Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 364: It turns out that being a victim can be so happy

  Chapter 364 It turns out that being a victim can be so happy

   "This is not a brother-in-law, but a debt collector."

  “The wife is a good wife, but the relatives of her natal family are not good things.”

   "If I were this old brother, even if I really wanted to go to jail, I would bring my brother-in-law in to step on the sewing machine."

   "Not getting married can solve 80% of the troubles and problems around you."

  The water friends were both moved and embarrassed.

  In order to protect her husband and the family, the wife, who has seen through the changes of the years, chose to bear this catastrophe alone.

  As for the method, everyone can imagine it.

   Acted as the legal person of the gym instead of seeing through the changes of time.

  He took the responsibility of directing the construction team to tear down the load-bearing walls onto himself.

   No wonder Chen Yu said before that his wife divorced him because of his brother-in-law and son.

  If she doesn't carry this thunder.

  The three main persons in charge of the gym must go in without exception.

   "You silly woman! Why can't you tell me what you have to say? Why do you have to do this? It made me worry for so long."

   "I will never let her go to jail!"

  Seeing through the changes of the years, I stood up suddenly.

  My brother-in-law is indeed wicked, but he is not without responsibility.

  If you keep an eye on the construction progress, you might be able to stop your brother-in-law's illegal behavior in time.

   Thinking about it, seeing through the changes of the years, wept in front of millions of water friends.

  He and his wife supported each other through the most difficult years.

  Life just got better, but his wife was imprisoned because of him.

  A water friend is right.

  Even if you go to jail, you still have to drag your brother-in-law in!

  Chen Yu comforted: "This patient, please calm down first, I haven't finished speaking yet."

  Seeing through the changes of the years, I was taken aback for a moment, and then stared straight at the phone screen.

   "The things I told you are all possibilities unilaterally imagined by your wife."

   "Cracks in the walls mean that the building will soon become dangerous."

   "But have I ever said that it was your family who caused the commercial and residential buildings to become dangerous?"

"Is not it?"

  Seeing through the changes of the years, he blurted out: "Isn't it because of my brother-in-law's reckless behavior that the construction team knocked down the load-bearing wall, and then caused the wall of the upstairs house to crack?"

  Chen Yu shook his head and said: "There are many reasons why a building becomes dangerous, and knocking down the load-bearing wall at the bottom is just one of them."

   "Also, your brother-in-law didn't let someone knock down the load-bearing wall."

   "He knocked out ordinary walls, which will not affect the structure of the building."

  In an instant, millions of water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned.

  The content described by Chen Yu gave them a strong sense of substitution.

  Unanimously believe that the brother-in-law who can see through the changes of the years is an incurable bastard.

  Chen Yu said unhurriedly: "Just now, many water friends mentioned the construction team."

   "Think about it, no matter how ignorant your brother-in-law is, will the construction team go crazy with him?"

   “Every serious construction team knows that demolition of load-bearing walls or damage to load-bearing beams is tantamount to sending themselves to prison.”

   "As long as the head of the construction team with a normal mind will not do such a thing no matter how much money they are paid."

   Seeing through the changes of the years, he hurriedly asked: "Is it because my brother-in-law lost his mobile phone that he couldn't contact the construction team?"


  Chen Yu nodded.

   "After experiencing many blows, your brother-in-law has a heart of repentance."

   "After all, he is almost forty years old and wants to do something serious."

   "How could he do such a stupid thing to send himself to prison?"

   "There is actually another reason for the cracking of the wall."

  Chen Yu signaled to see through the changes of the years and recall carefully.

  From his wife's attitude towards him became indifferent, until he took out the divorce agreement.     There was an interval of two or three months.

   There was an interval of two or three months.

  If it is really the responsibility caused by the renovation of the gym.

  Why haven't the relevant departments come to investigate?

  How could it be possible to give their family such a long buffer time.

   "What exactly is causing the wall to crack?"

  Seeing through the changes of the years, the mood suddenly becomes clear.

  As long as it's not my own responsibility, everything doesn't matter.

   "Subway Construction."

  Hearing the final answer given by Chen Yu, seeing through the changes of the years, he immediately thought that there was indeed a subway construction site near his shop.

  The reason why this market house can become a gold position.

  In addition to convenient transportation nearby, there are many commercial buildings

  The subway station that is about to be completed is the key reason for the increase in housing prices.

Never imagined.

  The key reason for the rise in house prices turned out to be the culprit in the destruction of houses.

  The water friends couldn't believe it.

  As we all know, where the subway is built and the subway entrance and exit are built, the house price will rise accordingly.

   It is rare to hear that the construction of the subway affects the overall house price.

   Even turned the house into a dangerous building.

  Chen Yu looked at the barrage on the screen and said, "It doesn't mean it won't happen. This patient happened to me."

   "The subway construction site not far from this building, due to various reasons, the wall of the building was cracked."

   "During this period, the relevant departments conducted surveys and found that the building even showed signs of tilting."

   "As for why it has not been made public until now."

  Chen Yu showed a profound expression.

  Smart water friends know it right away.

   Before discussing a specific compensation and aftermath maintenance plan, how could it be possible to make the matter public.

   After all, the party responsible is not an ordinary person.

   is the subway construction unit.

  Chen Yu said half jokingly and half seriously: "In terms of the overall impact of this incident, your family is not only not the perpetrator, but one of the victims."

  Seeing through the changes of the years, he wiped away the tears from his eyes vigorously.

  For the first time, I feel that being a victim is something to be happy about.

   "There is no compensation, and I don't have to go to jail."

   "My wife won't divorce me, hahaha..."

   "I couldn't be happier today!"

  Seeing through the changes of the years, I danced happily.

  Looks like a boy in his teens.

  Chen Yu said with a smile on his face: "Your wife is also watching our Lianmai. She will go home and apologize to you soon. You don't have to worry about this matter anymore."

   "Thank you, Dr. Chen, thank you, Dr. Chen."

   "You not only cured my illness, but also saved my life."

  Seeing through the changes of the years, weeping with joy.

   "I'm not afraid of Dr. Chen's jokes. If my wife insists on divorcing me and loses her, I really don't know if I can persist in living."

  “When it was the most difficult time, it was my wife who supported me and encouraged me.”

   “Without her support, I would never have gotten out of this.”

   "It is even more impossible to have the wealth of today."

   "Without her trace in my life, no matter how much money I have, I will feel dull."


  Chen Yu smiled lightly and said, "Before the end of Lianmai, I have a few words to remind you."

   "Okay, okay, Doctor Chen, tell me."

  Seeing through the changes of the years, putting away the smile on his face, and looking at the screen respectfully.

  At this moment, seeing through the changes of the years, he has already regarded Chen Yu as a god-man.

  (end of this chapter)

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