Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 199: A woman is weak, but a mother is strong

  Chapter 199 Women are weak, mothers are strong

  Xu Jia looked stunned, and her three views were shattered.

  The husband turned out to be a cousin-in-law.

  My cousin asked her husband to marry her because she couldn’t have children.

   Wait until a healthy child is born, and try to force yourself to get married.

  Induce yourself to give up the custody of the child.

  God, is this a relative or an enemy?

  Xu Jia's three views were shattered, and Zhou Kexin's three views were also completely destroyed.

   "Just because Jiajia has a soft personality, they treat Jiajia as a fool. How can there be such a **** in the world!"

  Zhou Kexin was furious.

   This couple is getting more vicious than the other.

   It's okay to call them the worst swear words.

  Xu Jia twitched all over, covering her face and crying.

  No matter what, she couldn't accept this fact.

  The husband who loves him so much is actually a scumbag with ulterior motives.

  As a relative's cousin, she has a vicious plan to give birth to a child in the womb.

   "Jiajia, you don't deserve to cry for such a scum."

  Zhou Kexin hugged Xu Jia and kept comforting her.

   "Doctor Chen, what should we do now?"

   "The two scumbags must not be allowed to succeed. They must pay the price for such a **** thing!"

  Zhou Kexin was filled with righteous indignation.

  Even if they don’t kill them, they have to go to court to sue them.

   Charged with bigamy, they were sent to step on sewing machines.

  Chen Yu glanced at Xu Jia, and said in a complicated tone: "I understand your feelings very well, but this matter is difficult to handle.

  Now, your cousin and her husband have already divorced. "

   "He married you, which belongs to legal marriage registration, and has not committed the crime of bigamy."

   "Can't we do anything?"

  Zhou Kexin was not reconciled.

  When she was in junior high school, Xu Jia was a weak girl.

  Never quarrel with others, even when bullied, just suffer silently.

   Unexpectedly, after all these years, Xu Jia's personality has not changed at all.

  The cousin is obviously convinced of her cousin's soft personality.

  Dare to play her as a fool.

  Xu Jia broke down in tears and said: "Doctor Chen, I am very confused now, can you tell me what should I do?"

  Chen Yu said lightly: "I have two solutions here."

   "The first solution is to divorce her ex-husband according to your cousin's idea, and give the children to them for custody."

   "Then leave this sad, forget the sad past, and start a new life."

  Zhou Kexin sighed secretly.

  Xu Jia would definitely not accept this method.

   Not to mention that emotional injury is the most difficult pain in the world to heal.

  Single children.

  Children are the heart and soul of mothers.

  Most mothers will not abandon their children.

as expected.

  Xu Jia rejected Chen Yu's first suggestion without even thinking about it.

  I would rather go to court than give up my child.

   "Doctor Chen, I know that what you said is for my own good."

   "But the child is a treasure given to me by God. This feeling is not something that can be avoided if you don't want it."

  Xu Jia rubbed her tears and said, "If I go to court with them, can I keep the custody of the child?"


  Chen Yu said.

   "Jiajia, you must think about it."

  Zhou Kexin doesn't want her old classmates to lose their children.

   But then again.

   Zhou Ying, who is in her twenties this year, has a nursing baby by her side.

   Having to go to work and take care of the children every day, life will be very difficult.

   "Ke Xin, you don't need to persuade me, I decided to divorce him, and then go to court to fight for the custody of the child."

  Xu Jia's expression became resolute.

  For the child, she can give everything.

  Children must never fall into the hands of two people with ulterior motives.

  In order to get a healthy baby, the two went out of their own way.

  One heart is worse than the other.

  Children stay with them, affected by bad thoughts, will be ruined by them for life.

  Zhou Kexin was both sympathetic and aggrieved.

  It is said that women are weak, but mothers are strong.

   She believed this sentence.

  But how can good people get no rewards, but bad people can get away with it?

  Xu Jia had never done anything bad, yet she had to end up like this.

  Her cousin and husband are both scumbags and beasts.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Kexin suddenly remembered what Chen Yu said, as if she hadn't finished.

   "Dr. Chen, you said that there are two methods. After the first method is finished, shouldn't it be time to talk about the second method?"

  Chen Yu smiled wryly: "The second method, this patient has already mentioned it just now."

   "Divorce, fighting for custody of children."

"That's it?"

  Zhou Kexin was disappointed after hearing this.

   thought that Chen Yu's second method could help Zhou Ying get justice.

   He let out a bad breath, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

  Chen Yu smiled lightly and said, I haven't finished my words yet.

   "This patient, did your husband take back a ceramic vase not long ago?"

  Xu Jia recalled: "He said that the vase was bought at a roadside stall, and it cost a total of 50 yuan."

   "It looks good, and I bought it as a family ornament to cultivate sentiment."

  Chen Yu said with a half-smile, "If I told you, this is not an ordinary vase, but an antique vase, and your husband spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy it."

"five million?!"

  Xu Jia was taken aback.

   "He is just an ordinary financial person in the unit, with a monthly salary of more than 10,000."

   "Before getting married, he used all his savings to buy a wedding house. How can he still have money to buy antiques?"

  Chen Yu said slowly: "Of course he doesn't have so much money. The money to buy the vase is the public funds of their unit."

   "He embezzled public funds to buy vases?"

   Zhou Kexin said in surprise.

  Chen Yu nodded, and continued to say to Xu Jia: "Is your cousin working in the History Museum?"

  Xu Jia replied: "Yes, my cousin is a cultural relic restorer in the museum."

   "That's right."

  Chen Yu said: "When your cousin is free, she will work part-time to help rich collectors maintain and restore antiques."

   "One holiday, your cousin went out to help a well-known rich man restore antiques, and accidentally learned that the rich man had a blue and white porcelain vase in his home."

   "The blue and white porcelain pieces were originally a pair, but due to some historical reasons, the pair of blue and white porcelain vases were artificially separated."

   "The rich man told his friends that if someone could find another porcelain vase, he would pay 30 million yuan to buy it."

   "Doctor Chen, please wait a moment."

  Xu Jia rubbed her temples vigorously, and tentatively said, "Could it be..."


  Chen Yu said: "My cousin's personality is not very good, but luck is quite good."

   "After two years, she saw a second blue and white porcelain vase in the home of a local collector."

   "The collector encountered some troubles and planned to sell the blue vase for cash, with a price tag of five million."

  Hearing this, Zhou Kexin understood everything.

  Xu Jia's cousin couldn't come up with five million, so she turned her idea on her ex-husband.

  Using the nature of her ex-husband’s work, she embezzled 5 million public funds to buy antique vases.

  Chen Yu continued: "The transaction date was set three days later, and the day after the transaction coincided with the unit's audit day."

   Zhou Kexin had a flash of inspiration.

  (end of this chapter)

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