Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1647 Individuals and groups! Sacrifice for progress! ...

(third more...)

As if the sky was all dyed in crimson, a huge crimson space lingered in the sky above the Lucifer, which was bursting with Bronson, and instantly spread to a diameter of ten meters, covering the orphanage. Over the sky.

"The sword that your Lucifer turned into looks like a big one..."

A chilly voice that made his eyes wide open and looked at the huge crimson space in the sky, slowly plunging into his ears.

"It's better to come and compare me with me..."

The words fell, and the crimson space over the orphanage covered the violent fluctuations, like a boiling pool, and tumbling.

Immediately, a whole body is black and black, and it is more than 20 meters long. It is like a tall sword like a tall building. From the crimson space, it slowly explores a huge sword, in the sharp face of Bronson. As the mountain descended from the sky, it fell.


The dark sword covered Bronson's entire field of vision, leaving only the sharpness in his eyes, the whole body was dark, flashing the deadly cold tip of the sword, violently cutting the air, under the madness of the atmosphere, Heavy fall to Lucifer with Bronson.

"Drink ————!"

Feeling the huge pressure from the top of the head and the shadow of the gradual death, Bronson’s screaming exhausted voice, madly urging the magic of the body, as if trying to squeeze out the blood in the blood vessels, the magic is enough The degree of tearing the body, squeezed out desperately.

There is no doubt that. This is the first time Bronson has been so desperate in his life, and it is the first time that Bronson has provoked such a huge amount of magic.

The majestic magic exploded in a blast-like form, turned into steam, and flowed into the body of Lucifer, allowing Lucifer to wrap a magical film visible to the naked eye, loosening Bronson, and rushing around the body. The fierce ultra-high temperature hot air swept the audience.

Regardless of the owner who fell down, Lucifer looked up and his body was distorted. Turned into a golden sword. Carrying an ultra-high temperature hot air that makes the space overwhelmed and squeaks into the sky.

The dark swords that cover the sky and the golden swords that ignite the red hot wind are like needle tips on the awns, and the mountains hit the meteors, in the sky above the orphanage. Suddenly collided.


With a deafening sound. The thunder of the thunder sounded. A burst of violent storms, like an explosion, suddenly rushed out, with the impression that people feel that they will be crushed into slag. Covered the entire orphanage.

There is no suspense, the stone house made of stone bricks is like glass, and it is simply smashed by the impact of the air waves. The stone roof is also ruthlessly flying, and even the surrounding fields have been razed. A small piece of flat land.

When the impact of the wind and waves dissipated, and the violent roar disappeared, the scene had already changed a bit.

The building has become so ruined that it is like a abandoned house, and even a fragile wind is enough to blow it down.

The ground-like spider-like network broke open, and the ground in the center of the site was also smashed, revealing a pothole filled with smoke.

In the pothole, Bronson squatted on the ground, the skin was covered with a scar, the face with painful color, unable to breathe, not long after, 'wow', spit out a blood .

The injury to Bronson was not caused by the attack, but his overloaded output of magic, so that the body is overwhelmed, this skin cracked, visceral damage and vomiting blood.

Compared with Bronson, the appearance of Lucifer can be miserable.

Standing in front of Bronson, Lucifer's original golden body was covered with traces of burnt black, smoking on his body, and even braving a trace of electric awning. Obviously, the internal body was already partially affected. Lost.

What's even worse is that the three pairs of Lucy's golden feathers in the back of the Lucifers have a pair of broken wings. There are also two giant blades in the back of the wrist. Half.

Obviously, even if Bronson surpassed the limit and gave Lucifer an excessive amount of magic, Lucifer still lost to the dark sword of the tall building!

Of course, in order to do this, it’s speechless and uncomfortable. Standing opposite Bronson and Lucifer, his face is slightly white and his mouth is gasping. Although he is much better than Bronson, he can also see it. The faintness of the eyes is exhausted.

However, it will become such a thing, it is not surprising.

Without super powers, you can only use the 'reading power' and squeeze the iron sand into the shape of the weapon by squeezing. The burden is not too big.

After all, ‘念力’ is the magic of high purity and substance, and the use itself means that it takes a lot of magic.

And without a word, to challenge the limit, squeeze out a big sword like this, and use ‘念力’ to control it and attack, how can it not be tired? ...

It can be said that in this world, if you can use ‘念力’ to exercise such an attack, there will be no second person except for nothing!

"It’s a long fat, President Bronson..." He pressed down a little bit of rapid breathing, and looked coldly at the opposite side, squatting in the black and smoke, behind the ragged Lucifer, with blood on his lips, full Bronson with a painful face.

"I can't die in this way. Should I say that I was the best person who once won the position of the 'Devil'?"

Bronson didn't answer, and didn't know if he didn't bother to answer, didn't want to answer, or couldn't answer. He just looked up, raised his eyes, looked at nothing, and filled his eyes with murder.

"Oh, it’s terrible..." The words are as scared as the murderous eyes, and the mouth screams and laughs.

"It’s a pity that it was eliminated from the 'night party'. Now, twenty years have passed. You have basically no progress except for the magic as time goes by, and even in order to operate that kind of skill workshop. It’s stupid to forget even if I exercise myself!”

"Stupid?..." Bronson smirked.

"The progress of the individual is nothing but the fall. The progress of the times is irreversible. The magician is a group of individuals, groups, and living bodies that exist for ‘progress'!”

"If human beings stagnate, it will bring destruction and disaster to the world. The development and progress of science is also a means of survival that cannot be ignored. It is worthwhile to make more progress for development and development!" Bronson stood up hard. , sneer.

"In order to make the times progress, in order to let science develop, what is the sacrifice of the individual, even if the strength is stronger, one person, after all, cannot exist alone, and if you do not want to be destroyed, only the ethnic group will be strong, this is the real The way to survival, real progress!"

Hearing words, no words, laughing, full of pity, full of sympathy.

“Indeed, the importance of the individual and the importance of the group are placed on a heavenly ridge. Anyone knows which side is more important, and anyone knows which side to choose is the real wise choice!”

After that, there was no words in the eyes.

"It is wise to be one thing, right is another thing. For what progress, what development, and the result, but sacrifice those who have the right to survive, are you ruthlessly taking away freedom, taking the innocent people of life? ?..."

"Whether it is Fulei or Rocky, their importance is better than that of all human beings. Naturally, it is better than the development and progress of the whole world. However, sacrificing individuals and in exchange for the interests of the group, even if you say it is beautiful, after all, That is still a murderous act!"

"Even the survival of the individual can not be maintained, even their own progress can not be obtained, even the things in front of you can not catch, you talk about progress? Talk about development?..." No words no longer conceal their emotions, ridicule.

"It’s ridiculous and foolish!"

"————!" Bronson was as insulted as he was, and his face was covered with haze and anger.

Of course, it is indeed insulting him without words, no need to question!

"Progress, what is developing, and I have nothing to do with my dime. I am here, just to realize my promise, to give you a big surprise, and to export for Fulei, but also to find hatred!"

Without a word, the back, behind the crimson space, a stream of light flew out and fell into his hands.

That, it is a card!

"Don't you say that the personal strength is stronger after all?" The card was slanted in front of the heart, looking at Bronson.

"Then let you see for yourself, what kind of individual power you have spent operating for a whole 20 years, and what kind of individual power is destroyed!" (To be continued.)

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