Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 307: mothers suffering from infertility

  Chapter 307 Mothers suffering from infertility

   Iron Fist specializes in hitting shrimp-headed men.

   Tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned, and even the old fish seller Gao who had just returned to the phone and was about to say something was also in disbelief.

  What does it mean that the two fathers are ruthless people with evil intentions, and the biological father is the honest man.

   Could it be that the father who beats the shrimp head man with Iron Fist is someone else?

   "Doctor Chen, stop playing tricks on me, my head is about to explode."

  The man with the head of the shrimp was extremely terrified.

  Two fathers are enough to make her miserable.

  Why is there a third one?

   "Who is her real father?"

  The voice of the fish seller Gao Gao came from the phone.

   "This is a long story."

  Chen Yu sighed: "You said a lot on the phone just now, and there is one sentence that I agree with very much."

   "Everything comes from that era."

   "What happened in that era?"

  The old fish seller asked in a complicated voice.

  Chen Yu said: "Everything happened in the mid-nineties."

  “The local people have certain prejudices against self-employed and private owners.”

  “Think that only an iron rice bowl is a serious job.”

   "Indeed it is."

  The fish seller Lao Gao echoed Chen Yu's words across the phone.

  Chen Yu said again: "At that time, it was different from now. Marriage examinations were required before marriage."

   "In the mid-1990s, the mandatory premarital examination system was implemented. Older water friends have the impression of this matter?"

   After the voice fell, a large number of water friends sent barrage.

   Now when going through the marriage procedures, as long as both the man and the woman have their household registration books and they are both unmarried, the marriage registration can be completed immediately.

   Married in the mid-1990s, in addition to the household registration book, you also need to get the premarital checkup form from the hospital

  One of the man and woman is found to be suffering from a malignant disease, or the disease will affect the next generation, and it is likely that they will not be able to marry.

  Even if no malignant disease is detected, if either party suffers from infertility, he must truthfully tell the other party.

  The other party must issue a letter of consent to apply for a marriage certificate.

  Seeing the content of these bullet screens, the man with the iron fist specialized in shrimp head said with a surprised expression: "What does this system have to do with who is my father?"

   "Of course it does, your mother suffers from infertility."

  The water friends were in an uproar.

  If the mother of the man who beats the shrimp head with Iron Fist is infertile, how did she get here?

   Could it be adopted?

  On the other side of the phone, the fish seller Lao Gao fell into a state of falling into the clouds.

   Ignoring any further questions, I turned on the computer and entered Chen Yu's live broadcast room.

  Seeing that the water friends concluded that the man with the iron fist and the shrimp head was adopted, the old fish seller's face turned green.

  First love keeps saying that the man with the iron fist who specializes in hitting the shrimp head is his biological daughter.

   In the end, it turned out to be an adopted child.

   "I'm not adopted! I'm not!"

   Unable to accept this result, the iron fist hit the man with the shrimp head, and he fell to the ground with a bang, crying loudly.

  Chen Yu said: "Don't be sad, you are not an adopted child."

   "You are your mother's own daughter, but she has used some tricks in the way you were born."

   "What method did you use?"

  The man with the head of the shrimp who specializes in iron fists asked hurriedly.

   "You are a test-tube baby."

  Chen Yu didn't confuse everyone for too long.

   Said the past incident lightly.

  After having a relationship with the fish seller Lao Gao, the mother of the man who beats the shrimp head with an iron fist returned home and prepared the certificate for registration tomorrow.

   Soon, she received a call from her best friend.

  My best friend is a nurse in a medical examination hospital.

  The physical examination results have come out, and the mother of the man who beats the shrimp head with Iron Fist is suffering from infertility.

  Calling is to let her have a mental preparation.

  Talk about this with the man in private first.

   If you don’t tell me, the whole family will go to the hospital tomorrow to get the checklist.

   Seeing the above results, the scene will be very embarrassing.

   "When your mother heard the news, she suddenly felt that the sky was falling."

  “It was a shameful thing to be diagnosed with infertility in those days.”

  Chen Yuyu said sympathetically: "Many people have been notified of your parents' marriage."

   "Once the results are exposed, not only will your mother be judged, but your grandparents will also become the object of discussion."

   "The four words of human speech are terrifying, and sometimes they can kill people."

   "After much deliberation, your mother begged your best friend to find a way to tamper with the test results."

   "Unable to withstand your mother's repeated pleadings, the best friend you call Aunt Zhao finally agreed to her request."

   "Using the convenience of work, he tampered with the inspection results overnight."

   "Your mother successfully applied for marriage registration by tampering with the inspection results, but this kind of thing can only be hidden for a while, not forever."

   "If she still can't give birth to a baby, she will definitely be taken to the hospital for a physical examination."

   "A few months after marriage, your mother accidentally heard from her best friend that a new technology had entered the country."

   "This technology is called test-tube baby, and it can help infertile women conceive a child."

   "After roughly understanding the content of this technology, your mother is going to tell your father the truth."

   "However, it was stopped by my best friend."

   Speaking of which, Chen Yu got up to take a glass of water.

  Seeing that Chen Yu stopped suddenly when he was talking about a key point, the man with iron fist beat the shrimp head anxiously said: "Say it quickly, why do you want to stop my mother from telling the truth?"

  “At that time, test-tube baby technology had just entered China, and there were many rumors about it among the people.”

   "For example, it is believed that children born of this technology are born with genetic defects."

   "It looks like a normal baby, and as it grows older, there will be various health problems."

   "Some people even think that it is impossible for a pregnant woman to give birth to a normal child."

  "When you grow up, you will become deformed, or a monster."

  Chen Yu said.

  “Although there are only more than 20 years since the 1990s, many things that happened in that year seem to us to be extremely unimaginable.”

   "People who suffer from infertility will be discriminated against in that era."

   "The medical technology of test-tube baby has been rumored to be a terrible technology."

   "But in the end, your mother resisted the pressure and did a test-tube baby."

   "Just didn't tell your father."

  According to normal regulations, if either party wants to do a test-tube baby, he must go to the hospital for diagnosis, and a series of procedures such as a marriage certificate.

  Because she was behind the man's back, the mother who beat the shrimp-headed man with an iron fist couldn't get anything out at all.

   Fortunately, she has a best friend who works in the hospital.

  With the help of her best friend, she used money to get through a series of links.

   This operation was successfully performed.

  Chen Yu said with a faint smile: "To complete the test-tube baby, besides the woman, you also need a man."

   "This man is your biological father."

  Iron Fist specializes in hitting the man with the head of the shrimp, and he is completely stupid.

   I never thought that my own birth would have so many stories.

   The father she had called for more than twenty years was not her biological father.

   Treats her as the godfather of her biological daughter, not her real father.

  The biological father is actually someone else...

   "Could it be the doctor who gave my mother a test-tube baby?"

   Iron Fist specializes in hitting the shrimp-headed man guessed.

   "Even if he wanted to be your father, your mother would never agree."

  Chen Yu sneered: "How can a person who can violate the rules for money be a kind person?"

   "Once you use his stuff, it's like planting a mine that will explode at any time."

  (end of this chapter)

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