Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 418: The rich second generation stepped on all the thunders that they shouldn’t step on.

Chapter 418: The rich second generation has stepped on all the thunder that they shouldn’t step on.

 A diligent and progressive noble son is like falling into an ice cave.

 Brother Yong, whom he regarded as a relative, actually had such an unknown side.

 The diligent and motivated young master has neither high academic qualifications nor good abilities.

 It does not mean that the brain cannot bend.

 Brother Yong called to report, explaining that these problematic products appeared on the shelves under his secret instruction.

 Hence, it can be seen that the whole thing is a scheme.

 It is a trap for oneself.

Because of his trust in the employees left behind by Brother Yong, the diligent and motivated Mr. In the past, when he signed to purchase goods, he would look at them briefly and then write down his name.

 Diligent and progressive, your noble son's heart will be relieved.

 Why did Brother Yong do this?

I didn’t recruit him or mess with him, and I respected him very much since I was a child.

  Although he is not a relative, he has always been regarded as an elder brother.

"My dad doesn't like me and keeps asking me to work at the bottom level. It's all because of Brother Yong."

“Did he deliberately say bad things about me in front of my dad, causing my dad to believe it and not let me enter the company?”

 The diligent and motivated young master will think of all the possibilities that he can think of.

Looking at the screen eagerly, waiting for Chen Yu's answer.

Chen Yu smiled lightly and said: "You underestimate Zhou Yong too much, and you underestimate your father too much."

"Your father is a very shrewd man. He can tell whether someone is a human or a ghost at a glance."

“Speaking ill of you in front of him will only lower Zhou Yong’s status.”

“What Zhou Yong did is completely different from what you think.”

“Not only does he never speak ill of you in front of your father, but he always praises you when he finds an opportunity.”

 “Everything you do, he will report it to your father.”

“It means you are not useless, you have your own ideas, and you want to do something big.”

“It is precisely because of this that your impression in the eyes of your father is getting lower and lower, and finally it hits the bottom.”

 Young master, you are completely incapable of being diligent and motivated.

 Zhou Yong insists on constantly saying good things about himself in front of his father, which is a good thing.

 Would this cause my impression in the eyes of my father to become worse and worse?

 What are these and what are they...

Chen Yu crossed his hands and said in a calm tone: "When you see other children from rich families spending endless amounts of money every day and living a life of fine clothing and fine food, you feel a little envious."

“I’m not envious of their lavish life, but I’m envious of their ability to freely use their money.”

“Zhou Yong saw your thoughts and persuaded you to do some business to prove your ability and impress your father.”

“You thought it was a good idea, so you invested the money you got from your mother into the P2P financial industry that was booming at the time.”

“The profits were good in the first two months, and you earned more than one million.”

“You plan to show off to your father at the end of the year that you can do business and be the boss.”

“Then the whole industry exploded.”

 The diligent and motivated young man’s face turned green.

I took 6 million from my mother through hard work and invested all of it.

  P2P, which was originally enjoying good momentum, encountered the most stringent regulatory measures in December.

 The entire industry suddenly returned to zero.

“Not only did you not show your face, but you also showed your big eyes. Your father was so angry that he almost broke a sept wolf.”

Chen Yu said slowly: "All 6 million yuan has been paid. You fell into serious self-doubt. Zhou Yong found you and invited you to drink while giving you a chicken blood injection."

“It’s just an accident. The industry is entering a cold winter due to policy reasons and has nothing to do with your personal ability.”

"Without these accidents, your business will definitely become more and more prosperous, and maybe one day, your total assets will exceed your father's."

 “Not only do you have an honest personality, but you also have a soft ear.”

“After listening to a few words, I immediately felt full of energy and started looking for the next business opportunity.”

"In 2015, you asked your mother to get money to start a coal business." "You think this is the business that your family has been doing, and you are familiar with it and there will be no risk."

“After working for only a few months, I encountered an industry winter again.”

“Coal supply exceeds demand, and overall profits have shrunk severely.”

“Even your company will be affected and start to undergo transformation, and your small business will be completely wiped out immediately.”

“In the next few years, you did a lot of business one after another, and either lost all your money or made it ridiculous.”

 “Your father sees all these things.”

“I think you are like mud that can’t be used to hold up a wall, an adou that can’t be helped up.”

 At this moment, Chen Yu suddenly laughed.

While laughing, Chen Yu shook his head and said: "The last time you started business on your own, you borrowed 300,000 yuan from your brother Yong, formed a partnership with a good friend, invested a total of 800,000 yuan, and opened a restaurant specializing in Western-style fast food. "

“The main dish is the handmade beef burger”

“In the first month of operation, the total revenue was 108 yuan.”

 The water friends burst into laughter.

“I spent 800,000 yuan to open a restaurant, and its main product is hamburgers. Brother, you are not doing business, you are doing evil.”

“It’s better to sell starch sausage. It can be eaten by many people and it’s cheaper. The main reason is that the cost is low.”

“I can see that Xiao Huangmao does business on a whim, without considering market research and sales strategies.”

“As long as the second generation of rich people don’t do drugs, gamble, or start a business, they can basically keep their family business.”

“Invest 800,000 yuan and get a monthly income of 108 yuan? Give me 800,000 yuan to set up a stall and sell grilled cold noodles, and the monthly net income will be more than this amount.”

 The diligent and motivated young man looks angry and depressed.

At that time, he had no idea that things would turn out like this.

 Zhou Yong gave himself a clear and logical analysis.

 The pace of life and work of young people is getting faster and faster.

 Fast food has become the main way of dining for most young people.

  Western-style fast food, which is served quickly, has more advantages than Chinese food.

 Decorate the restaurant in an internet celebrity style and sell burgers, fried chicken, French fries and other fast food.

 Select the best beef as ingredients.

As long as customers eat well, they will not feel that the price is high.

 Complete these preparations and you will definitely become a hit.

 Red is red enough.

 From the time it opened until it closed down, people came in every day to check in and take photos.

Faced with fifty or sixty-one burgers, not a single person is seen coming in to consume them every day.

After months of struggling, the restaurant sadly closed down.

Not only did Zhou Yong not ask him to pay back the money, he instead gave him the supermarket in his name.

 Finally, the diligent and motivated young master has a stable source of income.

Thinking about it now, it seems that everything was done with Zhou Yong’s suggestion or encouragement.

“Do you understand now? These business suggestions Zhou Yong gave you may seem to be for your own good, but each of them involves huge risks.”

“You can’t see that certain industries are going to explode. As an MBA, can’t he also see that?”

“You are in a fourth-tier city, and the per capita salary is about three to four thousand.”

 “Set the price of a hamburger at tens, alas…”

 Chen Yu shook his head.

“You just listen to what you believe and drink the poisonous chicken soup that Zhou Yong fed you.”

“He will go to any lengths to get revenge on you and your mother.”

 (End of this chapter)

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