Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 349: The mystery in the gate of the cement factory

  Chapter 349 The mystery in the gate of the cement factory

   "Several cases are indeed related to supernatural events. My overall thinking is not wrong. What is wrong is that their deaths have nothing to do with gold, wood, water, fire, and earth."

  Li Changjun quickly cleared up the direction.

  The four deceased were all employees of Qingshan Cement Factory.

  In the home of the fourth deceased, Pang Guang smelled ghosts.

  The strange circumstances in which the first three deceased died in series.

  A rough possibility appeared in Li Changjun's mind.

  The first three deceased should also be killed by ghosts.

   "Doctor Chen, why did the ghost kill them?"

   Li Changjun asked directly.

   Unable to figure out the reason, he asked Chen Yu for help. This was the simplest solution.

  Chen Yu sighed with a complicated expression, and said, "These people have done evil things that are beyond the tolerance of heaven."

   "Their death is retribution."

  Pang Guang immediately reacted, and said: "That is to say, their deaths belonged to the ghosts asking for their lives, and they pay for each other?"

  Chen Yu nodded and said, "Come with me, and I will take you to find the truth of this case."

  Pang Guang and Li Changjun immediately followed Chen Yu and left the murder scene.

   Afterwards, Li Changjun left four policemen to guard the scene.

  Bring all the other policemen with him, and follow Chen Yu to the cement factory on the edge of Qingshan Town.

  Standing in front of the gate of the cement factory, Chen Yu said to Pang Guang with his hands behind his back, "Have you seen the way?"

   "See it."

  Pang Guang said sarcastically: "Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door. There are so many tricks arranged for a single door."

   "There must be someone inside who has committed evil deeds that are harmful to nature and morality."

   "What are you talking about, why can't I understand a single word?"

   Li Changjun asked doubtfully.

  Pang Guang took two steps forward and patted the gate of the cement factory with his hand.

   "The door is smeared with black dog blood. Black dog blood has been the only magic weapon to exorcise ghosts and demons from ancient times to the present."

   After finishing speaking, Pang Guang clasped his hands tightly.

   Frowning tightly, muttering something.

  The right foot touches the ground with frequency.

   After a while, Pang Guang's aura changed.

   Li Changjun, who had dealt with criminals all year round, changed his expression.

  He felt a biting cold breath on Pang Guang.

  This aura reminded Li Changjun of those bandits and thieves whose hands were stained with blood and who did all kinds of evil.

  Next, an unexpected scene appeared in front of everyone.

  Pang Guang stamped his feet on the ground, his body was like a dexterous kangaroo.

   Jumping to a height of nearly three meters, he pulled down the plaque above the gate with both hands.

"What is this?"

   Li Changjun said in surprise.

  The back of the corporate plaque is covered with yellow talisman paper, on which are painted with red paint that looks like a ghostly talisman.

  Pang Guang threw the plaque at the feet of everyone, and said: "The charms used to drive away evil spirits can not only drive away evil spirits, but also deter evil spirits."

   "Who is making noise outside? I'm off work now, I need to buy cement and come back tomorrow."

   While talking, a man's voice came from inside.

   Li Changjun said with a serious expression: "It's me, Li Changjun, captain of the Hangzhou Serious Case Brigade."

   "Captain Li, why are you here again?"

   Not long after, the gate of the cement factory was opened.

  An old man in his fifties who had lost his hair looked helplessly at the people outside the door.

   "Captain Li, I have cooperated with everything that should be cooperated. You said that you want to ask the employees one by one, so I will ask them to stop the production and call you all the employees to accept the investigation."

   "You said that you want me to introduce their personal situation, and I have something to explain."

   "In the middle of the night, why are you here again? You don't suspect that I killed them?"

   "Huh? Who took down my signboard?"

  The old man kept complaining, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the signboard on the ground.

  Qingshan Cement Factory owner Jiang Damao's face is full of displeasure.

   Li Changjun said in a business-like tone: "Cooperating with relevant departments in the investigation is the duty of every citizen."

   "If there is no problem on your side, we won't come to you in the middle of the night."

   "You don't know what is behind the plaque, do you?"

   "Oh, you mean this."

  Jiang Damao said disapprovingly: "Spells, these are the spells to exorcise Anzhai."

   "We pay attention to Feng Shui when we do business."

   "Post something safe, isn't it against the law?"

  Jiang Damao asked back.

   "It's only used for safety purposes, of course it doesn't break the law, but if it's used for other purposes, we'll have to investigate it carefully."

  In addition to being the captain of the serious case brigade, Li Changjun also serves as the deputy head of the special operations team.

   Li Changjun has also learned a lot about ghosts and ghosts recently.

   You didn’t do anything wrong, why did you make these gatekeepers?

  Li Changjun pointed at the gate, and asked, "If you say that the charm is to keep your cement plant safe, and the gate is painted black, what does it mean?"

  Jiang Damao's face changed, and then he said as usual: "It's also safe."

   "I am in the cement business. There is constant noise in the factory every day, and it is easy to disturb some unclean things."

   "Captain Li, don't laugh at me, whether this is a feudal superstition or not, it's just our businessmen's self-comfort."

   "You can go to other companies to have a look, I can guarantee that they definitely have more tricks than me."


  Chen Yu sneered and said, "Boss Jiang, it's getting late, you're not going to the Phoenix Nightclub if you're fully dressed, are you?"

   "No, you have been under tremendous mental pressure recently, even if you want to go, you are powerless."

   "It should be to buy a ticket overnight and go out to relax, right?"

  Jiang Damao is neatly dressed, with a pair of sneakers on his feet that are easy to move.

   "Where is Boss Jiang going?"

   Li Changjun said coldly.

   "I... I didn't want to go anywhere. I was too busy to settle accounts just now and didn't take care of changing clothes. I changed clothes and rested in a while."

  Jiang Damao argued.

  Chen Yu continued to ask: "Liang Yutian, a worker in the factory, died at home with a miserable appearance not long ago. Can you really fall asleep?"

  Hearing Liang Yutian's tragic death at home, Jiang Damao fell to the ground as if he had seen a ghost.

  Li Changjun winked at his left and right subordinates.

  Two policemen helped Jiang Damao up from the ground and firmly controlled him.

   "Jiang Damao, you have lived a long time, and you are clear about the policies of relevant departments."

   "Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance, did you and these dead people do something wrong?"

   "Are you worried that retribution will come to you, so you want to leave here to avoid the limelight?"

  Li Changjun has already seen that Jiang Damao has ghosts in his heart.

  The eyes rolling back and forth and the trembling legs proved that he was seriously suspected.

   "No no, absolutely no."

  "I have lived for most of my life, and I have only done good things and never done bad things. Their deaths have nothing to do with me."

  Jiang Damao desperately explained.

  After getting off work today, he never left the cement factory.

  (end of this chapter)

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