Chapter 407 An interview is required before

 At this moment.

Fan Shengnan looked at Chen Yu with no doubts and doubts.

I completely believe that Chen Yu is an expert with real abilities.

“Dr. Chen, please wait a moment.”

"What you said seems to have nothing to do with my physical condition."

Fan Shengnan couldn't help but ask.

Chen Yu smiled and said: “No matter whether it is Chinese medicine, Western medicine, psychiatrists or other doctors, once they start treating patients, they must pay attention to tracing the root cause.”

“While treating the condition, we must also find out the cause of the patient’s illness.”

"When I first met you, I said that the cause of your illness is not in yourself, but in your family."

“Due to family reasons, you are more precocious than other children.”

“He also has a clear understanding of life and the future that is far beyond that of his peers.”

 “I said that, is it right?”

“After working hard in society for ten years, you have suffered hardships that others cannot bear, and you have been tired that others cannot bear.”

“Even if you have a certain status and a certain degree of economic freedom.”

 “But you are still living in pain.”

 “From time to time I’ll be woken up by nightmares.”

 These words said by Chen Yu resonated with a large number of water friends.

Even though Fan Shengnan now has his own company.

 Become a well-known real estate owner in Shanghai.

 But as long as there is no break with the family for one day.

 She will still be influenced by her family.

Fan Shengnan said with a heavy face: "Dr. Chen, you are right."

“When you opened these scars on me just now, I felt like I could get through it with strength.”

“Unexpectedly, it still caused me great pain in the end.”

 “As if these things happened yesterday.”

“My parents tampered with my college entrance examination application, and I feel like the sky is falling.”

“At that moment, I just wanted to leave this home and leave these relatives who were like demons.”

 “But in the end, I still couldn’t make up my mind.”

 After going to school, Fan Shengnan understood a truth.

 To change your destiny, leave this family.

 The college entrance examination is her only chance.

Years of hard work were completely evaporated as the college entrance examination application was tampered with.

Failing to register is equivalent to automatically giving up the opportunity to go to college.

 Once you study as a free normal college student, your future life is fixed.

 After graduation, return to your hometown or teach in a nearby village or town.

 The monthly salary will be taken away by the vampire-like parents and the younger brother who is more like a devil than a devil.

  If you break the contract and fail to teach, you will not only have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages, but you will also be included in the credit blacklist.

 These two points are not something Fan Shengnan can bear.

 In the end, Fan Shengnan chose to accept his fate.

 You can just walk away.

But where is grandpa?

If you run away from home, will your grandpa miss you so much that he becomes ill?

Will the huge debt crush grandpa?

 “The only son means that he has never encountered such a situation.”

"We are both only children. If I have to raise a younger brother with a wife in the future, I would rather not get married."

“My sister is going to get married and buy a house, and my dad asked me to pay for it.”

“Little sister, what did Dr. Chen say before? Your parents have treated your brother as the heir to the throne. Why did he blind your mother’s eyes?”

 In the barrage sent by water friends, in addition to sharing the same hatred and hatred, there are also confusion and curiosity.

Before Chen Yu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Fan Shengnan.

 Everyone is eager to know what Chen Yu’s last two sentences mean.

 For the sake of their son, parents can tamper with their daughter’s college entrance examination aspirations.

 Leave a long-term nanny for your son.

 It can be seen how good they are to their son.

I guess it’s the kind of pampering that you hold in your mouth for fear of melting, and hold it in your hand for fear of falling. Why did he blind his mother's eyes?

 Luring more than a dozen women into having sex.

How come Fan Shengnan's younger brother was charged with robbery?

 “Let me tell you.”

 All the things that happened in the first half of my life were not all unbearable and painful memories.

 There are also a few things that make Fan Shengnan happy.

 For example, these two items.

 “My parents only have their son in their hearts.”

“No matter what my brother does, my parents will support him unconditionally.”

“Even if they do something outrageous, they will only think that the other party is at fault.”

“That day, my brother had a fight with a young man from the same village and was beaten to a **** head.”

“After my mother made a big fuss at the other party’s house, she went home and comforted my brother, saying that he should learn to be a good man and not suffer the immediate consequences.”

 “The opponent is tall and strong, and you will suffer a loss if you try again.”

“My brother was eating at the time and thought his mother was mocking him for not overestimating his abilities.”

 “Pick up the chopsticks in your hand and stab my mother directly in one of the eyes.”

 At this point, Fan Shengnan's tone became a little complicated.

“The ambulance took my mother to the hospital, and the doctor said her eyes could not be saved.”

“Although I hate my parents, she is my biological mother after all.”

“When I saw my brother disapproving and standing outside the emergency room playing with his mobile phone, I was so angry that I slapped him hard.”

Fan Shengnan touched his neck with his hand.

Even now, Fan Shengnan still remembers it clearly.

  After being slapped by myself, my brother seemed to have gone crazy.

Hand down the phone, he stretched out his hand and strangled Fan Shengnan's neck.

At that moment, Fan Shengnan felt like he was going to die.

 Fortunately, doctors and nurses quickly discovered the situation.

 Hands away his younger brother and saves Fan Shengnan’s life.

What makes Fan Shengnan feel most sad is not his brother's atrocities.

 It’s the attitude of the parents.

  In addition to feeling sorry for their son being slapped, the two of them treated each other as if they were enemies.

 Curse loudly that Fan Shengnan wants to kill his younger brother.

 Using all the worst curse words in the world.

 As for the matter of being blinded by his son.

  Fan Shengnan’s mother quickly forgave her son.

These dirty words and actions completely cut off Fan Shengnan's last concern for this family.

Also made Fan Shengnan understand completely.

 If you continue to stay in this house, sooner or later you will be driven crazy.

 Leave the place immediately after finishing college.

 When you make money, you can take grandpa away.

  I will spend the rest of my life making up for my debt to my grandfather.

“Shortly after this incident, a police officer came to my home and sent me an arrest notice.”

  “Saying that my brother is a fraud and has used unfair means to have relationships with a large number of women.”

“He bought a lot of materials online to disguise himself and dressed up as a kid from a rich family.”

“Post support posts on major social networking sites as a rich second generation.”

“In just half a year, more than ten people were deceived.”

 “My brother is very handsome, and he is also very eloquent.”

 “None of the women who were deceived had any doubts about him.”

“They all chose to meet him offline.”

“I found out later that after meeting them, my brother did something that a normal person would never think of.”

Fan Shengnan didn’t keep the water friends waiting for too long and quickly gave the answer.

“After meeting these women who wanted to be picked up, my brother proposed to conduct interviews with these women.”

 (End of this chapter)

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