Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 309: Once Diva, Today's Patient

  Chapter 309 The former queen, today's patient

   "No more...nothing left."

   "Hehehe... woo woo, nothing..."

  The man with the head of a shrimp, who specializes in hitting with an iron fist, sat on the ground crying and laughing.

   "Doctor Chen, is she crazy?"

   "I reckon she's playing crazy to gain sympathy and understanding."

   "Although the affairs of her parents' generation have nothing to do with her, but when I think of the immoral things she did in the past, I want to send her a word, she deserves it."

   "Anyone who sympathizes with her can only say that she has a tendency to masochistic."

   "Don't look at her pitiful now, when she bullies others, her face is very arrogant."

  Laughing and crying while watching, the lunatic iron fist only hits the shrimp-headed man. Except for a small number of water friends who have the attributes of the Virgin, more than 90% of the water friends think she is self-inflicted.

  If it weren't for the support of the family, how dare you bully your classmates.

  How dare you unscrupulously provoke troubles on the Internet.

  Instigate antagonism between men and women, and frame others at will.

  All kinds of things were brought on by her.

  As for what will happen, the water friends don't care at all.

  Shuiyou is already full from eating melons.

  Will definitely get a good night's sleep tonight seeing the bad guys get their comeuppance.

  Chen Yu said lightly: "After experiencing great joy and sorrow in life, your mania is almost healed."

   "Let's do it for ourselves in the future."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Yu waved his hand at the screen with a smile on his face.

   "It's getting late, you guys should go to bed earlier, bye."

   Even though Chen Yu quit Lianmai to end the live broadcast, the boiling atmosphere in the live broadcast room did not end.

   Only a few of the tens of millions of water friends left.

  Most water friends are still posting barrage in the live broadcast room.

   "Old irons, those little boxers who came here to show off their power with Iron Fist, who specialize in fighting shrimp-headed men, seem to have all disappeared."

  Seeing this barrage, many water friends were shocked.

   It seems that this is really the case.

   Iron Fist specializes in beating shrimp-headed men, but he brought a group of henchmen to smash the scene.

  Now, Little Boxer seems to have disappeared from the world.

   "These guys perfectly embody what it means to fall with the wind."

  "Sister Tiequan is right in everything she says, everyone said, do I look like a student?"

   "No taste, bad review."

   "Finding Dr. Chen for a fight, without drinking two catties of low-quality liquor, there is absolutely no way you can do this kind of thing."

  Before this, no matter who attacked Iron Fist and only hit the shrimp-headed man, she would definitely be scolded **** by her fans.

   There is also a certain degree of human flesh searching.

  At this moment, there was no Chen Yu to maintain order in the live broadcast room, and the barrage of ridicule and insults was overwhelming.

   No one came forward to refute.

   Time flickered to the next morning.

  Chen Yu got up and took a shower as usual.

  During half of the washing, Chen Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he pinched a few fingers quickly.

  An unpredictable smile appeared on the handsome face reflected in the mirror.

   After washing up, Chen Yu came to the first floor and took out his mobile phone to call Li Changjun.

   "Doctor Chen, are you kidding me? did you encounter such a thing?"

  On the other end of the phone, Li Changjun was so surprised that he almost dropped the cigarette on his pants.

   "How could it be impossible for me to meet?"

   Chen Yu asked rhetorically.

   "Please say hello to that side, there shouldn't be any problem with this matter, right?"

   "No problem is no problem... ok."

  Thinking of Chen Yu's unconstrained style of doing things, Li Changjun could only suppress his puzzlement.

  Chen Yu wants to say, so he will tell.

   Obviously don't want to say it now.

  Continue to ask, there is probably no result.

   "Good morning, Doctor Chen."

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhou Kexin, who was humming, appeared in the psychological consultation room.


   After a while, Zhou Kexin's greeting came from the door.

  Chen Yu looked up, showing a half-smile expression.

  The guests who came in were a man and a woman.

  The man is Chen Yu's old customer, Wang Dequan, the King of Herbs in Hangzhou.

   Beside him is a slim woman wearing all kinds of luxury goods.

  For some unknown reason, the woman covered herself tightly.

  Wearing a designer long trench coat, face mask and wide sunglasses.

  Chen Yu glanced at Wang Dequan and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a while. How is Boss Wang doing recently? Is everything going well?"

   "TOEFL TOEFL, everything is fine."

  Wang Dequan nodded and walked over, and shook hands with Chen Yu.

   "Doctor Chen, let me introduce you. The lady next to me is my good friend and my business partner."

   At this moment, Zhou Kexin looked at the woman in a windbreaker, sunglasses and a mask with a puzzled expression.

   "Miss, have we met before?"

   "I feel like I know you."

  After saying this, the woman in the windbreaker let out a wry smile.

  There is a bitterness in the voice.

   "Nurse Zhou, go to the kitchen and prepare three cups of tea, and put up a sign that says we are closed."

  Chen Yu ordered.

  Zhou Kexin didn't ask any further questions, and found a sign for the suspension of business and hung it outside the store.

  Chen Yu crossed his hands and said in a soft tone: "Ma'am, since you choose to ask me for help, it means that you trust my medical skills and personality to a certain extent."

   "Apart from you two, only me and the guiding nurse Zhou Kexin are left here."

   "The two of us will not disclose your personal privacy, so you don't have to worry too much."

   "Sister, Dr. Chen is absolutely trustworthy, you really don't have to be wary of him."

  Wang Dequan comforted him.

   "Forgive me, Doctor Chen, I don't doubt you, it's really... I really don't know how to express it to you."

   "The problem I'm having right now."

  The woman in the windbreaker had a sweet voice, but her tone was full of sorrow.

   "If I'm not wrong, the reason you came to see me has something to do with your face and skin."

  Hearing this, the woman in the windbreaker was stunned.

  The eyes behind the sunglasses shone with astonishment.

  Although Wang Dequan described Chen Yu in a hype, claiming that Chen Yu is not a god, but his ability is as good as a god.

  But after all, there is no proof.

  Even after watching some of Chen Yu's live broadcasts, she still didn't dare to believe it without seeing it with her own eyes.

   Unexpectedly, she only said a few words, and Chen Yu directly said the most disturbing thing in her heart.

   "Here comes the tea."

  Zhou Kexin brought the brewed tea and placed it next to the three of them.

   "Little sister, you asked if we met, I can answer you now."

   "I haven't met you, but you sure know me."

  The woman in the windbreaker said in a word: "My name is Gao Xinran."

   "Gao Xinran...the queen!!"

  Zhou Kexin covered her mouth with her hand in surprise.

  The body couldn't help but took two steps back.

  Gao Xinran, once a top domestic super queen.

  Star of film, television and song.

  When she was in junior high school, Zhou Kexin was very popular.

  When her career was in full swing, she suddenly announced her retirement and marriage.

   Married to a rich businessman with a lot of money.

  Two years later, a big melon popped out.

  Gao Xinran's husband ran away with the money.

   What was left to her was the legal person status of several companies, as well as a debt of more than one billion yuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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