Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 456: Human beings don’t respect martial ethics, and you, a mountain rat spirit, can’t do it

 Out of the hundreds of rat demons, not one of them was Pang Guang's opponent.

 After a dozen breaths, the strong smell of grilled skewers filled the air.

Chen Yu touched his belly, **** his conditioned reflex.

 “Pang Guang, take away your magical powers.”

 The magician uses to invite gods to take possession of his body. It is better to say that it is to invite gods to possess him, but it is better to say that it is to attract ghosts to possess him.

Of course, the ghosts they invited were by no means ordinary lonely ghosts.

They are the ghosts and ghosts in the underworld.

The higher the level of cultivation of a magician, the greater the ability of the Yin God that can be attracted.

It is quite similar to the generals dispatched by the gods in Longhu Mountain.

 With Pang Guang's cultivation level, being able to attract the possession of a fire ghost is already the limit of the limits.

 The duration is no more than ten minutes.

  Beyond this time point, Pang Guang will encounter a backlash from the underworld.

 At least the cultivation base will be reduced.

  In severe cases, life expectancy will be shortened by several years.

 “Chen…Dr. Chen…”

After seeing off the fire ghost, Pang Guang was reduced to a dog, lying on the ground panting heavily.

 Want to brag.

  But I don’t even have the strength to speak.

Chen Yu bent down and patted Pang Guangtianling seemingly casually.

 A stream of pure spiritual energy entered Pang Guang's body.

 The next moment, Pang Guang felt energetic all over.

 Consume the exhausted spiritual energy and restore it again.

Invite the fire ghost to get on the body, look bullish, and kill in all directions.

 However, the energy and mental consumption of the caster is also huge.

 Before leaving home, my parents warned me again and again.

 This move must not be used unless it is a last resort and when faced with life or death difficulties.

“Dr. Chen, our ability to fight warlocks is extraordinary, isn’t it?”

“Once it shows its true character, it can be said that people who block it will kill people, and Buddhas who block it will kill Buddhas.”

 “Sweeping in all directions, so powerful.”

 “Leaping levels to defeat monsters is considered child’s play.”

Pang Guang slapped his chest with a look on his face.

 As if it was not him who collapsed to the ground just now.

“Even those from the Taoist sect may not be able to defeat me.”

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows and said playfully: "Awesome, indeed awesome."

“Master Pang Pang has unparalleled magical powers and can be called the modern version of One-Punch Man.”

“I’d like to ask Pang Shi to lead the way. When we meet that Gray Fairy scum later, how about you take the lead and burn it into a rat roast?”


Pang Guang, who was full of boasts, suddenly got stuck.

 Facing hundreds of ordinary rat spirits has already cost him half his life.

If it weren't for the spiritual energy supplement given by Chen Yu.

 Don't talk about bragging, he can't even walk.

Chen Yu said cheerfully: "I will help you record the wonderful scene of Master Pang showing off his power."

“By the way, I’ll send a message to Lao Li now.”

“Ask him to call all the on-duty members of your team over and watch this peak showdown together.”

“I’ve thought of the title for you, Yin Fire Burns Ashes, God Shows His Power.”

 “After this battle, promotion and salary increase are no longer a dream, and it’s just a child’s play.”

“With your merits, being a deputy team leader is more than enough.”

“After some time, I was invited to attend the Xuanmen Conference.”

"When the time comes, I will bring Ambassador Pang's heroic deeds over and publicize them for you in front of the heads of the families and the headmasters."

“The Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Quanzhen Taoism, and the various sects in Maoshan Mountain of Qing Dynasty will definitely be ashamed of themselves.”

Pang Guang looked sad.

 Chen Yu is trying to kill himself.

The Celestial Master of Tianshi Mansion, the master of Quanzhen Taoism, the master of Maoshan Mountain in Shangqing Dynasty, is one of the top names in the industry.

How virtuous and capable are you compared with them?

"Why is Master Pang's face red? He can't be excited, right?"

“Come on, I’m optimistic about you.” Chen Yu laughed and walked forward.

 Inside the cave, there are a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry piled up.

 An old man who looked half like a human and half like a mouse kept urging several rat spirits the size of Tibetan mastiffs to dig holes desperately.

“Those juniors can’t stop us for long. Once the people named Chen come in, we will die without a place to die!”

 The old man’s ugly old face was covered with beads of sweat, and his heart was beating very fast.

 A rat is a rat and can never get rid of its timid nature.

 With the sound of footsteps, the old man trembled with fright.

 Chen Yu, the **** who killed a thousand swords, finally came.

Pang Guang pointed at the old man and scolded him bravely: "Bold monster, you have been surrounded."

 “A large number of Taoist magicians are moving towards this place with emotion.”

“The policy of our special task force is to be lenient if you confess and severe if you resist.”

 “If you resist to the end, you will die!”

“Your younger brothers have all turned into rats and roasted meat. If you dare to resist, you will be killed without mercy!”

  The old man looked at Pang Guang as if he was mentally retarded.

Who is he, who dares to threaten himself?

 There is no spiritual energy in my body.

It’s worthy to show your teeth and claws in front of him!

“Chen Yu, how about we make a deal?”

"Turn a blind eye and let me go. All the gold and silver treasures in the cave belong to you."

“If you think it’s less, I can ask Hui Bing and the other monks to give you a piece of the money they collected.”

More than a dozen greedy monks, headed by Monk Huibing, each had tens of millions in savings.

 Including the treasures here, together they are worth at least hundreds of millions.

What the old man is afraid of is not Pang Guang, but Chen Yu, the smiling tiger.

Judge Qian was sent to the Chenghuang Pavilion and was only one breath away from death.

 It is said that he was beaten very badly.

 There is no good place in my body.

 The clothes were directly torn.

Chen Yu smiled faintly and said: "No wonder Judge Qian is your backer. You really know how to negotiate."

 “Don’t talk nonsense, go straight to the point, only talk about money, not feelings.”

“Chen Yu, you take your Yangguan Road, and I’ll take my single-plank bridge. If we don’t invade the river, why should you kill them all?”

 While the old man was talking about money, he started to sell miserably.

 Several of my juniors were eager for success and killed some humans in a moment of confusion.

 In order to prevent Mr. Huisan from enforcing the family law.

The old man brought his rats, rats, and grandchildren to this place to survive.

 “You wait a moment.”

Chen Yu interrupted the old man's ramblings and said with a smile: "You made a mistake."

"What's up?"

 The old man said nervously.

“You said you wanted me to turn a blind eye and let you go, and you were willing to give me everything here.”

Chen Yu said seriously: "Is it possible that if I kill you, these things will also be mine?"


As soon as these words came out, the old man was so angry that he almost died. He gritted his teeth and said: "Once the fish dies and the net breaks, you may not be able to end up well."

Pang Guang interjected: "The old guy is still playing threats and temptations when he is about to die. Dr. Chen, you don't have to be polite to him."

 “Slap him to death for counting the ball.”

Chen Yu asked with a smile: "Are you looking good yourself, or should I help you look good?"

 The old man's face turned red.

Just when Pang Guang thought that the rat leader was furious, he was ready to fight to the death.

 An unexpected scene appeared.

The old man, whose face was turning blue and purple, suddenly said: "Boy, you just said that your policy is to be lenient if you confess and strict if you resist."

“I voluntarily surrendered, which is considered a confession.”

Pang Guang looked dull.

It’s okay if human beings don’t practice martial ethics.

You, a mountain rat spirit, can also play this trick. If you can't beat me, surrender.

 Is this the virtue of the mini-boss? (End of chapter)

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