Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 442: The wish is fulfilled in the cave heaven and the blessed land, the unfulfilled last wi

 A few dozen minutes ago, someone called the old village chief.

It is said that he saw Dong’s mother who had died in the village.

The old village chief was immediately frightened to the point of losing sleep. He immediately woke up his neighbors and rushed to the cemetery to check the situation.

Dong’s mother’s tomb was in a mess, with soil scattered around to reveal the coffin inside.

 The lid of the coffin was opened by someone unknown, and there was no trace of the body lying inside.

Everyone, without exception, thought of Taoist Yunxiao's warning and rushed to Dong's house without saying a word.

I happened to see the lights of Dong’s house brightly lit.

 It was confirmed that Mother Dong had really returned home on her own, and everyone believed in Taoist Yunxiao's words.

“Dong Mingshan, you are used to being the boss in the company and think you can solve everything by yourself. Now let me see how you end up!”

"This is not a matter of your Dong family, but a matter of life and death for the whole village."

“Your mother faked her corpse and turned into an irrational zombie. She came here to kill you today, and tomorrow she will kill the whole village!”

All kinds of abuses are heard constantly.

"Stop scolding me! If anyone dares to scold my brother again, I will never end it with you!!"

Dong Mingshui stood up and said not to be outdone: "How many of you have seen this kind of supernatural event?"

“If you really thought my mother would commit suicide, why didn’t you stop her during the day?”

 “In the final analysis, you, like my brother, are all dubious about this kind of thing.”

"Now that something has happened, I have to throw all the responsibilities onto my brother. Do you have any conscience?"

Now that something has happened, the top priority is to think about what to do.

Blindly blaming Dong Mingshan will not solve anything except wasting time.

Dong Mingshan glanced at his brother who spoke for him with a strange expression.

“Everyone, I did not do this properly, but as my brother said, the top priority is to resolve the matter as soon as possible.”

“It is said that the person who unties the bell must tie the bell. Since Taoist Master Yunxiao has already predicted that my mother will be dead after her death, why not invite him over? What do you think?”

 Dong Mingshan asked.

 “That’s all it can do.”

 The old village chief looked at the people behind him.

 The villagers nodded in unison.

“Second brother, call Taoist Master Yunxiao immediately and ask him to come over immediately.”

“When this is done, our Dong family will be very grateful.”

Hearing this, Dong Mingshui took out his mobile phone and dialed Taoist Yunxiao's number.

On the phone, Dong Mingshui had all the good things to say and begged Taoist Yunxiao to come over in a low voice.

Hello or not, Taoist Yunxiao agreed to come over immediately.

 Let everyone stay at the scene and no one should touch the body inside.

 Dozens of minutes later, Taoist Yunxiao appeared at the Dong family's old house.

“Mr. Dong, do you now know who is the real person and who is the villain?”

Taoist Priest Yunxiao took a square step, stroking his beard, and went upstairs to inspect Dong Mu's body.

“After experiencing this incident, Dong naturally knows who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.”

“Master Yunxiao, please give me some advice on how to properly handle this matter.”

Dong Mingshan gave the driver Lao Wang a wink.

 Lao Wang opened his wallet, took out his checkbook and handed it to Dong Mingshan.

“This matter is difficult to say, but it is not too complicated to say it is simple.”

Hearing the nonsense literature spoken by Taoist Yunxiao, Dong Mingshan said anxiously: "Taoist Master, please stop showing off. Our whole family believes that you are a capable expert."

“Tell me, how can I make my mother feel at peace?”

Taoist Yunxiao stopped, twirled his fingers and said, "If we want this matter to end safely, we must first fulfill the old man's dying wish."

“What is my mother’s dying wish?” Dong Mingshui asked impatiently.

 “First, promote you to be the number two person in the company.”

Taoist Yunxiao said unhurriedly: "Pindao previously communicated with the underworld and contacted the ghost of your mother. The one she is most worried about is your second son."

 “Is this what my mother really thinks?”

Dong Mingshan said in surprise.

Taoist Yunxiao once again wispy his beard and sighed: "What a pity for the parents in the world. You are her biological child. If she doesn't care about you, how can she die in peace?"

 “Brother, do you see?”

Dong Mingshui turned back and looked at Dong Mingshan.

Dong Mingshan said noncommittally: "Master, besides this wish, what other unfulfilled wishes does my mother have?"

“Second, don’t interfere in your second brother’s marriage anymore.”

“Your mother was very fond of your second brother’s ex-girlfriend during her lifetime, but you ruined this good marriage by interfering and beating her up.”

"This is the second thing she can't let go of. As for the third thing... sigh."

Taoist Yunxiao shook his head and said with mixed feelings: "I'm afraid you may not be able to complete it for her."

"Master, please tell me frankly, what is my mother's third wish? If you don't tell me, how do you know that I won't fulfill it?"

 Dong Mingshan asked.

 “That’s all right, that’s it for now, I’ll just say it straight away.”

Taoist Yunxiao sighed and said, "Many years ago, your mother made a great wish in front of the statue."

“I beg the gods to bless you and your brother to grow up safely and have their own achievements.”

“If the gods are kind and grant her wish, she is willing to go to the seventy-two blessed places and thirty-six caves in person to fulfill her wishes one by one and thank the gods for their grace.”

“You and your brother are healthy adults and have no illness or disaster. Each of you has achieved your own achievements. She should have gone to these blessed places in person to fulfill her wish.”

“Unfortunately, her body no longer allows her to travel such a long distance.”

Taoist Yunxiao always told everyone that the reason why Mother Dong was unwilling to leave the world was precisely because of these three things.

If you want her to leave safely, her three souls will return to the underworld and her seven souls will disperse in the world.

 It is bound to fulfill her three wishes.

If only one or two of them are completed, the situation today will happen again one day in the future.

 Even more serious than today.

 The dead cannot be bullied, and the grace of God cannot be neglected.

“Mr. Dong, these are your mother’s three last wishes.”

“If all three things are completed, not only can she leave with peace of mind, but she can also be reborn into a good family and have endless prosperity for the next generation.”

Taoist Yunxiao said seriously: "You are your mother's eldest son, and now you are the pillar of the Dong family. Therefore, her last wish must be fulfilled by you."

“On behalf of her, she went to the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places in person to fulfill her wish.”

Hearing this, many people took out their mobile phones and searched for the Thirty-Six Caves and the Seventy-two Blessed Lands.

 I really don’t know if I don’t check.

The thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places mentioned by Yunxiao Taoist actually exist in reality.

These caves and blessed places are spread across the country’s famous mountains and rivers

 There are nine in the province alone.

 It may not be possible to visit all these places within a few years.

Dong Mingshan was silent after hearing this.

Taoist Yunxiao said in a serious tone: "Mr. Dong, if you hesitate again, I'm afraid a disaster is about to happen."

 “Dad, save me!!”

While the atmosphere at the scene was solemn, Chen Yu suddenly walked in from outside.

  The right hand is carrying a small animal with a slender body, short limbs and fluffy yellow hair. (End of chapter)

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