Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 215: Small problems of heart disease, insist on giving birth

  Chapter 215 A small problem with heart disease, insist on giving birth

   "'s impossible!!"

  Seeing the contents of the paper clearly, the husband with a cute baby at home was shocked beyond recognition.

   "How could my future grandson have a congenital heart disease?"

  Equally shocked was the father-in-law with a cute baby.

  The expressions of the father and son became the same again.

  From being full of coercion at the beginning, to now not being confident.

  The paper clearly stated that the family has a child in the womb of a cute baby who suffers from severe congenital heart disease.

   Below are doctor's recommendations.

   It is recommended that pregnant women induce labor and terminate pregnancy.


   There is Mengbao sneering at the family: "Husband, father-in-law, why does the child have congenital heart disease, you should ask her."

  At home, Mengbao said she was referring to her mother-in-law.

   "Mom, what the **** is going on?"

  The husband's mind is in a mess.

   I have done many prenatal checkups, and everything is normal every time.

  Six months later, the child was diagnosed with congenital heart disease.

  Too unreasonable.

  Mother has worked in obstetrics and gynecology for decades and has rich experience.

  The previous inspections, how could nothing have been found?

   "There is a problem with the inspection equipment in the hospital. The several prenatal inspections that your daughter-in-law did before were all carried out when there was a problem with the equipment."

   "The results are all wrong."

  I feel that there is a cute baby at home, so I can know something, otherwise I wouldn't have the guts to do it to myself.

  But the arrow is on the string, so I have to send it.

  The mother-in-law told her husband and son the nonsense she had already made up.

  Not long ago, the manufacturer’s technicians performed routine maintenance on the hospital’s inspection equipment.

  Problems were found during the inspection.

  Because of the negligence of the technicians, they did not tell the hospital about the discovery of the problem.

  Family Youmengbao had the last prenatal check-up, and the results showed that the unborn child had congenital heart disease.

  Until then, the mother-in-law knew that the previous inspection data was wrong.

  Looking at the mother-in-law who was not blushing or panting when she told lies, Jiayou Mengbao sneered again and again.

  Raise your hand and gently stroke your stomach.

  He was thinking about how to deal with this old hag.

   "I'm going to sue them!"

  The husband with a cute baby was furious after hearing this, and rushed out with his fists clenched.

   "I have already complained to the relevant department, you don't have to go to them again."

  The mother-in-law grabbed her son's arm, changed the subject and talked about her being beaten.

   "Your wife can't accept this result, she thinks I'm the one who played tricks, look, she beat me."

   "Today there is her without me, and there is me without her."

   "Dingshan, if you still treat me as your mother, you should divorce this little shrew immediately!"

  Husband Ding Shan, who has a cute baby at home, feels distressed like a knife.

   He was reluctant to get his mother hurt, and even more reluctant to divorce his wife.

  The father-in-law with a cute baby sighed: "How did things turn out like this..."

   "It's not all your fault."

  The mother-in-law said bitterly: "I have already said that our son is not suitable for her, and we must not marry such a low-quality woman into the family."

   "You can promise everything, and everything will be arranged by me, and then you will rebel."

   "I can't do anything alone, I can only watch the broom star enter the door... Ouch!"

  The mother-in-law was too emotional and accidentally touched the wound on her face, screaming in pain.

   "Honey, I know you can't accept this result for a while, but no matter how sad you are, you shouldn't doubt our mother."

  Ding Shan had a bitter face.

   "Look, you beat our mother, why don't you apologize to her quickly."

   "I did nothing wrong, why should I apologize."

  Jia Youmengbao said with a nonchalant smile: "I'll put the words here, get married, and I won't divorce."

   "I won't kill the child in my stomach."

   "You don't kill the child?! Little vixen, are you crazy?"

  Grandma couldn't believe her ears.

  Knowing that the child in her womb suffers from congenital heart disease, it is still the most serious kind.

   Actually insisted on giving birth to the child.

   Has the little shrew got water in her head?

   "If... if you really don't want to bear a child, just give birth to him."

   What the mother-in-law didn't expect is still to come.

  The son who was single-handedly raised, nodded in agreement with his daughter-in-law.

  The water friends watched intently.

  I think Ding Shan is a man.

  Many mothers who encounter this matter will subconsciously shift the responsibility to their wives without asking indiscriminately.

  Dingshan is still reasonable.

   Hearing that his wife was going to give birth to the child, he didn't say much.

   Such a husband cannot say no.

   It can only be said that it is rare.

   "Silly son, the little shrew's head is flooded, and you are also flooded?"

  The mother-in-law reprimanded hysterically.

   "The child in her womb has a congenital heart disease, which will accompany the child for life."

   "Birth, the baby undergoes a series of heart-correcting surgeries."

   "Every time I circle around the gate of hell, the probability of surviving is very low!"

  Ding Shan was about to speak, but Jiayou Mengbao spoke first.

   "The child in my stomach is the flesh of my body, no one can deprive him of the right to live."

   "Even with severe congenital heart disease, so what?"

   "Now that medicine is highly developed, even cancer may be cured, and heart disease is a small problem."

"piece of cake?!"

  Grandma's nose is about to crooked.

   This is called a small problem, and there will be no big problems in the world.

   Glancing at the shocked mother-in-law, Jiayou Mengbao showed a strange expression.

  My mother-in-law is the department director of a large hospital.

   Having practiced medicine for many years, I must know many famous medical experts.

  When the future child is born, I have to trouble my mother-in-law to help find famous medical experts.

   "I heard from other doctors that in order to completely cure the child's heart disease, various types of operations are required, and the cost is as high as millions."

   "In case our family's savings are not enough by then, we will consider selling this house."

   "This is my house, why are you selling it!"

  Grandma wants to strangle Jiayou Mengbao to death.

  Any idiot can tell that the little shrew is deliberately talking about herself.

   There is a cute baby in the family and he said calmly: "You are right, the house belongs to you, but the child in my stomach is your grandson, do you want to die?"

   "Sell! If you sell everything you want, you must also cure the child's illness."

  The father-in-law with a cute baby suddenly interjected.

   "Daughter-in-law, you are right. Now that medicine is so advanced, there is no disease that cannot be cured."

   "As long as our whole family works together, the children will definitely regain their health."

  Husband Ding Shan encouraged: "Honey, don't think about anything from now on, and take care of your baby."

   "No matter what the child becomes, it is our baby."

   After finishing speaking, Ding Shan held Jiayou Mengbao's hand, with a resolute expression on his face.

   Cursing inwardly that he is not a man.

  The moment I saw the test results, I had the idea of ​​persuading my wife to kill the child.

  I am really nothing.

   Fortunately, the words were not spoken.

  Once he said it, his wife would never forgive him.

  I will not forgive myself.

  Money is something outside the body. As long as the child can be cured, even if you borrow money, you must never give it up.

  (end of this chapter)

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