Chapter 206 Monkey King Pill

  Chen Yu walked to the hospital bed and said with a smile on his face, "Mr., you should have heard what we just said."

   "You have eaten wild mountain bacteria that contain toxins for decades, and the accumulation of toxins in your body has reached a very dangerous amount."

   "Are you determined to quit it completely?"

  Hearing this, Mr. Zhao, who was lying on the bed, had a tangled expression on his face.

   "Doctor Chen, I can give it a try, but I can't guarantee it."

   "Father, you really can't eat any more."

  Zhao Jinquan burst into tears and said, "I beg you, okay?"

   "My son can get you any delicacies from mountains and seas you want to eat, but you really can't eat this kind of wild mushroom."

   "Good boy, Dad knows you are a filial child, and Dad doesn't want to cause trouble for you."

   "But... But I really can't control myself."

  Mr. Zhao closed his eyes in pain.

  When he was young, the conditions in his family were very difficult.

  The grain harvested from the fields every year is only enough for the family for nine months.

  During the months of food shortage, the family will use other things to eat.

   The most eaten one is the wild mountain mushroom.

   Later, the conditions improved day by day, and Mr. Zhao's dinner table was always inseparable from wild mushrooms.

   If you don’t eat a meal, you will feel that something is missing.

   It takes more than forty years to eat it.

   Now, he seems to be addicted.

   This time when he moved to another place with his son, Mr. Zhao brought several sacks of wild mushrooms with him.

  As for whether the wild mountain fungus is poisonous or not, and whether it will affect the body, Mr. Zhao doesn't care at all.

  According to their hometown.

  Eating wild mountain fungus poisoning is because it is not cooked thoroughly.

  Experienced locals will not be poisoned.

   "Son, now that you're an adult and have a decent job, I have nothing to regret."

   "Just let me go."

  Mr. Zhao doesn't want to burden his son, but he really doesn't have the confidence to quit this decades-long appetite.

  Mr. Zhao also understood what Chen Yu said.

  If you can help yourself this time, you may not be able to help yourself next time.

  The root cause is whether you can get rid of the habit of eating wild mushrooms.

  Can’t quit, and don’t want to keep procrastinating.

   It’s all over once and for all, so let’s go.

  The son grows up, has a decent job, and earns a lot of money.

  Even if he passed away and went to the underworld, Mr. Zhao still has the face to face his dead wife.

   and the ancestors of the Zhao family.

   "Doctor Chen, please help us find a way, I can't... I can't just watch my father leave me."

   Zhao Jinquan was about to kneel down while speaking.

  Chen Yu stretched out his hand to hold him back, and said, "From a psychological point of view, your father is a typical mental addiction."

   "The scientific name is called mental addiction."

   "What is a mental addiction?"

   Zhao Jinquan asked.

  "Spiritual addiction refers to a long-term mental dependence on something."

  Chen Yu said lightly.

   "Your father likes to eat poisonous wild mushrooms, you should have eaten them too?"

   "Have eaten several times."

   Zhao Jinquan said.

   "Could it be that after eating wild mushrooms for a period of time, people will become addicted?"

   "Not really."

  Chen Yu waved his hand and said, "Wild fungus won't make people physically addicted. Your father's mental addiction is because he has eaten wild fungus for decades."

   "When I was young, I ate this wild mountain mushroom as a staple food, and later it became an indispensable delicacy for three meals a day."

   "This is mental addiction."

   "Eating wild mushrooms has become a part of his life, and it is difficult to let go."

  Chen Yu clearly told Zhao Jinquan that wild mountain fungus is different from cigarettes or liquor, and will not produce physiological addiction.

  But mental addiction is more troublesome than physical addiction.

   "Doctor Chen, I don't quite understand what you are saying, just tell me, what should I do?"

   "As long as you can cure my father and let him quit this bad habit, I can promise you anything."

   "As a doctor, I will never give up when a patient has a glimmer of hope for a cure."

  Chen Yu smiled.

   "In my psychotherapy room, there is also a drug that is just right for your father's current state of mental addiction."

   "If it's convenient, you can come with me."

   "Get rid of his mental addiction, let's talk about treating his body."

   "It's convenient, let's go now."

  Zhao Jinquan said impatiently.

   "Wait a minute and listen to me."

  Chen Yu said solemnly: "My medicine is different from ordinary medicines, and there are many taboos in it."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Yu stretched out three fingers in a dignified manner.

   "First, you should not take other medicines during the period of taking the medicine, so as not to interfere with the nature of the medicines."

   "Secondly, the food should be a light diet. You can't eat big fish and meat, and you can't let your father drink mushroom soup. Once you break the precept, it will be a waste of all your previous efforts."

  Zhao Jinquan nodded repeatedly.

  Keep Chen Yu's words in mind.

  Chen Yu said: "As for the third, I need to take this medicine for 21 consecutive days, three times a day, without interruption."

   "If you interrupt once, all previous efforts will be wasted."

   "Understood, let's get the medicine now."

   Zhao Jinquan said hurriedly.

  “During the period of taking the medicine, your father may have various struggling reactions, or cursing or begging. In short, you must not soften your heart. Your father has no ability to resist mental addiction, so you need to help him.”

  After listening to Chen Yu's warning, Zhao Jinquan promised: "I will call the leader tomorrow and ask for a month-long vacation to stay at home to take care of my father. I will definitely not disrupt the medication process."

   "I will not let my father come into contact with wild mushrooms."

  Chen Yu exhorted: "Doctors can cure diseases. As for whether patients can save their lives, besides doctors, the efforts of family members are also very important."

   "Remember the three taboos I just said, you can't break any of them."

   Then, Zhao Jinquan called the servant and ordered the servant to stay here and watch over his father.

  Until I come back, the servant can't go there.

  In the kitchen storage room, there are several sacks of wild mushrooms that my father brought from his hometown.

  Zhao Jinquan intends to come back and destroy them.

   More than an hour later, the two cars stopped at the door of the psychological consultation room.

  Chen Yu stepped in.

   came out again, with an extra bottle of snacks in hand.

   Seeing what Chen Yu was holding, Zhao Jinquan was confused

   "Doctor Chen, did you take the wrong one? Isn't this the snack monkey king pill?"

   "No, this is the antidote pill."

  Chen Yu said unhurriedly: "Perhaps in your opinion, this is just a bottle of common snacks."

   "Actually, it is a medicine used to detoxify and treat diseases."

   "Can snacks detoxify and cure diseases?"

  Zhao Jinquan took the Monkey King Pill from Chen Yu.

   Observe from all directions up, down, left, and right.

   No matter how you look at it, it is a snack.

   On the front is written the word Monkey King Pill, and next to it is the cartoon head of the Monkey King.

  The following line of small characters.

  Licorice tangerine peel flavor.

  The expiration date says there are two months left.

  (end of this chapter)

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