Chapter 144: Research centre, data, DNA, Sisters!

Night time….

Inside a phone booth, Wu Yan is tapping a mini notebook, it's onlyabout the size of his palm. From time to time, one could see electricityflowing into the notebook and then the screen would change withdifferent data overlays of different sizes being displayed there.

"So many research centers, how the h.e.l.l did Mikoto destroy them all in the original work…"

Grumbling like that, Wu Yan quickly committed the information to hismemory with the help of [Impeccable Memory]. He manipulated the datacarefully and made his exit.

"Mikoto's ability is quite useful."

Without her ability, Wu Yan would have encountered so much moretrouble just to obtain these information. He smiled when he thoughtabout how the upside down guy would probably have discovered him duringthe process of doing so.

Recalling the information, he moved towards one of the research labs. There lies his objective….

A big research lab appeared in front of him, he walked out from acorner. Eyeing the surrounding, he took out a cloak from his s.p.a.ce ring.He disappeared from view the moment he draped it over himself…

Inside the lab, he walked with light steps on a path, shielded fromdetection by EM shield, he's not afraid of any electronic devicecatching him. And regarding detection by human eyes, with theinvisibility cloak here, he's not too worried.

The lab is pretty big but Wu Yan walked in a very systematic order.Who needs map when you got the place down in your head, there are notthat many patrols around at night, at most it would just be 1 or 2. Mostof the time however, it's just the trashcan looking robots.

When someone appears, he would stop and move only when they walk pa.s.shim. He would also ignore the robots and just walk pa.s.s them, therobots would experience a temporary shutdown but they would resumefunction after a while and continue patrolling.

On the way, Wu Yan encountered many shutter doors, others might need abit of skill to get pa.s.s them but he would just need to zap the cardswiping part of the door and voila the door would open. Mikoto's powerreally makes infiltrating places like this look like a walk in the park…

Opening the physical access control door for the n-th time, he walkedinside. Different form before, it's not the steel pathway but aridiculously big area.

There are computers operating in the surrounding and some informationrecords organized on the bookshelf to the side. To each of the twosides lay what appears to be incubation chambers filled with unknownliquid, they seem to serve some kind of function.

In front of him, at the most visible area is a computer screen as big as the screen one sees at a cinema!

He ran to it the moment he saw it. His objective is none other thanthis, the computer in front of him. The screen is dark but the keysbelow it are brightly lit, he fumbled around and came to the center mostarea. He saw the keys and pressed them. After pressing around, hestopped and stood there waiting for something. When a red light lit uphe placed his hand on the keyboard and used his ability. A few arcs ofelectricity entered it while making biri biri sfx.

With the last arc, the red light turned green. A recessed platformemerged from within the keyboard. Inside the recess, there's a testtube, and contained within it is some blood. At this point, Wu Yangrinned and retrieved the test tube. Examining it, he decided that itshould be okay and threw it into his s.p.a.ce ring after releasing a sighof relief.

The blood in it belong to Mikoto. It's part of the sample containingthe DNA from Mikoto that they are going to make clones out of. Thesisters are a result of this vial of sample. He's here because he wantsto retrieve this item. Since he's going to save the sisters, he gavemore thought towards his action. He didn't want Aleister to clone somemore clones just for his artificial heaven plan. It would be a pain inthe a.s.s if he did, and Wu Yan would need to come back for a second roundof rescuing.

He didn't know whether or not there's such a pitiful externalexistence inside Academy City but he didn't want to see Mikoto's DNAbeing an instrument to increase more pitiful lives without restraint.It's all a precaution….

Storing away the DNA, he walked towards another direction….

Dodging the detection of the patrols and opening a bunch morephysical access control doors, he walked in the monotonous pathway withno style. At a certain area of the lab, he finally found the individualhe's looking for.

Tokiwadai school uniform, tea colored short hair reached hershoulders, the same face as Mikoto. The identical figure with the onlydistinguishing feature being a military visor on her head. Her teacolored eyes had no ripples of a living person inside them even as shewalked around in stupor.

Mikoto sisters!

A look of joy spread across his face, the sister is probablypatrolling. She walked around the pathway without knowing that there'sone more individual here other than her. He suppressed the joy insidehim and confirmed that there is n.o.body else here before removing theinvisibility cloak on him and appearing in front of the sister.

One would think "OMG a ghost" or "Time to get my a.s.s the f.u.c.k outtahere" when they see someone appearing out of nowhere. Inside AcademyCity however, this kind of event are normally scientifically explainableso even if someone might feel surprised they won't run away. The sisterfelt the same, or at least that's what she says.

With an expressionless face she faced him and stopped for a bit before continuing.

"Who are you? Here to steal stuff from the lab? A surprised Misakasays as she looks at the thief in front of her, wondering whether or notto call for help."

"I can't see any surprise on that face of yours though…"

He already know about the verbal speech pattern of the sisters but hestill can't help jerking his lips when he actually listens to how theyspeak.

"There's nothing valuable in the lab, even if there are any it won'tbe located here. Thus, you should seek it elsewhere, says Misaka,talking to the thief while looking for an opportunity to escape."

"Erm, can you please listen to me without escaping or anything like that?"

Wu Yan wryly laughed. He wants to retort but thought better and continued.

"Thief-san wants to talk to Misaka? says Misaka while looking atthief-san and thinking about what thieves would normally talk about."

He ma.s.saged his forehead and slapped his cheeks, he reckons that ifhe didn't ask what he wants to ask, he's probably going to die fromstress while talking with the sister….

Getting serious, he looked at Misaka clone and asked.

"What number are you?"

The liveless eyes of Misaka clone glanced at him before answering.

"Misaka is a military clone nicknamed clone 9833, answers Misakahonestly, surprised by the fact that thief-san seems to know of Misakaclones."

"….Then sister, you do you know where are the approximate location of the other sisters?"

"Through Misaka network, Misaka can locate other Misakas, Misakahonestly answers, starting to wonder if thief-san plans to do somethingharmful against other Misakas."

His brow jolted and he kept telling himself to keep calm. Keep calm,the other is merely a sister, she has no evil intention, she must beforgiven, must be forgiven…

"Could it be thief-san isn't here to steal items but to steal people?And it appears to be Misakas? says Misaka while shocked beyond beliefat the intention of the thief in front of her. Telling other sistersthrough Misaka network to run."

The words keep calm inside him shattered into a million pieces. His expression crumbled and his eyes flashed. He then sneered.

"That's right, I am here to plunder Misaka sisters!"

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