Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1706 Since ancient times, red and white have no fucking...

(Thank you very much for the ‘Little Wind Leaf’, ‘Dream of the Dream’, and ‘Thunder’!”

Boli Ling dreams that today is definitely the day that she is most likely to be called a nightmare in her life for more than ten years. . .

Originally, as the manager of Fantasy Township, the guardian of ‘Boli Great Jiejie’, on weekdays, as long as there is nothing big happening in Fantasy Township, Boli Ling Dream is a leisurely and lively life.

The same is true today.

When I got up early, Boli Ling dreamed after eating breakfast, and picked up the broom inside the Boli Shrine, sweeping around in the shrine, and sending a dull time.

However, after sweeping for less than ten minutes, the broom in the hands of Boli Ling’s dream suddenly broke for no reason.

At first, Boli Ling dreamed not to think that it was just that the shrine's broom was used too long and too old, so it would be 'end to sleep', took a tool in the warehouse, repaired the broom, and then continued to clean the shrine.

However, the broom in the hand was broken once and for another time, and there were more than ten times. After the Boli Ling Dream repaired the sweeper for more than ten times, it finally felt wrong.

Even if the broom is old, it won’t break so many times? ...

As a witch in a shrine, Boli Ling dreams should have some faith.

It is a pity that Boli Ling Dream does not believe in any gods, but for some bad phenomena, it is not difficult to understand the aspects of strange power in the first time.

Therefore, Boli Ling dreams that his broom has been broken so many times, will it be an ominous sign? ...

When the broom in the hand finally broke the eleventh time, Boli Ling dreamed.

Nowadays. There will be absolutely unfortunate things happening!

When this thought rose from the heart of Boli Ling's dream, outside the shrine, a crisp cracking sound echoed in the still space and passed into the ear of Boli Ling Dream.

Upon hearing the crisp cracking sound, Bo Liling’s dream shook, and after yelling in his heart, he rushed out of the shrine and opened the door of the shrine.

Then, Boli Ling dream saw that for her, it was like a nightmare.

Her most valuable stuffing box. A man who has never seen it before. Stepped on the foot.

Moreover, it is still the kind of smashing!

It’s not a shame, the inexplicable man, when he is heartbroken. Actually, I also mentioned the fact that Boli Ling dreams the most heartache. Let Boli Ling dream of hatefulness.

Is it? There is no one in the Boli Shrine to pay homage, which causes the cash box to be empty all day. Do you need to remind you? ...

On the other side, watching Bo Li Ling dreams and bowed his head. He looked like a black man, and he played drums in his heart.

Don't think that this Bo Li Ling dream is only 79, the level of the eighth-order peak, I think that the Bo Li Ling dream is very weak, really counted, the most invincible existence in the fantasy town, is definitely the Bo Li Ling dream!

This is not a joke, but a real reality!

As literally said, as a manager of Fantasy Township, the guardian of 'Boli Great Jiejie', Boli Ling dreams in the fantasy township, correctly said that it should be said in the 'Boli Great Enchantment' Is invincible!

As long as it is within the scope of 'Boli Great Enchantment', Boli Ling Dream itself will enter a very magical state. If someone else attacks her, it will not hit her, and her attack on others will not only attack her. Being able to hit, even when necessary, can even increase the power!

Not only that, but Boli Ling Dream also has the ability to be called "God Spiritual Reliance". It can be used in the same way as the spirit of the spirit, please come to the spirit to possess the unimaginable combat power!

In other words, in Fantasy Township, Boli Ling Dream will not only be injured, but even open when necessary!

Such an opponent, even if the creator of the fantasy town of purple is right, also has no dream of Bo Liling!

Therefore, it is absolutely irrational to annoy the Bollywood dream in Fantasy Township!

This unruly red and white witch, should not be angry and violent, go straight? ...

The more you think, the more you feel, the more likely you are.

In order not to get into trouble, the moment, no words and sighs.

"Well, it is really my fault to trample on your things. You can rest assured that I will be responsible for repairing it..."

When such a sentence came out, the blackness of Bo Li Ling’s dream was stagnant, as if it did not exist at the beginning, and it was retracted into the body of Bo Li Ling’s dream.

Immediately, Boli Ling dreamed and looked up with a dubious look.


Seeing the dubious performance of Boli Lingmeng, he turned a blind eye without words.

"It's just a money box. Do I have to lie to you?..."

"What is called ‘just a money box? ah?!” Boli Ling dreams Liu Mei upside down.

"That is the most important **** in the Boli Shrine!"

Gods? ...

If you can fill your own money every day, it is a fetish, but isn't it all empty all day? Is the waste almost the same? ...

Forcing the urge to vomit, I was too lazy to understand the correction of Bo Liling's dream, and went to the front of Bo Liling's dream. Half a squat down, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the pile of broken wood chips.


In the next moment, the full magic came out, and the mouthless mouth was slightly open, revealing a spell of one or two oysters, letting the magic transform into a real operation, and exerted its effect.

Under the watchful eye of Boli Ling dream, the trembled for the broken money box, as if the time went back, piece by piece, and finally, returned to the state of perfection.

"Oh wow!" Looking at his money box to restore the original state, Boli Ling dreamed of bright eyes, no image hugged the box with her half body.

"Really repaired!"

Looking at Bo Li Ling's dream like a treasure, holding his own money box, silently laughed twice, speechless.

Until then, Bo Li Ling dreamed while holding his own money box, while facing his face with joy.

"I thought you were a human being who was lost from the outside world. I didn't expect you to be a magician!"

Although Fantasy Township can't be said to be a separate world, it is still connected with the real world without the mystery. But because of the existence of 'Boli enchantment' and 'the realm of illusion and reality', it is also isolated from the real world. Come.

The only intersection between Fantasy Township and the real world is this Boli Shrine.

In one place in the real world, there is also a Boli Shrine.

It is the same existence as the Boli Shrine of Fantasy Township, just like the two sides of the water, each other is the reflection of each other.

If someone in the real world accidentally passes through the outer enchantment of Fantasy Township through the outside Boli Shrine, then he will come to the Boli Shrine in Fantasy Township.

Of course, not everyone can pass through the enchantment of Fantasy Township, the enchantment of Fantasy Township, the people who come to Fantasy Township, whether there is any special place, or it is the people in the real world. Forgotten, lost in.

Boli Ling dreams as the manager of Fantasy Township. People in Fantasy Township can't say that they all know each other, but at least more or less can distinguish from the breath that the other person is a fanciful person in the township. Therefore, she will say that speechlessness is lost. Into the fantasy town.

After all, Boli Ling’s dreamlessness has never felt a little bit of a breath in the fantasy town.

As for the magical spell in Boli's dream, it is the magician.

There is no magic or magic difference in Fantasy Township. As long as it is a miracle that is exercised with magic, it is called magic, and the existence of magic is called magic.

"Does magic make it?..." He scratched his cheek without words.

"Well, you don't think so..."

Hearing the explanation of the perfunctory, the Bollywood dreamed of him, and did not go deeper to ask, a look of trouble.

"Whether you are a human being or a magician, since you have entered the fantasy township, as the manager of the fantasy township, you still answer a few questions, so that you can get into trouble later, and the person who is finally in trouble is me!"

"Okay..." No words suddenly laughed out loud.

"Although I can't guarantee your question, I can answer it, but let's listen to it..."

"You are a very arrogant outsider..." Boli Ling snorted and stood up, patted the dust on his knees, then turned around and faced the speechless.

"So, tell me first, what is your name?..."

"Name??" He blinked his eyes, his eyes turned a little, and he didn't know what he thought. His face showed a strange smile, but it converges in less than a moment.

"Coughing..." made a serious cough, and silently turned his gaze to Boli Ling dream, and then said with a smile.

"The first time I met, my name is Ba Yunbai, the home of the Lost House Yayun!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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