Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 356: The modern version of Liu Xiahui

  Chapter 356 The Modern Version of Liu Xiahui

  "Prenatal depression is really no joke. When my mother was pregnant with my younger brother, she also experienced prenatal depression for a period of time. It was really a breakdown."

   "I personally felt that I wanted to cry for no reason at that time, and no one understood why I was crying. It was really not easy for me to think that I was hypocritical."

   "The whole process of raising a baby at home is probably more depressed."

   "Pregnancy is a big hurdle for women, and emotions cannot be controlled by themselves."

   "I didn't understand why I was depressed before, but I didn't understand until I became pregnant. It may be the fear of childbirth and anxiety about my body."

   "Indeed, I am now three months old, and when I have some quarrels with my family, my temper will become irritable, and I will not be able to help but want to cry, and I can't control myself."

  A large number of expecting female water friends and mothers have posted barrage to show their experiences.

   Support the idea of ​​making coffee with snail powder.

  Prenatal depression is not hypocritical, let alone vexatious.

   It is a disease.

  Must receive prompt medical treatment.

   It is very difficult to go out on your own, and sometimes it even goes to extremes.

  Thinking of self-killing.

  Chen Yu smiled and said, "I already understand your troubles."

   "I will help you solve this problem."

   "Before that, I would venture to ask."

   "This is not the only trouble you are encountering now, right?"

  The snail noodles made coffee, and immediately looked embarrassed.

   If you want to say that he has faced more troubles recently, this is indeed more than one.

   But this kind of thing, can you really say it?

   After hesitating for a moment, the snail powder made coffee and decided to say something.

  I haven't done anything wrong, so there's nothing I can't say.

  Speaking out can also ease the mood.

   "Dr. Chen, you are right. Apart from my wife suffering from prenatal depression, I do have one other worry."

   As he spoke, snail powder made coffee and pointed to his face.

   "Since I was in school, countless girls have liked me."

  “Either confess your love to me in person, or write me a love letter, or give me a gift.”

   "After work, more people like me."

   "But I'm interested in them all."

   "I didn't feel tempted until I met my wife."

  Snail powder made coffee, took the mobile phone, and walked to the side of the wedding photo of the two.

  Snail Noodle Brewing Coffee was born in a scholarly family, and has been taught very strictly since childhood.

  Parents and elders are all very upright people.

  A relationship that is not aimed at getting married is a hooligan.

   Make coffee with snail powder and keep in mind the instructions of the elders.

  Walk among thousands of flowers without touching your body for a moment.

  Even if a wife falls in love, it is still a gentleman who is educated by his elders and stops at the ritual.

  In the wedding photo, the snail powder in a suit is making coffee with a sweet smile on his face.

  The woman's appearance is above average, and she is far less happy than making coffee with snail noodles and laughing.

   "Because of my face and figure, I have encountered too many girls' expressions over the years."

   "In order to avoid being entangled after marriage, I will spread the news of marriage."

   "I hope those girls will stop harassing me."

   The snail powder made coffee hoped that in this way, it would show that he already had a lover.

  The idea that I will never betray in this life.

Never imagined.

  Since his wife became pregnant, more women took the initiative to find him.

   There are too many people who know each other but don’t.

   From time to time, girls and children add him to WeChat and call his phone to flirt with him.

   Even when you go shopping on the street, you can meet two or three girls who take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

   "Perhaps you may say that I deliberately Versailles, but I am really troubled."

   "After my wife became pregnant, her body was indeed out of shape, and her temper was also very bad."

   "But it's all because of me."

   "It's too late for me to love her, how can I do something to be sorry for her."

   When making coffee with snail powder, I once suspected that I might have committed a peach blossom robbery this year.


  Why are women looking for him every day?

  Every time he is approached by a woman to flirt, he will sternly refuse.

  My wife suffered from prenatal depression during pregnancy, and I was harassed by various peach blossoms every day.

   There is no way to make coffee with snail noodles, so I can only choose to try my luck.

  Using his spare time, he came to Chen Yu's live broadcast room every day to watch.

   "Brother, are you the reincarnation of Liu Xiahui? Can you bear all these temptations?"

   “Everyone has different ideas and values.”

   "This value is really too six."

   "I've seen too many scumbags, and I've seen male gods who are calm and upright, and their personality is as upright as an ancient gentleman. Why is it so against harmony?"

  "A man's role model is often his own family and family, which is probably related to his family's education."

   "There are such men, but I don't think I can meet them anyway."

   "There is a person I really like in my heart, and I can really refuse all temptations for her. After all, I have tried."

  After hearing that coffee made with snail rice noodles has resisted countless luck, all the water lovers were shocked.

  In today's society, there are still such people.

   It is even rarer than pandas.

  It's like men's liking for beautiful women belongs to genetic instinct.

   It is also a natural instinct for girls to like handsome men and gods.

   Surrounded by a large number of girls, the snail powder made coffee was not tempted.

  Shui friends call 666666 directly.

  Snail powder made coffee and said, "Dr. Chen, if it's convenient for you, can you help me solve this problem as well?"

   "If it doesn't work, let my wife go to the hospital to check for antenatal depression."

  Chen Yu crossed his hands and said, "First of all, I can tell you clearly that your wife does not have prenatal depression."

   "She troubles you and makes a lot of noise at home every day, just to make you angry."

   "No antenatal depression?"

  The snail powder made the coffee for a moment, and then said: "You mean, my wife became irritable after she became pregnant, and beat and scolded me every day. It was all because she wanted to do this, and it had nothing to do with the illness?"

  Chen Yu nodded and said, "Besides, you said that every time you persuade your wife to go to the hospital for psychological examination, she and another woman will beat and scold you."

   "This other woman is the one you call mother-in-law, right?"

   "That's right, it's my mother-in-law."

  Snail powder made coffee and sighed: "My wife just scolded me, and my mother-in-law just got started."

   "And the strength of the hand is so strong that I ran away with my head in my arms."

   "I don't want to upset my wife and mother-in-law, but I'm also worried about my wife's situation."

   "So I can only come to Dr. Chen for help."

   The snail powder brewed coffee in one breath, and finished talking about the distress that had been pressing in my heart for several months.

  Chen Yu said: "Have you ever thought about this question, why your wife and your mother-in-law often torture you physically and mentally?"

   The snail powder made coffee and was stunned.

  How did he think about this problem.

  I thought my wife was suffering from prenatal depression, so I lost my temper.

  Mother-in-law loves her daughter so much, so she naturally wants to look towards her.

   Now after Chen Yu's answer, the wife has no prenatal depression at all.

  Since there is no one, why lose your temper indiscriminately because of your status?

  Before marriage, my wife had a good personality.

  Chen Yu continued: "Think about this again, how do those strange women who flirt with you and show love to you have your contact information?"

  (end of this chapter)

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