Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 393: Worshiping the wrong ancestor or crying at the wrong grave, which one is more outrageo

Chapter 393: Worshiping the wrong ancestor or crying at the wrong grave, which one is more outrageous?

Chen Yu said with a smile: "In some cases, dreaming about deceased relatives can indeed bring you wealth."

“But if you dream about someone other than your loved ones, it may not bring you wealth.”

 The master's face changed suddenly when he heard this.

Even though a few days have passed, she still remembers it clearly.

 The relative she dreamed about was indeed her deceased grandmother.

 She will remember this unmistakably.

“My parents were busy with work when I was a child, so my grandma took me with me most of the time.”

“I know better than anyone whether it was grandma I dreamed about, and I will never admit it!”

 Everything is done by a master with a firm tone.

 Until now, she can still describe clearly what happened in her dreams.

Chen Yu said: "Don't get excited yet. Let me ask you, after your grandma passed away, was she buried at No. 6, Row 9, of the cemetery?"

 The master nodded and said, "My grandma likes these two numbers the most."

“It is said that six means six and six are smooth, and nine means long and long.”

“After she passed away, we chose tomb No. 9 in row 6 in accordance with her last wish.”

 “Is there any problem with this?”

 When it comes to cooking, people ask the master.

Chen Yu sighed and said: "If I guessed correctly, the lateral positions of the tombs in your hometown cemetery are from 1 to 9, and tomb No. 9 is at the edge, right?"


 The master’s face changed even when he was doing the work.

 The water friends were a little confused.

 How come when it comes to the location of the tomb, everyone has such a big reaction to it.

 Is there any problem with this arrangement?

“Every Qingming Festival, your family goes to the old lady’s grave to burn incense and sweep it. Over the past few years, we have never found that her tomb has been arranged in the wrong place.”

 Chen Yu sighed again.

 At this moment, everyone who is doing the work is like being struck by lightning.

Grandma’s grave is located in the middle of the cemetery.

 According to grandma’s last wish, grave No. 9 in row 6 was chosen for her.

 If arranged in order, it should be on the edge of the 6th row...

 In the end, it was placed in the wrong location.

 Then, the Master blurted out: "Dr. Chen, why did this kind of incident happen?"

“Could it be that grandma gave me the dream to talk about this matter?”

“Let’s move her tomb to the right place?”

  “Not really.”

 Chen Yu’s next answer gave the dry ricers and water friends an extremely unrealistic and magical feeling.

On the same day that Master Ren’s grandmother was buried, an old man was buried in the cemetery.

 The location of the tomb is No. 6, row 9.

 The cemetery staff mixed up the order.

 The tombstone of Jiang Ganfan's grandma is buried at No. 6, row 9.

 Bury another old man at No. 9, row 6.

The staff who placed the urns and placed the tombstones were not the same group.

The tombstone was placed in the wrong place, but the urn was not wrong at all.

 Hearing this, all the people who do the work are the masters and the unknown people get angry!

I want to strangle the staff who got the wrong location of the tomb to death!

Every year on Qingming Festival, the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, everyone in the family will go to visit grandma’s grave.

 It was because of the special circumstances in the past two years that they did not go there in person.

The grandma I have worshiped for several years is actually someone else’s ancestor!

This kind of thing like worshiping the wrong grave is simply too magical.

Year after year I go to my grandma’s tombstone to sweep her tomb and pay homage. There are other people’s dead buried inside!

“The same thing happened in our hometown. We worshiped other people’s children who died in infancy as our ancestors for a year. (covering face)”

“If you don’t understand, just ask, in this case, can it be exhumed and reburied?”

“It’s not surprising that this kind of thing happens in rural areas. But if it happens in a city cemetery, it can only be said to be a management issue.”

 “I have seen people crying in the wrong grave, but I have never seen people burying the wrong person, Niubi.”

"I have been crying for several years, but I cried to the wrong grandma." "Forgive me for laughing unkindly."

“Both families have filial sons, and after so many years of worship, there is no problem with the location of the tombstone.”

 Happy friends living in rural areas have often encountered crying at the wrong grave.

This kind of thing can happen even in cities with strictly managed cemeteries.

  Really refreshed the three views of water friends.

 A large management fee is collected every year, and the property rights will have to be re-applied twenty years later.

 As a result, the tombstones of the two deceased persons were mistakenly found.

 The cemetery management has problems, and the relatives also have big problems.

 One with 6 rows and one with 9 rows.

 Everyone who has been to kindergarten in the morning knows how to count.

Even if you don’t know how to count, you should know clearly that one tomb is at the edge and the other is in the middle.

This can all be wrong, water friends collectively give negative reviews.

Chen Yu said: "Why didn't you find that the location of the tomb was wrong? I think you can remember it at least, right?"


 The master is about to speak, and scenes from the past began to appear in his mind.

 My parents are both government workers, and their positions are not low.

Every time I go to visit grandma’s grave, I always come and go in a hurry.

 After burning the paper money, put down the sacrifices, and leave in a hurry in less than half an hour.

 As for doing the work, people are the best.

Even though I have a deep relationship with my grandma, I never found that the location of the tomb was wrong.

 At the end of the day, everyone is too busy.

 Being busy with things that I think are important, I regard grave sweeping as a formality.

 The master was silent while doing the cooking, and his heart was full of guilt.

 Cemetery managers have an unshirkable responsibility.

 But don’t their family members have no responsibilities at all?

What Chen Yu wants to express is understood by the master.

Millions of water friends in the live broadcast room also understand.

“This is more speechless than going to a grave to burn newspapers.”

"If my descendants commit such a big mistake, I will take them all away!"

“I heard that what is popular now instead of sweeping graves makes me even more speechless.”

“Why haven’t the relatives from the other family been discovered? It’s impossible that all the relatives from the two families are heartless, right?”

“Hey! I discovered Hua Dian. Could it be that the old man who gave the young lady a dream is an old man from another family?”

 When I saw a few of these barrages, I felt like I was shaking.

 The tombstones were arranged incorrectly, involving two families.

My parents were busy with work and did not notice this problem.

 Another relative has never been discovered. Isn’t it too coincidental?

 One of the water friends said that the old man in her dream was an old man from another family.

The other person looks exactly like grandma.

 Are they twin sisters?

All kinds of doubts pop up in people’s minds.

 Grandma is an only child and has no biological sisters at all.

She has also met all the elders who are close friends.

 She looks completely different from grandma.

Seeing that the meal was all what the master had in mind, Chen Yu said calmly: "It's not that the relatives didn't realize it, but that the relatives never visited her grave after the old man was buried."


 Everything done is done by the master and the master is curious.

 “Because she poached people.”

Chen Yu said with a strange expression: "Five years ago, Midsummer Eve."

 “Holy shit! It’s her!!”

The master said in shock.

 (End of this chapter)

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