Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 390: Suffering from the king of all cancers, I have endless money

Chapter 390: Suffering from the king of cancers and having endless money

 The wealthy and wealthy water friends left in tears.

As a local, I know that if this is the case, the price will be at least one hundred and close to two hundred.

The water friends just suddenly realized it at this moment.

 The people who work hard are all superior to others, and the food they eat is indeed ordinary food.

 And the single consumption is not large.

 But she couldn't help but eat a lot and eat everything.

Having a casual meal of mutton steamed buns is a complete meal.

With just one portion of Liangpi, you can complete a dream three-course meal.

“She may have a psychological or physical problem. Overeating is very harmful to the body.”

“I met the grandma who is a foodie and heard Duan’s report on the names of dishes. Isn’t this serious poisoning?”

“I ate 200,000 yuan in four years, which is an average of 136 yuan a day. Even if I eat eight meals a day, it’s only 17 yuan, which is not a lot.”

"That's not how the account is calculated. She has three thousand yuan for living expenses every month, and she goes in and takes it out. After deducting the handling fees, she still earns more than twenty thousand yuan a year. Including eating at home during the winter and summer vacations, each meal is more than ten thousand yuan. A few bucks.”

“Check your triglycerides and transaminases. Fatty liver disease is a serious problem.”

"No need to check, she doesn't have fatty liver. I'll stand on her head and eat some Oli."

 Many water friends have kindly advised people to put aside other issues first.

 Hurry to the hospital for a physical checkup.

 Many mukbang influencers overeat and end up walking away.


  The master slapped me on the forehead to do all the cooking, and I almost forgot the purpose of entering the live broadcast room.

 Shortly afterwards, while doing the cooking, Master Ren remembered something.

“Dr. Chen, thank you for your concern for me.”

 “I will go to the hospital for a check-up.”

 “Before the examination, can you tell me how to make money first?”

“If I don’t pay back the money, they are going to call my home.”

 “And bomb my address book.”

 “I’ll be finished by then.”

 After graduating from college, Shangren received a call from his parents.

 Everything has been arranged for her in her hometown.

 When you think about going home to work, you will inevitably be monitored by your parents and you will no longer be able to enjoy delicious food.

 Everything is done with a hundred resistance from the master.

Every year when she goes home during the winter and summer vacations, she wears tights.

 Look as less fat as possible.

This time I go back, but I have to live for a long time.

 Not only will they be forced by their parents to lose weight, but their finances will also be severely restricted.

 Hence, those who work are all people who claim to have found a job locally.

 And the conditions are better than at home in every aspect.

I told you a lot, but my parents didn’t believe it at all.

But it’s not broken either.

 Use the big move directly in secret.

 Cut off her food and fodder, and use economic warfare to defeat her enemies.

 Without three thousand yuan of living expenses per month, the master immediately revealed his true colors.

 Online loans are starting to become overdue.

There are collection calls and text messages coming from all over the place.

 Fortunately, there is always a way out.

 Her parents cut off her food and grass, but she had relatives to help her secretly.

 Chen Yu asked her to call the hospital to make an appointment for a physical examination.

 Perhaps she is also worried about her health, which may cause problems due to overeating.

“Dr. Chen, I appreciate your kindness. Let’s work out a solution first.”

 The master blinked his big eyes and looked at Chen Yu pitifully.

 “How can I make a fortune in a short period of time?”

 “Pay off the online loan and get rid of the financial sanctions of your parents.”

“And you can still have endless money to enjoy delicious food from all over the country.”

 While the meal was being done, everyone looked out the door.

 The large plate of chicken for three people, why hasn’t it been delivered yet?

 “I’m talking about the way to make you rich.”

 Chen Yu said with a faint smile.

“You go to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow morning. Three days later, the hospital will call you to conduct a new physical examination.”

“After a second physical examination, the hospital will confirm that you have pancreatic cancer.”

"And it has developed to an advanced stage." What Chen Yu said later, the master did not listen anymore.

Three words began to linger in my mind.

 Pancreatic cancer.



The water friends who were watching the live broadcast were in an uproar.

Everyone thinks that people who work hard only eat and overeat, and if their weight becomes more than 300 kilograms, they will definitely have some physical problems.

 I never expected that the diagnosis was cancer.

 And it’s still late.

“When I heard about the terminal stage of pancreatic cancer, I couldn’t laugh at all. I just felt that this young lady was so unlucky.”

 “Alas, the king of all cancers.”

“Even if it is detected early and treated aggressively, the vast majority of patients only have a few years to live.”

“It’s all fate, and there’s nothing you can do if it happens to you.”

“People who have a sweet tooth and like greasy and spicy food are prone to pancreatic cancer.”

“My mother died from this disease back then. From the time she was diagnosed to the time she left, it only lasted three months.”

“Living in a family with hereditary pancreatic cancer, I can only say that I experience life positively, and leaving may be a relief.”

 “Pancreatic cancer develops quickly, I wish you good health.”

 Doctors in the live broadcast room and friends who have experienced pancreatic cancer all sent messages of sympathy and encouragement.

Pancreatic cancer is the most terrifying among many cancers.

 There is almost no feeling in the early and middle stages.

 Once it reaches the advanced stage, the mortality rate is very high.

 And the prognosis is extremely poor, and many patients will leave soon.

 The disease progresses quickly.

 At the advanced stage, it is not only difficult to control, but also accompanied by severe pain at all times.

Even with the use of powerful analgesics, it is difficult to suppress the pain caused by pancreatic cancer.

 “I’m going to die, I’m going to die so soon.”

 The master is the master and murmurs to himself with a shocked expression.

Immediately afterwards, loud crying came from the live broadcast room.

This time, no water friends laughed at the people who were the best.

 There is a certain amount of sympathy in my heart.

Just after graduating from college, I encountered the demon of pancreatic cancer.

 The late stage means that life has entered a countdown.

Chen Yu said: "This patient, please calm down first, and I will finish what I said before."

 “Then, we continue to communicate.”

 After being diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, even after various treatments, the patient will eventually be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January next year.

 Leave this world before the Spring Festival.

If you only work for people, you still want to spend endless money.

 Just call the insurance company.

 In the second semester of her sophomore year, she applied for a campus credit card from Blue Bank.

 The amount is not high.

However, you will receive three years of medical insurance with the card.

 After investigation, the insurance company determined that she was terminally ill.

 The insurance will be paid a fixed amount of one million as agreed.

Chen Yu said calmly: "One million is enough for you to repay the online loan you owe."

“And you will never be able to spend all the remaining money.”

 The water friends laughed bitterly.

 Indeed, the money is really endless.

 At the advanced stage of pancreatic cancer, various symptoms will come within a short period of time.

 Physical decline, lethargy, accompanied by frequent vomiting and vomiting of blood.

 If you are still in the mood to spend money under such circumstances, you are really not an ordinary person.

 “Woo woo woo…”

  The master is the master who cries like a tearful person.

 “No wonder…no wonder…”

“It turns out she didn’t mean to make me rich, but to take me away.”

Gangfan with tears in his eyes is a master, his voice is hoarse and trembling, and his content is intermittent.

 (End of this chapter)

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