Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 475: Which part of the human body is most likely to cause disaster?

Chapter 475: Which part of the human body is most likely to cause disaster?

 After a fierce psychological struggle, Zhao Shandong made a decision that violated the ancestral precepts.

 Accept this burial object.

 After that, he placed it in the store for a period of time and declared it to be an heirloom of the Zhao family.

 After a year or two, look for an opportunity to sell it.

“The white jade Guanyin is worth 20 million, and the tomb robbers are eager to take action and take the initiative to lower its selling price.”

“On the surface, there is no problem at all, but if you think about it carefully, a tomb robber only needs four million for an antique worth 20 million.”

 “Isn’t your luck a bit too good?”


 Zhao Shandong was speechless.

His first business deal with a tomb robber.

  I don’t know much about the style of tomb robbers.

“Let me put it another way, besides your antique shop, there should be other antique shops nearby, right?”

“The tomb robbers are already here, why don’t they compare the three companies and choose to sell it to you?”

Zhao Shandong thought for a while and said hesitantly: "Dr. Chen, do you mean to say that the tomb robbers are weird?"

  "What grave robbers do is to damage one's moral character and make the sound of one's head fall off."

“I narrowly escaped death in the tomb, and if I stole the funerary objects from the tomb, even if I wanted to sell them quickly, I wouldn’t be able to keep the price so low.”

“Can you analyze that this white jade Guanyin is worth 20 million, can’t the tomb robbers analyze it?”

 “Don’t forget, this is what they eat.”

“You have never dealt with grave robbers, why did they come to you?”

Hearing Chen Yu’s questions again and again, Zhao Shandong’s heartbeat began to speed up.

Seeing the white jade Guanyin in the hands of the tomb robbers, Zhao Shandong, who was obsessed with money, did not consider anything else.

 I just want to buy it immediately.

After listening to Chen Yu’s questions and reminders, the more Zhao Shandong looked at the White Jade Guanyin, the more he felt something was wrong.

“Dr. Chen, I can be 100% sure that the White Jade Guanyin is indeed something from the Southern and Northern Dynasties.”

 “There is no question of authenticity.”

“After listening to your prompts, is it possible that the person in question is a tomb robber?”

“There is indeed a problem with tomb robbers, but the problem with White Jade Guanyin is even bigger.”

“Think carefully about the mantras that have been passed down in your industry for thousands of years.”

 “You will understand what I mean.”

 The answer was about to come out, and cold sweat broke out on Zhao Shandong's forehead.

The white jade Guanyin has an unclean smell.

 Belongs to what is commonly known as evil among the people.

  Confirming his guess, Zhao Shandong was filled with hatred and fear in his heart.

What I’m afraid of is that besides the yin energy of the White Jade Guanyin, what if there are evil spirits hidden inside?

 Hate myself for being short-sighted and obsessed with money.

 The various problems mentioned by Chen Yu are actually not difficult to detect.

It’s only blame that Zhao Shandong only had money in his eyes and thought he had found a huge bargain.

The white jade Guanyin purchased for four million yuan was kept in the hand to cover it for a year or two.

 It will soon become more than 20 million, or even more.

White Jade Guanyin is both a burial object and made of jade.

Zhao Shandong violated both of the two taboos in the antique shop.

“Doctor Chen, is there something dirty in the White Jade Guanyin?”

 “If you want to understand it this way, of course you can.”

 Chen Yu nodded slightly.

“Scientifically speaking, jade has its own special magnetic field.”

 “After a person dies, it will turn into a special energy wave.”

“Energy waves are captured by the magnetic field. Therefore, they always exist inside the White Jade Guanyin.”

"Oh my God!!"

Zhao Shandong complained endlessly, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

 What special magnetic field, what special energy wave.

Chen Yu is clearly talking about the ghost in the tomb being sucked in by the White Jade Guanyin. Zhao Shandong grabbed Chen Yu's hand and slowly stood up from the ground. His body was limp and he asked, "Is there a ghost haunting it?"

Just as Chen Yu was about to answer, Zhao Shandong murmured to himself: "If there is a ghost hidden inside, why did it only hurt my son and not me or the clerk in the store?"

“I bought this white jade Guanyin. It is assumed that the ghost of the owner of the tomb is resentful and hates those who disturb its purity.”

"You should take revenge on me. Why should you take revenge on your son?"

 A large number of questions appeared in Zhao Shandong's mind.

 It was the deal he made with the tomb robbers.

It was also he who placed the white jade Guanyin in his shop.

 I am worried that my son and the shop assistant may have damaged the white jade Guanyin.

Zhao Shandong not only did not allow them to get close to the White Jade Guanyin.

 They are not even allowed to do cleaning work.

 Do it yourself.

Having been exposed to this evil White Jade Guanyin for a long time, why does Zhao Shandong have nothing to do?

Zhao Shandong, who was puzzled, expressed all the questions in his heart.

Begging Chen Yu to tell him the answer.

 No matter what the reason is, Zhao Shandong can accept it.

 After all, it was him who caused the trouble.

He brought the disaster to his son.

 “Your last sentence is quite correct.”

 “The trouble is indeed yours, and it’s your son who has caused the trouble.”

Chen Yu showed a strange smile and said, "Let me ask you again, which part of a person's body is most likely to cause disaster?"

 “Which part of a person’s body is prone to disaster?”

 Zhao Shandong raised his hand and rubbed his temples in confusion.

Just as he was about to put his hand down, Zhao Shandong exclaimed: "It's the mouth! As the saying goes, disaster comes from the mouth."

 “The mouth is the most likely to cause trouble.”

Chen Yu said with a smile: "You are good at everything, but you are not very good at all. You like to drink, but you don't have any wine."

  “Every time you have a drink with someone, you always have something to say.”

"Your son has become like this. The White Jade Guanyin is just the murder weapon. The root of the whole disaster is your mouth."

 “Your mouth has made the antique shop business prosperous.”

“It’s also because of this mouth that you turned your friends into enemies.”

 “It also made him have a murderous intention towards your son.”

Chen Yu patted Zhao Shandong on the shoulder and said sincerely: "You and your wife have a common friend."

“The three of you have been friends since childhood.”

“And this good friend of yours once worked with you to pursue your wife.”

“It’s a pity that King Xiang has the intention, but the goddess has no intention.”

 “Your wife finally chose you.”

"Although the pursuit failed, it did not affect his relationship with you."

 “You are still the best of friends.”

 Zhao Shandong blurted out: "Wang Kang, it's Wang Kang!"

 “It was he who killed my son!”

“My son is his godson, how could he be so cruel?”

 Wang Kang, Zhao Shandong, and Zhao Shandong’s wife.

 Three people once lived in the same community.

 After adulthood, Wang Kang and Zhao Shandong fell in love with her at the same time.

Zhao Shandong won and returned home with the beauty in his arms.

 The happy life did not last long. A few years later, his wife died due to dystocia.

 Zhao Shandong collapsed after being hit.

 It was the funeral that Wang Kang helped organize.

 After that, Wang Kang adopted Zhao Shandong's son Zhao Yong as his godson.

 First, he took care of Zhao Yong as he would his own son.

 (End of this chapter)

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