Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 376: Three minutes of heat: rectify the little warriors in the workplace

Chapter 376: Three Minutes of Heat: Rectifying the Little Warriors in the Workplace

 “Dr. Chen, I understand!”

 “I decided to endure the humiliation and continue to work.”

“Thank you Dr. Chen for suggesting the third method.”

 “This is the best way.”

Hour for three minutes with a look of generosity and sacrifice on your face.

 “What is the third solution? What does this guy say?”

“Did Dr. Chen send him a private message and quietly tell him how to resolve this matter?”

 “Dr. Chen, you are really becoming more and more alienated.”

“Brother, you are kind-hearted and honest, you should be able to tell us, right?”

“Brother, if people want to hear it, just tell them.”

A large number of inquiry barrages appeared on the screen.

“Don’t get me wrong, Dr. Chen does not treat you as outsiders.”

“It was through Dr. Chen’s guidance that I realized another meaning in his words.”

 Hour for three minutes and be serious.

“After it happened, all I could think about was whether to go to work or not to go to work.”

“Actually, there is another way to solve this matter.”

 “That is to reveal his true face to the public!”

“And he did it so blatantly, he looks like a seasoned criminal at first glance!”

While friends are sending barrages, use the split-screen function of your mobile phone to enter Du Niang in three minutes.

 Search for content related to obscenity crimes and workplace harassment.

 “You guys, Dr. Chen didn’t make fun of me when he asked me to go to work.”

“But it reminds me that when faced with physical harassment in the workplace, I cannot just walk away, let alone endure it silently.”

 “I want to choose to stand up and say no to this behavior!”

 Hyperth three minutes, he clenched his fists and spoke firmly and forcefully.

“We, the post-00s generation, must not only rectify the stereotypes and customs in the workplace.”

“We also need to severely crack down on a large number of unscrupulous and unscrupulous bosses.”

 “Tomorrow, I will go to work on time at the company.”

“First I pretended to apologize to my boss, and finally I went online to buy a voice recorder and a recorder.”

 “Write down the harassment that was done to me.”

“Once a certain amount of evidence is accumulated, I will hand it over to the relevant departments immediately.”

 The water friends were suddenly enlightened after hearing this.

They all liked the three-minute trend.

 The post-2000s rectification of the workplace is mostly based on online jokes.

  But it is undeniable that it brings some positive meanings.

 Many post-00s generation are using their own methods to eliminate unhealthy tendencies in the workplace.

 He was thinking about himself for three minutes: "When I go back tomorrow, I will not only collect evidence that the boss bullied me."

 “We must unite our colleagues to deal with him together.”

 “Take it to court together.”

“Not only will he be ruined, but he will also pay us a large sum of money.”

 Whether you choose to retreat or accept the situation, you are conniving with your boss.

Three minutes of heat and it was determined that the boss was a habitual offender.

 Before me, there may have been others who were harassed by their bosses.

 For various reasons, I did not choose to speak out publicly.

 They dare not speak out. Three minutes of heat will be the first to speak out!

 At this moment, a fire surged in my heart for three minutes.

 A flame called justice.

 The most common thing employees of other companies do in private is to complain about the company and their boss.

 And the company he works for is weird.

Not only did the employees not complain about the boss, they always praised the boss for being a decent person.

These must not be what colleagues are thinking.

I am probably worried that someone will make a snitch and be maliciously bullied by the boss.

 That’s why I said so many things that went against my will. Heat Three Minutes regards himself as a little warrior who upholds justice.

 I can’t wait to get hold of the evidence right away and fight the boss for 800 rounds.

“Dr. Chen, just wait and see. I will definitely live up to your reminder.”

Three minutes of heat and he was talking about bold words.

With heartache, I transferred 10,000 yuan to Chen Yu.

 Get ready to end the microphone session and buy a voice recorder and a recorder.

Chen Yu smiled bitterly and said, "This patient, aren't you tired of talking so much?"

“How about taking a break first, drinking a glass of water and listening to what I have to say?”

 “Not tired, just a little thirsty.”

Three minutes of heat. He smiled and walked to the water dispenser to get a glass of water.

Chen Yu said: "I'm afraid you misunderstood me."

 “What I’m talking about is not as complicated as you think.”

“I asked you to go to work, literally. I didn’t ask you to collect evidence, nor did I ask you to sue your boss.”

“Besides, you announced your plan to rectify the workplace in front of so many people.”

 “Are you sure it won’t reach your boss’s ears?”

These words were like a glass of ice water, extinguishing the fire of justice in my heart.

After three minutes of heat, I was holding a water glass in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, and I was dumbfounded.

 “Don’t think so much, just go to work on time tomorrow.”

“Other bosses may need to rectify their situation, but your boss does not need to do so.”

 He was surprised for three minutes and said: "Dr. Chen, are you kidding me?"

“That boss touched me and insulted my innocence.”

 “You asked me to go back to work, and you said you didn’t want to correct him.”

 “What kind of peace of mind do you have?”

 The heat was so hot for three minutes that I was deeply shocked.

Halizens are also confused.

 The little warrior who has just been in the heat for three minutes and is ready to reorganize his workplace.

 Immediately he was hit on the head by Chen Yu.

Chen Yu said: "This patient, you may not be able to accept what I say next, but what I say is the truth."

 “On your terms and other circumstances.”

“Leaving this company and finding the next job will take at least a year.”

 “It will be a year before I can find a new job?”

 The heat was dumbfounded for three minutes.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Even if you go to the construction site to move bricks, you won't be able to work for long."

“It’s not that the construction site doesn’t want you, it’s just that you can’t do this kind of physical work.”

 Hold the heat for three minutes and cover your face with your hands.

 I am fat, let alone doing physical work.

 I feel out of breath after walking a few steps.

Go out for two minutes in summer and immediately become covered in sweat.

 Now we are talking about the boss.

 What does it have to do with what kind of job you are looking for?

 Handu shook his head vigorously for three minutes and said, "Dr. Chen, we'll talk about finding a job later."

“Let’s get down to business. The boss is going to take the bow directly. If you ask me to go back, isn’t that sending me into the tiger’s mouth?”

 “I have never even touched a girl’s hand when I grew up, such a pure and innocent young man.”

 “If I am bullied by my boss again in the future, it will leave an indelible shadow in my heart.”

 “I love women, not men.”

He said a lot in one breath for three minutes and put down the water glass.

Chen Yu said: "This point, your boss, like you, also likes women."

 The heat was stunned for three minutes.

“Since he likes women, why would he touch me?”

Chen Yu stretched out a finger and shook it and said, "Because he loves you."

Three minutes into the heat, Chen Yu’s words made me feel crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

 (End of this chapter)

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