Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 282: Cause of crime, drunken homicide

  Chapter 282 The cause of the crime, homicide after drinking

  I heard that there is a clinic that can treat cancer, and the level of treatment is still very good.

   It was such a dragged brain that it crashed on the spot.

  During the years of fleeing, he tried his best to avoid appearing in public places.

  But people have three disasters and six diseases, and sometimes they can't stand the disease, so he will venture to the clinic to seek treatment.

   I have been there several times, and I dare not say that I know everything about the clinic, but I have some understanding.

  The clinic is not even qualified to perform surgery, so how could it be possible to treat my father's cancer?

   "Doctor Chen should be talking about a Chinese medicine clinic?"

  “I heard that Chinese medicine can treat cancer with acupuncture, massage, and Chinese herbal medicine.”

   "Western medicine treats diseases, and Chinese medicine treats people."

  “I believe in Chinese medicine, but I don’t believe in Chinese medicine to treat cancer. This is outrageous.”

   "A certain patient who was cured of cancer after chemotherapy, saw the barrage sent by everyone, and expressed his anger."

  “Traditional Chinese medicine does not directly target diseases. It is a matter of the immune system to deal with cancer. Chinese medicine is only responsible for keeping the body healthy.”

  The association ability of the water friends has been brought to the extreme.

  A large number of water friends sent barrage, thinking that the father who was so dragged must have been cured by old Chinese medicine.

   Chinese medicine is extensive and profound.

  In the small folk clinics, there are many traditional Chinese medicine that are not visible.

  Looks ordinary, but has mastered all kinds of superb medical skills.

   "It turns out that..."

   That's how I think it must be the case.

  Parents have never done anything bad, it must be God's eyes.

   Bless the father suffering from cancer and find a folk doctor.

  The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine rejuvenated and cured the cancer on his father.

  Thinking of this, a happy expression appeared on his face.

   Seeing this, the water friends were deeply moved.

   Just like this, the crime of murder is unforgivable, but from another perspective, he is also a filial son.

  Before he died, he still knew how to care for his relatives.

   Judging from his performance just now, he really cares about his father's condition.

  The expression of urgency and self-blame cannot be pretended.

  If he can really pretend, he can only be said to be an actor with superb acting skills.

   Just rubbed his eyes like this, and said with a guilty expression: "Over the years, I have been haunted by nightmares every day."

   "I'm sorry for the uncle I killed, and I'm even more sorry for his family."

   "The most sorry people are my parents who gave birth to me and raised me."

  “They put all their efforts into me, but I let them follow me in fear.”

   "It must have been a difficult time for them in the past twelve years."

  Hearing this, Chen Yu had a strange expression on his face.

  A water friend named Brother Dong of Erlongshan sent a barrage.

   Asked why he killed the man back then.

  Was the deceased killed by him male or female, and how old was he?

  What weapon was used?

  Choose to flee after the incident, but did not get assistance from others?

  Looking at the series of questions sent by the other party, he lowered his head just like that.

  Hesitant to tell what happened back then.

   "This suspect, since you have chosen to surrender to the police and Dr. Chen, you should tell what you did. Only in this way can you obtain further leniency."

  "That's right, you have to believe that confession is lenient, and resistance is strict."

   "The wrong things you have committed have been in your heart for so many years, and have formed a strong mental pressure. You can relax a lot by speaking out now."

  More than a dozen barrages with special effects appeared on the screen one after another.

   All persuasive content.

   Persuaded him in various ways to tell the truth about the incident that year.

  Only in this way can leniency be obtained.

  If you choose to surrender, you should confess truthfully.

  Concealing the content of the crime will offset the leniency policy brought about by the surrender.

  At the same time, another batch of barrage appeared.

   Just like that, although it kills people, the killing also depends on the situation.

   There are intentional homicide and manslaughter.

  Concrete analysis of specific situations.

  Whether to impose the death penalty is up to the court to decide, not all murderers will die.

  If his situation is manslaughter, maybe he doesn't have to die.

   After serving his sentence, he may be reunited with his parents.

   Just like that, he raised his head and said to Chen Yu: "Doctor Chen, do I still have a chance to be reunited with my parents?"

  Chen Yu nodded with a smile on his face.

  A small movement is like a life-saving straw in the vast ocean.

   It was just like this that made the whole person become excited.

   "I said it, I said it all!"

   "I didn't mean to kill him, it was a complete accident."

   “I wasn’t born to be school material, but my parents always wanted me to go to college.”

   “Even though I’m eighteen, they won’t let me drop out of school to find a job.”

   "That year, I took the college entrance examination for the second time and failed again. My parents immediately enrolled me in the college entrance examination repeat class."

   "When I heard that I had to go to school, I was in a bad mood at the time, and I had a fierce fight with my parents."

   “After leaving home, I met a few social friends.”

  "Seeing that I was in a bad mood, they offered to buy me a drink."

   "I really regret it!"

   Tears poured down like this, a drink ruined his life and two families.

   Said they were social friends, but they were actually his junior high school classmates.

   These people drop out of junior high school and go out into the society, and they usually hang out with just such a drag.

   Either fight together, or eat, drink and brag together.

  The relationship is very good.

  Because it was the first day after the college entrance examination, all the restaurants in the city were full.

   It took a lot of effort for several people to find a roadside food stall with a seat.

   This meal, several people drank until midnight, and each of them was dizzy.

   Just then, a car stopped beside them.

   Three middle-aged men got out of the car.

  One of them is a local social elder brother.

  Drunken people are playing truth or dare.

   It's my turn to be adventurous.

   Someone suggested that he pour wine on the head of the big brother in society, so as to make a name for himself.

  Normal people can tell this is a joke.

   Unfortunately, it's really hard to pull like this.

  Running to the next table with a bottle of beer, he actually poured the wine over his head.

  The big brother in society looked unhappy, and the two people next to him stood up and cursed.

  Next, without thinking about anything, he just pulled the beer bottle that hadn't been put down and knocked it on the head of the big brother.

   Immediately, blood flowed from the eldest brother's head.

  The two sides immediately clashed and quickly became a ball.

  Suddenly someone screamed, saying that someone had been killed.

   Until then, the few people stopped fighting.

  Brother Society lay motionless on the ground.

  Looking at the big brother who fell to the ground with blood on his head, he managed to regain his sanity just like that.

   Touched the other person's nose with his hand and found that he was out of breath.

   After a while, the sound of police cars sounded around.

  The crowd dispersed immediately.

   Just like that, I dragged my subconscious and ran towards home.

   Then he told his parents about his murder.

  (end of this chapter)

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