Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 211: Most Likely Miscarriage Situation

   Chapter 211 The Most Likely Miscarriage Situation

  Shui friends have different opinions, and there is no shortage of barrage with personal attack content.

  Jiayou Mengbao looked very unhappy when he saw the content of these barrages.

  For mothers, nothing is as important as children.

   "Dr. Chen, my husband and I are very healthy, and the baby we conceived is also a healthy child."

   "Every once in a while, I will go to the hospital on time for an obstetric examination, and the results of the obstetric examination are all normal."

   "After pregnancy, the father-in-law, mother-in-law and husband share all the housework. I don't have to do anything every day, I just need to have a baby at home."

   "In order to avoid possible dangers, the family even laid out carpets in the house, so that I was afraid that I would suddenly fall."

   "When I go out, there must be someone to accompany me. I really can't think of what will cause the child to miscarry?"

  Every sentence of Jiayou Mengbao is the truth.

  As she was found to be pregnant, she was immediately guarded by her family as a national treasure.

  Her husband and parents-in-law took the most thoughtful care of her.

  The degree of care is comparable to the protection of giant pandas.

  The water friends stared at Chen Yu's explanation without daring to breathe.

  Chen Yu said lightly: "This patient, please don't get excited."

   "You misunderstood me. When I said that children will not be born, I didn't mean that you will have an accidental miscarriage."

   "Then what are you talking about?"

  Jiayou Mengbao asked unconvinced.

  Chen Yu sighed and said, "You will take the initiative to kill the child."


  There is a cute baby in the family who said categorically: "The child is a treasure given to me by God. Even if I put a knife on my neck, I will not kill the child."

   "The baby is my lifeblood, and it's too late for me to take care of him. How could I kill him?"

  Chen Yu said: "I don't have any doubts about what you said."

   "But if you look at it from another angle, for example, if the child suffers from a congenital disease, would you still let him come into this world?"

  As soon as these words came out, Jiayou Mengbao's expression was dull.

  The majority of water friends were also stunned.

"no, I can not!"

  There is a cute baby shaking his head desperately.

  Children cannot have problems.

  “I have done many prenatal checkups, and the results are normal every time.”

   "My baby can't have a congenital disease, no way!"

  The cute baby got up and left the computer, and found a large number of checklists from the bedroom drawer.

   Take it to the computer and show Chen Yu one by one.

   Checklist to prove that the child is doing well.

  The situation is very good.

  Chen Yu looked at the doctor's signature at the bottom corner of the checklist, and said, "The doctor who is in charge of giving you the birth checkup and signed and stamped it is your mother-in-law, right?"

"how do you know?"

  There is a cute baby who blurted out.


   The doctor who gave her a check-up was none other than her mother-in-law.

  The family has a cute husband and the family are all senior intellectuals.

  My father-in-law is a university professor, and my mother-in-law is the director of obstetrics and gynecology at the hospital.

  My husband works in a scientific research institution.

  Chen Yu crossed his hands and said slowly: "After your mother-in-law gets off work, she will tell you that your child has a congenital heart disease in front of the whole family."

   "And the worst kind."

   “If born, will undergo multiple corrective heart surgeries with low success rate.”

   “The overall cost is in the millions, and it is difficult to live to adulthood.”

   "No! No! My child is a healthy baby, and there is no possibility of congenital heart disease!!"

  There is a cute baby in the family who is in a panic.

   These words came from Chen Yu's mouth.

   If it were someone else, Jiayou Mengbao would definitely complain to the platform, not to mention spraying the other party with blood.

  My mother-in-law is the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department. In the entire obstetrics and gynecology department, my mother-in-law has the most experience in obstetrics and gynecology.

   In the first few months, the mother-in-law was in charge of the prenatal checkup.

   If the child has congenital heart disease, it is impossible for the mother-in-law not to find out.

   If you say careless.

   It is possible once or twice, but it is impossible not to see it every time, right?

   "This patient, please calm down first."

   "Since you can't accept this topic for the time being, let's change the topic first."

  Chen Yu said kindly: "Next, I will ask you about your family situation. Are you willing to accept my inquiry?"

  Meng Bao frowned and bit his lip.

  During pregnancy, Mengbao often watched Chen Yu's recordings to pass the time and relax.

   Seeing people with ulterior motives, or people who have committed evil intentions, show their true colors in Chen Yu's live broadcast room, and Mengbao will be amused and laugh.

   Having watched a lot, he naturally knows Chen Yu's abilities like the back of his hand.

   Knowing that Chen Yu would not talk nonsense.

  But I couldn't even dream of it.

  One day, I will become the target of others.

   Entering Chen Yu's live broadcast room, I just wanted to ask about the gender of the child.

  Determine the next new house decoration style.

  Chen Yu spoke surprisingly, speculating that the child would be lost.

   also said that the child had a congenital heart disease.

  The whole thing seems to be inextricably linked to the mother-in-law who checked for him...

  There is a cute baby at home, the more he thinks about it, the more flustered he becomes, and his brain cells are almost burned out.

   After a moment of silence, Jiayou Mengbao said in a complicated voice: "Doctor Chen, you can ask, if you can answer, I will answer you truthfully."

  Chen Yu nodded and said, "If I'm not wrong, the relationship between you and your parents-in-law should not be very harmonious, right?"

  Jiayou Mengbao shook his body and nodded slightly.

   "The relationship between my parents-in-law and my mother-in-law is indeed not very harmonious."

   "According to my mother-in-law's opinion, my husband should marry a well-matched high-skilled woman, not me, a college graduate."

  The father-in-law and mother-in-law who have a cute baby at home didn't like her at first.

   Tried to separate her and her husband more than once.

   Fortunately, the husband will not marry unless she is the one.

   Did not obey the parents' arrangement, and broke up with Jiayoumengbao.

  Under the hard work and persistence of the husband, the parents-in-law chose to compromise.

  After the two got married, the father-in-law's attitude towards having a cute baby at home has changed a lot.

   There was a smile on his face, and his attitude was much more amiable.

   Accept her as part of the family.

   As for the mother-in-law, I still hate her as always.

  As long as the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet together, the mother-in-law will use various methods to find trouble with the cute baby.

   At the beginning of marriage.

  Jiayoumengbao chose to endure her mother-in-law's rude provocation with the idea of ​​taking a step back.

  In the first two months of pregnancy, the mother-in-law became more and more excessive.

   There are cute babies for all kinds of personal attacks.

   Jiayou Mengbao, who couldn't bear it anymore, decided not to bear it anymore.

  Start to confront her mother-in-law.

   This situation lasted until a cute baby in the family was found to be pregnant.

  Since then, the mother-in-law is like a different person.

  Hush and ask about your health every day.

  If there is a cute baby in the family, the mother-in-law will satisfy it immediately.

"I see!"

   Having said that, Mengbao from Jiayou exclaimed in shock: "Mother-in-law is taking revenge on me."

   "Yes, she must be taking revenge on me!"

  As soon as these words came out, a lot of question marks appeared on the screen.

  (end of this chapter)

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