Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 223: Highway traffic jams, crazy atrocities

  Chapter 223 Traffic blocking on the road, crazy atrocities

  In addition to wearing uniform vests, many volunteers also held various slogan banners in their hands.

  In the middle of the crowd, Cihang Pudu in cassock was holding a phone, as if he was talking to someone.

   "Amitabha, all benevolent people, the volunteer who followed the vehicle called, and the truck transporting the rabbits will arrive in about three minutes."

   "When you do good deeds, you should also pay attention to your own safety."

   "We intercept vehicles and save lives to release them is a merit."

  "If the driver speaks badly to everyone, everyone must not commit oral karma and affect their own morality."

  At the same time, Ah Hui came to everyone with her mobile phone.

  After announcing a few precautions, Cihang Pudu walked towards the road ahead.

  As the vehicles approached, the volunteers gradually became restless.

   An aunt in her fifties, wearing short-sleeved shorts and perming her hair, called a few young people to her side.

   "Everyone, get ready, we will rescue those rabbits in a while, take photos and videos immediately, and send them to our social accounts, forums and live broadcast platforms that have a greater influence."

   "Sister Wang, don't worry, we have already prepared."

  Everyone answered the middle-aged woman's words in a hurry.

  It's not the first time you have done this kind of thing, so you don't have to explain it every time.

  Expand the audience of good deeds through self-media.

   After a while, there was the roar of cars in the distance.

  The driver kept honking his horn to remind everyone in front of him to block the road.

  Cihang Pudu clasped his hands together and recited Amitabha Buddha.

   "Everyone spread out and pay attention to your personal safety."

  The voice fell, and the volunteers stood in twos and threes on both sides, holding up the banners in their hands.

   "Love animals, all beings are equal."

   "My Buddha is merciful and saves the suffering."

   "Buying and selling is harm, and the merits of releasing lives are immeasurable."

   "Stop killing, let the people be vegetarian."

   "Less killing karma, more accumulation of blessings."

   There are countless such content.

  In the live broadcast room, the water friends were dumbfounded.

   I vaguely feel that this scene is very familiar.

   "What the hell! What's the difference between releasing a bewildered man and those crazy dog ​​lovers?"

   "I am a fan of releasing banknotes, please give me the banknotes on your body, and I will help everyone release them."

   "The show of Tihua is not as good as your show."

   "It's silly to eat grass."

  “When they hold vegetables and chew them, they say that plants are alive.”

  “Ignorance is a crime, and brain damage is a terminal disease.”

  Shui friends sent all kinds of mocking barrage.

  The truck transporting the rabbits was soon forced to stop in the middle of the road by these volunteers.

  As dozens of volunteers were excited and forced to stop the truck, the scene instantly felt like chocolate refugees robbing supplies and vehicles

  The truck driver is a middle-aged uncle with a simple and honest appearance.

   Seeing so many people around the car, the driver pulled down the window and asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"


   Cihang Pudu chanted the Buddha's name, surrounded by everyone, and stood under the car door.

   "This benefactor, the poor monk is being polite."

   "What the **** are you trying to do?"

  The middle-aged driver had a bewildered expression on his face.

  Cihang Pudu said: "The poor monk led all the believers here to accumulate blessings for the benefactor and prevent the benefactor from sinking into **** due to killing karma."

   "Are you sick? I don't know you, so I don't need you to accumulate blessings for me."

   "Whether I will go to **** or not has nothing to do with you... How dare you curse people."

  The middle-aged driver came back to his senses and gave Cihang Pudu a dissatisfied look.

   Urging everyone to get out of the way quickly.

  Sister Wang reprimanded sharply: "Why are you like this? Master Cihang kindly came to save you and help you wash away your sins."

   "It's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you actually swear at Master Cihang."

  As Ms. Wang spoke, the volunteers who occupied the moral high ground began to fire from all sides.

   "You can't transport this car of rabbits!"

   "The ones in the car are not rabbits, they are creatures like us."

   "Refused to eat animals, maintain the equality of all beings."

   "Everything has a spirit, human beings should give up eating meat and live in harmony with all living beings."

  The middle-aged driver shouted angrily: "Are you sick! What does it have to do with you if I transport my rabbit?"

   "The rabbit was neither stolen nor robbed, I bought it with money."

   "I have formal and legal procedures for transporting and selling rabbits."

  The driver jumped out of the car angrily, began to argue positively with everyone, pointed at Cihang Pudu and said: "Old guy, take these people away quickly, or I will fight with you."

   "Come here, everyone, some rabbits can't hold on anymore!"

   Behind the truck, there are stacks of cages full of rabbits.

  A young volunteer found several rabbits listless in the bottom cage.

   A dying look.

  Knowing that the rabbit is going to die, the volunteers acted as if their parents were in danger, so you jumped into the truck with me.

   Work hard to move the upper cage down.

  During the transportation process, the elderly volunteers were all strong and powerful.

  Young female volunteers are not too far behind.

  Jiao Didi's little sister instantly became a proficient in handling.

  Everyone put the cage on the ground and murmured words, comforting the rabbit that it would be saved immediately.

   Please rabbits must persist.

   "No! You can't do this!!"

  The middle-aged driver was so anxious that he was about to cry. He rushed over and stretched out his hands to try to stop everyone.

  Sister Wang said harshly: "A person like you only has money in his eyes! Do you know that these rabbits are lives?"

   "Once transported by you, they will become human food."

   "So many rabbits died because of you, not only you will go to **** because of killing karma, but your family and relatives, so everyone who knows you will be infected with killing karma."

   "You can not love, but you must not hurt!"

   This sentence seemed to ignite the horn of war.

  The volunteers who were busy carrying the rabbit cages shouted in unison.

   "You can not love, but you can't kill."

   "Business is killing, refuse to eat meat."

   "Releasing life is a merit and virtue. All living beings are equal, starting from me."

  The shouts were louder and louder.

  Cihang Pudu stood beside him, clasped his hands together, and moaned.

  Seeing the familiar scene, the water friends were angry and anxious.

   "Brother Driver, what are you still doing? Call the police!"

   "Stopping the vehicle and snatching the cargo on it is a standard crime of robbery."

   "Nimma, reality is always the most magical existence."

   "They don't do charity, they want to let the drivers go bankrupt."

   "The beef burger in my mouth suddenly tastes bad..."

   "If I were the driver of this car, no matter who they are, just blocking the road and robbery, killing him would be considered self-defense!"

  The upright water friend was worried about the driver uncle, and at the same time he was so angry at what these people did.

   I can't wait to teleport to the scene and help the driver to uphold justice.

  (end of this chapter)

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