Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 433: You are good in every way and others are wrong in every way, this is right

Chapter 433: You are good in every way and others are wrong in every way. This is the confrontational personality.

Lawyer Luo was so amused by Chen Yu's double entendre that he laughed out loud.

 At the same time, it also solved the doubts in his heart.

 No wonder this young man agreed.

 It’s not a mental illness, let alone a masochist.

 But it has an unknown purpose.

 Simply put, Xiaowen needs to be strong.

In the live broadcast room, water friends are also very happy.

 Chen Yu couldn’t explain it more clearly.

 Gongzige and Xiaowen have to be strong and fall in love. At best, they are just using each other.

 Until he achieves his goal, he will naturally not abandon Xiaowen and be strong.

“Chen, you’d better keep your mouth shut!”

 Xiaowen must be strong and angrily threatening Chen Yu.

If Chen Yu continues to make fun of herself, she will immediately complain to the website.

If the Huyu platform favors Chen Yu.

 Xiaowen will choose to sue if she is strong.

 Sue Chen Yu for infringement of his reputation.

 Chen Yu smiled lightly and said: "Rather than suing me, I think you should receive treatment."

 “You were born in a native family, and your parents are mean and greedy for money.”

“With the birth of your younger brother, you worry that your parents’ love will be taken away by your younger brother, so you find ways to express yourself.”

“They like to benefit themselves at the expense of others. You know how to benefit yourself better than your parents.”

 “Must show one’s presence everywhere.”

 “Gradually develop an extreme personality of being extremely conceited and others are not as good as yourself.”

  “In psychological terms, your state is an antagonistic personality.”

  “Referred to as Gangjing.”

 “In the eyes of people like you, the world is full of competition.”

“If you want to live a good life, you must suppress others and use tricks to plot against others.”

Xiaowen must be strong and was completely blown away after hearing this. She roared: "You are the bully! Your whole family is the bully."

 “You, like these keyboard warriors, cannot see others living a good life.”

“In order to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room, they deliberately made fun of me and poured dirty water on me.”

“If I had known you were this kind of person, my aunt would never have paid in advance!”

Until now, Xiaowen must be strong and still feel sorry for the 10,000 yuan she paid to Chen Yu.

 “I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry, she’s in a hurry.”

 “No wonder he is so confident, he turns out to be a bully.”

“The biggest characteristic of a confrontational personality is that whoever argues with her will lose.”

“Dr. Chen, I am arrogant in the face of weak people, respectful in the face of ruthless people, flattering and flattering in the face of leaders, and yin and yang in the face of my colleagues. What kind of personality do I have?”

 “Stacking buff character.”

 The water friends burst into laughter.

 Chen Yu simply talks about confrontational personality, but people may not understand it.

 Once the leverage is added, water friends will know it all too well.

 Hateful people laugh at others.

 The kindness others treat her is a matter of course.

No matter how much you ask for, the other party cannot complain at all.

 Otherwise, it is a heinous crime and deserves death.

Chen Yu said slowly: "This patient, you might as well calm down and think carefully."

 “Are you really worthy of the conditions you are proposing?”

 “Why am I not worthy?”

Xiao Wen should be strong and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Although I have children, I have never been married, so I have a perfect body."

  “And I don’t have any bad habits, which is much better than those **** bitches.”

 Xiaowen must be strong and serious in counting her "good qualities".

 The water friends burst into laughter.

 Xiaowen needs to be strong rather than feel good about herself.

 But I believe from the bottom of my heart that I am infinitely charming.      is really good.

Chen Yu said calmly: "Since you think what I said is not credible, then this fight can end here."

"This is not okay! You took my money and ending the business now is a breach of contract."

Xiaowen should be strong and quickly stopped praising herself and said: "You just said that he was with me because he planned to take advantage of me."

 “Tell me, how does he want to use me?”

Seeing that Xiaowen was strong and took the initiative to bring up what she just said, the water friends also stopped laughing.

 They want to know too.

Xiaowen must be strong for a woman who weighs 150 pounds and is so confident that she weighs 160 pounds.

  What is there that is worth utilizing?

Chen Yu said: "A water friend posted a barrage before. I think the content of this barrage is enough to explain the relationship between you and him."

"What content?"

 Xiaowen asked firmly.

 “Magic defeats magic.”

 Chen Yu shrugged his shoulders.

Xiaowen said firmly and impatiently: "Can you speak human language? I can't understand the nonsense of you people."

“To put it in layman’s terms, it’s to use your shamelessness to defeat your parents who force you to marry.”

There was silence in the live broadcast room at first.

 Immediately, water friends sent various barrages.

“A magic beats magic. Dr. Chen, I understand. I fully understand.”

“The best way to defeat parents who force marriage is to find a weird love partner, 6666666!”

"No wonder the young master is so anxious to take her to meet her parents. It turns out that she wants to watch the fight between the dragon and the tiger."

 “I give this guy full marks for his operation, it’s definitely worth learning from.”

 “This guy is definitely a ruthless person to bring such a thing home.”

“Brothers, when it comes to having fun, don’t mess around. Once you get entangled with such a person, you will have to shed your skin if you want to get rid of it.”

   Brother Gongzi’s plan can be said to be wonderful.

 But it’s just as some water friends reminded.

 Xiaowen must be strong, not only as a bully, but also as a knife.

 It is easy to invite God but difficult to send him away.

 Use her shamelessness and enchanting self-confidence to defeat her parents who are urging her to get married.

 How to get rid of her will become a new problem.

Chen Yu smiled and said: "This young man has already thought of this."

 “He chose a blind date because his parents were eager to have a grandson.”

“Pushing for marriage does not matter whether you are rich or not. It can only be said that this situation rarely happens to rich people.”

“Unfortunately, the parents of Young Master are special cases among special cases.”

“Since he turned thirty, his parents have continuously introduced him to well-matched blind dates.”

 “This young master is unwilling to get married, but he cannot resist the pressure of his parents.”

“I suddenly came up with the idea of ​​using magic to defeat magic.”

“Look for those women with weird personalities, money-loving nature, and speechless women to be your girlfriends.”

“Deliberately putting on an attitude in front of her parents that she would not marry her.”

“I won’t tell you what will happen next, but everyone can probably guess it.”

Hate friends can certainly guess it.

Xiaowen wants to be strong and shameless and greedy, which can be said to be hard to hide.

There are also black and white impermanence around me.

 Seeing this wonderful flower, the young master’s parents, who didn’t have a heart attack, all wanted to say Amitabha.

He must have tried every means to separate his son from this wonderful flower.

 Once this decision is made, the advantage will be instantly transferred to their son.

 Use the breakup to negotiate terms with your parents.

 As for how to get rid of Xiaowen, you must be strong.

 The young master’s parents have to worry about him.

 In this round, Young Master simply won the pot.

 (End of this chapter)

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