called exchanges must be the ones that are indispensable.

Although I don't have much hope, I will not be able to get a certain amount of information here without words. Emilia can only start from Fran.

How can we say that Fran does not even know how to know what he is saying, but how do you know the contract of sharing life without words? ...

And Emilia, who thought so, is destined to be disappointed.

Whenever a character is summoned, the system will turn a certain amount of information into memory. Instill directly into the summoning character, let the summoning person understand the existence of the system, and also understand his current situation.

For the sake of reason, Emilia started from Fran and could indeed ask something.

Unfortunately, for Fran, it was too esoteric. Even if Emilia asked, she knew the answer, but she didn't know how to express it in words.

in case. Emilia asked how Fran knew nothing. Fran will definitely answer this...

"Fulan suddenly knew her brother!"

If, when Emilia asked Fulan how to conclude a contract for life sharing, Fran would definitely answer this...

"What is life sharing?..."

If, Emilia asked Fulan why it was so good with a silent feeling. Fran will definitely answer this...

"Because my brother is the best for Fran!"

in case. Emilia asked if Fran is a bad guy. Fran will definitely answer this...

"Brother is not a bad guy! My sister is a bad guy!"

Therefore, the long-lost exchanges between sisters will definitely end with the madness of Remilia.

People in the Red Devils have their own things to do. Only Pa Qiuli and the little devil returned to the underground library without doing anything.

In the Red Devils Pavilion, Paqiuli's identity is very unique, not a guest, not a descendant, but a rare friend of Remilia.

Therefore, in the entire Red Devils Museum, in addition to Remilia, the most talked about is Paqiuli.

Naturally, in the entire Red Devils Museum, in addition to Remilia, the most leisurely is Pa Qiuli.

Paqiuli’s daily routine is to hide in the big library to read books. The little demon is the enchantment of Paqiuli. When Pachuuli reads, he is responsible for organizing the entire library.

Everyone in the Red Devils Hall was busy with their work, and when Emilia also took Fran away, she followed Pa Qiuli and went to the underground library.

It is a large library that is very close to the basement where Fran used to live.

The area is enough to match the three or four large playgrounds. There are bookshelves with a height of at least ten or twenty meters. The number of bookshelves is limited to dozens or even hundreds.

On the bookshelf of the comparable building, an old and heavy book was arranged neatly on top of it, while some were scattered and scattered, and some were not trimmed. Some even fell on the ground and piled up into a hill.

Standing at the entrance of the library, looking at a library in such a situation, even if I have seen a big scene, I can't help but have a moment to stay on the spot.

"This... how many books do you have?"

100,000? million? Maybe it is tens of millions? ...

Anyway, that's not the number that can be counted, it's endless!

This is not the most important!

Most importantly, on some of the thick and old books, the words also sensed a trace of magical fluctuations.

A book also comes with magic? ...

Isn't that a magic book? ...

Moreover, the magic book that exudes the hidden magical fluctuations, in this library, is not only one or two, ten or twenty, but there are hundreds of words that are sensed now. Now!

The calculation of the entire library area and the number of the magic book that was sensed, the shocked discovery, the number of magic books in the library, there are absolutely tens of thousands, and even more than 100,000!

More than ten thousand magic books? ...

Doesn't that mean another 103,000 magic book? ...

As soon as I thought of it, I was a little excited and involuntarily.

"Hey, m q..." At the moment, the innocent and insatiable question asked Pa Qiuli, who was on the side.

"Can I look at the Magic Book here?..."

"My name is Pa Qiuli!" Pa Qiuli did not know why she would know that 'Mq' is her only mouth, but this does not prevent Paqiuli from being dissatisfied. Then she frowned and was surprised. sound.

"How do you know that there is a magic book here?..."

"Isn't this nonsense?..." There was nothing to say about Paqiuli.

"Although the magical fluctuations of the Magic Book here are very concealed, my sensory ability is not so weak, and I can still sense the hidden magical fluctuations!"

"The magical fluctuations in the Magic Book can only be sensed by those who have a certain degree of understanding of magic. Generally, people who are sensitive can only feel that there is something wrong with the Magic Book..." Pachelie's frowning stretched. Open.

"However, seeing that you can use the magic of space transfer before, you are so skilled, your understanding of magic should not be weak, it is not strange to sense it..."

"Then you agreed?..." The silent eyes lit up.

"Let me see it!"

Hearing the words, Pa Qiuli’s subconscious mind had a hint of resistance.

Paqiuli basically has a lot of interest in many things, but it has a unique attachment to books. Under normal circumstances, people will not let others touch their own books, even those who are close, let alone none. Words.

However, from the silent eyes, Paqiuli saw the same light as when she was reading.

That is not the desire for knowledge, nor the embarrassment of the price of the Magic Book itself, but the pursuit of the Magic Road!

This made Pa Qiuli could not help asking.

"Are you good at magic?..."

"Is it good?..." There was no words, and then he came up with a hand, and thoughtfully returned this sentence.

"It’s not so much good at it, it’s better to have the capital that deserves to be good. After all, in my head, I have the knowledge of 103,000 magic books!"

"The knowledge of the 103,000 magic books?..." Pachelie stunned, and the little devil on the side was also stunned.

The knowledge of the 103,000 Words? ...

This level of knowledge, compared with Paqiuli, is not too much to let it? ...

Pa Qiuli was full of doubts in the eyes of the silent, but after asking a few questions about the magic road, Paqiuli was shocked to discover.

The man in front of you, in the study of the magic road, absolutely has a match with yourself!

Even in terms of theory, it is still faint beyond a lot of yourself!

How can Paqiuli, who is nicknamed the biggest mobile library in Fantasy Township, not be shocked? ...

In Paclili’s shocked meeting, it’s silent to go to the library and start to flip up a book of Magic.

The Magic Book is not an ordinary book!

It contains magic, which can be said to be a magic item!

The Magic Book not only writes the use of magic, but also depicts the magical technique. Generally, as long as you have a magic book and the user has magic power, you can use the magic in the magic book.

However, the words written in the Magic Book are some cuneiform in the mythology, and some are ancient Latin, not the words used by modern people.

Those who do not have a certain amount of magic knowledge and do not have a certain degree of understanding of magic, there is no way to understand the magic book.

If you don't say anything, almost every one of the 103,000 words in the mindless language is written in different words.

Naturally, you can also read the Magic Book in the library.

It is said that the contents recorded in the book of the book of the book are mostly different from the 103,000 words in my mind!

This makes the speech more exciting, but also more involved in it... (to be continued.)

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