Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 414: To endure temporary pain and gain permanent happiness is this

Chapter 414 Enduring the temporary pain and gaining permanent happiness is the wisest choice

“The price is one hundred thousand, does this patient need it?”

 “Need, need, need!”

  Chen Yu’s words were like a ray of sunshine shining into Fan Shengnan’s gloomy heart.

Having experienced Chen Yu’s abilities, Fan Shengnan firmly believes that Chen Yu is not only able to predict the future.

At the same time, it can also save your own life.

“Since you need it, please send me your address and phone number.”

 “I’ll send it to you tomorrow.”

“By the way, after the actors are invited, you won’t show up for the time being.”

“You can remotely control the company’s affairs and help him handle them for you.”

 “He is an experienced actor and has a hundred ways to deal with evil people.”

 “I couldn’t find you, and I ran into a wall in front of him many times.”

“Your parents know that there is no hope for money, so they will take your brother and flee.”

 “The final outcome, tsk tsk tsk...”

 “Let’s wait and see the legal news in a few months.”

Fan Shengnan kept nodding, keeping Chen Yu's words in mind.

When Chen Yu stopped talking, Fan Shengnan couldn't wait to say: "Dr. Chen, I just thought of a question. If they can't find me and can't get money when I go to the company, will they torture my grandfather?"

“They will take your grandpa to your company and make a fuss several times, trying to force you out.”

“During this period, you must not be soft-hearted.”

 “The wisest choice is to endure the temporary pain and obtain permanent happiness.”

 “After the last time asking for money to no avail, they will leave your grandpa in the company.”

 “At that time, don’t show up.”

“They are deliberately testing you to see if you have really gone abroad, or if you are deliberately avoiding it.”

 “This actor will find a way to settle your grandpa, you don’t have to worry.”

Chen Yu smiled and said: "People who look fierce are not necessarily bad people. They may be saviors who come to save you."

 “A person with a high degree of education and good looks may not necessarily be a good person.”

 “For example, your fiancé.”

 “The circumstances of life are ever-changing, and the end of hardship may not necessarily bring relief.”

“But as long as you believe what I say, your life will definitely change a lot in the future.”

Tears appeared in Fan Shengnan's eyes.

 A person who has been really good to himself since childhood and thinks about Fan Shengnan.

Apart from grandpa, I’m afraid there’s only Chen Yu.

As for the fiancé, he is just a wolf in human skin!

 “Dr. Chen, thank you.”

Fan Shengnan said with tears.

Chen Yu smiled lightly and said, "Just do what you should do."

 “Before you leave, don’t forget to pay.”

 “Small business, no arrears.”


Hearing the joke in Chen Yu's words, Fan Shengnan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Gao Gaoxingxing paid 110,000 yuan, and Fan Shengnan and Chen Yu sent private messages to each other.

 “Dr. Chen, goodbye.”


 After the words fell, Fan Shengnan disappeared from the screen.

Chen Yu easily lifted the full-screen ban and audio ban.

 The next second, barrages swept across the sky.

Looking at the barrage with various contents, Chen Yu crossed his hands and said with a smile: "Some of the following contents involve the key privacy of this patient."

“As a doctor, I have the responsibility and even greater obligation to protect the privacy of patients.”

“That’s why I adopted the method of full-screen ban and full-screen mute.”

 “Please forgive me.”

“Don’t worry, everyone, I will focus on answering the few questions you are concerned about.”

Many netizens can’t wait to know what Chen Yu means by the 30 million insurance money.

 Could it be that Fan Shengnan's fiancé caused a car accident for the second time in order to defraud insurance?

  Secondly, Fan Shengnan’s fiancé was finally sentenced.

  Will it be the death penalty?

This kind of scum must be sentenced to death.

 Even if it is a reprieve, it is a violation of justice.

“The first question is that the fiancé of the patient just now is indeed trying to defraud his insurance through a car accident.”

“But it is not the main means of insurance defrauding by causing car accidents.” Chen Yu said.

  Fan Shengnan’s fiancé is not only ruthless, but also very cunning.

The second wife died in a car accident. If the third wife also died in a car accident, it would be equivalent to handing the clues to the relevant departments.

 He has been married twice. As long as he does not update the household registration book, information such as marriage and widowhood will not be reflected in the household registration book.

 But what if the police investigate further?

 Therefore, the fiancé had no intention of taking advantage from the beginning and the car accident killed Fan Shengnan.

Causing a small car accident is just to pave the way for his next move.

 The moment of life and death brought about by a car accident.

The fiancé used words to induce Fan Shengnan to think about the impermanence of life.


 The fiancé will buy a personal accident insurance policy worth 30 million.

 The name of Fan Shengnan is written in the beneficiary column.

 Fan Shengnan was deeply moved and loved his fiancé to death.

 With the step-by-step temptation of my fiancé, I also purchased an insurance policy.

 The beneficiary column contains the man’s name.

No matter who of the two leaves first due to an accident, he or she will leave a large fortune to the other.

 After completing the preliminary preparations, the fiancé began to officially kill Fan Shengnan.

 As a real estate agent, Fan Shengnan has to run around and climb stairs every day.

 The fiancé prepared a drug that could cause kidney failure.

 In the early stage, the limbs are swollen, listless, and have loss of appetite.

 It can all be attributed to work exhaustion.

“In the past, there was a father-in-law who killed his son-in-law and a whole family, and in the past, there was a fiancé who killed his wife and cheated her out of the marriage.”

 “A tip for fearing marriage every day.”

“Dr. Chen’s judgment of each case is very unexpected.”

 “I hope that Mr. Lin will meet Dr. Chen one day.”

“Do these insurance fraudsters think that insurance companies are just for the taking?”

“The streets are full of Skynet, why are there still people robbing banks in broad daylight?”

 “It’s a lucky thing.”

 Looking at the barrage on the screen, Chen Yu continued: "The three cases will be handled together. The patient's fiancé will eventually receive a 7.62."

“As for the vicious parents and younger brother you are concerned about, they will not end well either.”

 Hearing the last sentence, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached its climax.

Chen Yu smiled lightly and said: "I would like to invite the second patient to come on the mic."

 After the words fell, a young man in his twenties with yellow hair appeared on the screen.

The online name has made many water friends laugh.

 A diligent and progressive noble son.

The water friend whose online name is Diligent and Progressive Young Master is in an antique room.

 Furniture furnishings, coffee tables and sofas are all made of wooden structure.

 Some water friends who like to collect antiques couldn't help but widen their eyes.

These furniture seem to be made of mahogany.

 Wearing jeans, a pure white T-shirt, and dyed yellow hair, a young man is standing among many mahogany furniture.

 It is more or less inconsistent.

 Many friends speculate that this person is diligent and motivated in your company, or he is the second generation of rich people.

 Or maybe someone who sells furniture.

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Hello patient, how can I help you?"

 “Hello, Dr. Chen, and hello to all water friends.”

 The diligent and motivated young master greeted everyone in the live broadcast room politely.

 Next, fix the phone on the coffee table in front of you.

 Spotted by some sharp-eyed sailors.

The diligent and motivated young man wears a watch on his left hand with a colorful dial.

 Surrounded by pieces of colored gemstones.

“Dr. Chen, it’s a great honor to join you.”

“I’m not here to see you for medical treatment, nor do I want to trouble you with anything.”

“But I want to make a statement in front of millions of water friends.”

Diligent and progressive, your noble son is serious and serious.

 (End of this chapter)

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