Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1727 Living together? Fran's decision! ...

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"But, Fran is the most annoying, and sure enough, I still see my sister hurt..."

Such a sentence with a crisp voice, not only caused a pair of scary eyes in the scarlet eyes, but also let the night, Paqiuli, Hong Meiling and other people silenced.

In the past, everyone here used Fran as a crazy gimmick. Although he attached Fran a lot, he never stood in the perspective of Fran, and he thought of Mouffan himself.

Until now, people such as Emilia, Day and Night, Paqiuli, and Hongmeiling knew that Fran didn't have no idea. She thought that she wouldn't have any thoughts.

Now, Fran’s words have given them a heart, and all of them have emerged with extremely complicated emotions.

After all, from this sentence, we can hear, in the heart of Fran, what kind of status does Remilia have.

It was also the words of Fran that let Emilia loose the hand holding the 'gungnir' and make the 'gungnir' into a bright red The particles gradually dissipated.

Seeing this scene, there is no eyebrows to pick.

"How? Don't you fight? Are you going to give up?..."

After three bursts of questions came out, but there was no excitement in exchange for Remilia, but instead brought a smile to Emilia's face.

"How can I give up?"

"What do you mean by your hand?..." This time, silently cast his eyes on Remilia.

"Not to defeat me. Will Fran take it back?..."

"But, Fran said..." Remilia looked at Fran, who was standing on the ground, and the bitterness on her face was thicker.

"I don't want to see us fight..."

In other words, although Remilia does not want to give up, but in order to take care of Fran's mood, can only give up!

This is the choice that Remelia, who has never respected Fran's thoughts in the past, is now made!

This choice, let the night, Paqiu Road, Hong Meiling three silent, also let Defran turn his eyes to Remilia. Never moved again.

For this. Without a word of laughter, the smile is unusually helpless.

"You finally understand that Fran's thoughts are the most important?..."

Hearing, Remilia thought that speechlessness was laughing at it. The glare turned to nothing.

"Don't yell at me. I'm just telling the truth..." Faced with the glare of Remilia. No words, no words, no more.

"However, if you don't understand the meaning of my sentence, then you are really stupid!"

"What?" Remilia gave a slight glimpse. Wrinkled his brow.

"what does it mean?…"

"Do you really understand?..." Silently sighed.

"It’s said that Fran’s thoughts are the most important. Naturally, whether you want to go back to the Red Devils Hall or not, it’s Fran’s decision. It’s not that my brother can make a proposition, nor is your sister say back. Lan must go back!"

"This..." Remilia was on the spot.

Not to mention Remilia, even the night, Paqiuli, Hongmeiling three people also smashed.

In turn, a glimpse of Remilia, staying up late, Paqiuli, and Hongmeiling, a blindfolded figure, flew in the direction of Fulan, and then, in front of Fran, slowly landed.

"Brother..." Fran immediately stepped forward and grabbed the silent corner.

"Fran..." said nothing, groaning down, touching Fran's head and asking with a smile.

"Do you want to go back to the Red Devils?..."

All of a sudden, whether it was Emilia or staying up late, Paqiuli, Hongmeiling, etc., all were nervous.

In particular, Remilia, looking at Fran's eyes, had expectations, hopes, and even a little help.

"You also saw it. In order to get you back to the Red Devils, how hard is your sister's efforts..." Silently slowed down his tone, looking straight at Fran's unstoppable pulsating eyes. .

"Even if this is the case, you feel that your sister is very annoyed. My sister doesn't care about you. My sister is trying to keep you in the basement in order not to let you get into trouble. Don't want to be with you?..."

When this sentence came out, Remilia, staying up late, Paqiuli, and Hongmeiling suddenly had some reactions.

what does this mean? ...

Is it a good word for Emilia, to help Fulan return to the Red Devils? ...

"If you really don't want to go back to the Red Devils Hall, then your brother will never force you, but my brother wants to hear you tell the truth..." Silently stroked Fran's head, as if he wanted to worries his heart. Going the same, the action is extremely gentle.

"Tell my brother, do you want to go back to the Red Devils?..."

"I..." Fran lowered his head and hesitated in his eyes. However, when he saw the understanding and gentle smile on the silent face, the hesitation in his heart suddenly vanished, and the mosquitoes opened.

“Fulan wants to go back to the Red Devils and live with her sister!”

Emilia is ecstatic, and the eyes of people staying up late, Paqiuli and Hongmeiling are also happy.

"But!" When Remilia and others were surprised by Fran's choice, Fran was a turn.

"Fulan also wants to live with her brother, so my brother will go to the Red Devils Hall with Fran!"

"I?..." silently horrified.

"He??" Staying up late, Paqiuli, and Hongmeiling are three people who look at each other without words.

"What?!" Emilia rounded her eyes and jumped up.


"Why?..." Fran looked at Remilia.

"Why can't my brother do it?..."

"This...this is because..." Remilia couldn't find a word at once.

Can you say that you hate this person very much, so absolutely not? ...

But the other side just seems to be helping him to say good things, and his distasteful actions are all done for Fulan. ...

If you say that you hate this person because of this, then it doesn't seem to be very devoid of yourself. Isn't there a generous aristocrat? ...

So, Emilia can only play capriciously.

"In any case, I can't say no!"

"Navilan did not return to the Red Devils!" Fran also played a wayward, yelling out.

"Without the brother's Red Devils, Fran will not go back!"

"Fran!" Remilia was also angry.

"Is there a sister, Paqi, staying up late, even China, the little devils are not enough to accompany you?..."

"Not enough is not enough!" After playing the wayward, Fran played awkwardly.

"No one can replace my brother, even my sister!"

"You..." Remilia was angry and helpless.

"Brother..." Fran did not pay attention to Remilia, and looked pitifully.

"You will go to the Red Devils Hall with Fran to live..."

"Living in the Red Devils Museum..." He shook his cheeks.

"But I only said that I would stay with Lingmen for a while, and gave her a bag of gold coins. As a result, I only stayed in the shrine for one night. Is that too bad?..."

"Brother!" Fran's pitiful expression was replaced by anger, and the speed of changing face was amazing.

"I know it..." At the moment, no words can only smile and shake his head. He stood up and looked at Remilia. He smiled.

"This is Fran's request, the owner of the Red Devils Pavilion, do you want to disappoint your sister again?..."

Emilia had nothing to say, she could only scream for herself.

"Forget it! Anyway!"

"Yeah! Great!" Fran cheered and cast a silent embrace.

Paqiuli, Hongmeiling and the release of the day and night gathered together behind Remilia, watching Fulan, who was filled with happiness in his face, with more or less helplessness on his face.

"Day and night!" Emilia snorted and came to an eye that was not seen.

"Tonight, invite some guests to the Red Devils Hall to get a restoration for Fran, and open a party!"

"Yes! Missy!"

Emilia turned her head again and glanced at Fran, who was playing in the silent voice, her face full of anger.

"Fran! Go home!"

"Come on!" Fran took the silent hand and walked in the direction of Remilia and others.

Emilia may have been really angry. She has been walking in front, and she doesn’t look back at Fran. She stays up behind Remilia, and the red bell is behind the night, from time to time. With a curious look.

But Paqiuli, as if she was deliberately, fell behind her, and suddenly disappeared when she passed by her.

"You are trying to make the younger sister see how much Lei Mi has worked hard for her to eliminate the sorrow of her sister's heart and propose to play with Lei Mi. Isn't it really to rob the younger sister with Lei Mi?..."

"What do you think about it?" The speechlessness that was being taken away by Fulan did not deny it or admit it, revealing a smile.

"But also, I don’t have any benefit in playing this one..."

No one saw that in the other hand without words, there was a drop of blood like a gem... (to be continued.)

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