Chapter 194 Mother-child relationship?

   Turning back again, the romantic and suave young gentleman said angrily: "Just because I am not an actor hired by your team, you are going to slander me and my parents. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

   "Everyone has parents, and everyone has relatives. Is it your usual style to curse parents and relatives who frame others?"

   "You said that my father is a thief and my mother is a dancer, it's all nonsense!"

   "I know you will refute me, it doesn't matter, I will present evidence now, so that the water friends can see your true colors."

  The voice fell, and the romantic and suave young man turned on the phone and found a photo from it.

  In the photo, the romantic and suave young man is snuggling with an elderly woman.

  With a sweet smile on his face.

   "Chen Yu, you can see clearly, she is my mother."

   "Didn't you say that she eloped with someone when I was nine years old? How do you explain it now?"

  The romantic and suave young man flipped through the photo album on his phone while talking.

  The next dozen photos are all photos of him and his mother.

  The backgrounds are in parks, shopping malls, and restaurants.

  After showing these evidences, the suave and romantic gentleman obviously does not intend to let Chen Yu go easily.

   Take out two red books from the desk drawer.

   Still placed in front of the camera.

   "Please take a look, these are some of the honors I have received in the past few years since I joined the company."

   "The two red books are two commendation certificates."

  The year before and last year, the romantic and suave Xiao Lang was rated as an outstanding employee by the company.

   "Everyone's eyes are discerning, tell yourself, if I am not a good person, how can I work with peace of mind?"

   "How did you get the outstanding employee award?"

  Many old fans who were sure that Chen Yu would not just talk about it were a little speechless when they saw the evidence in front of them.

  The company's official seal is clearly printed on the two commendation certificates.

   should not be false.

   Awarded excellent employee for two consecutive years.

   It can be seen that the romantic and suave young man is very capable at work.

  Combined with the photo of mother and child, what Chen Yu said seems to be untenable.

   Glancing at the sparse barrage in the live broadcast room, the suave and suave young gentleman said aggressively: "Doctor Chen, what else do you have to say now?"

   "Defamation is a crime, and insulting other people's parents is a manifestation of moral corruption!"

   "Like the millions of netizens in the live broadcast room, I regard you as a capable person. I didn't expect your real face to be so ugly. It's simply disgusting."

  Chen Yu said nothing, with a strange smile on his face.

  Jiang Chen Yu didn't refute, and the water friends probably couldn't find a reason here, so they came to defend themselves.

   "Facts speak louder than words. You have all seen the true face of Dr. Chen."

  The romantic and suave young man said in grief and indignation.

   "A false idol whose character is depraved, whose so-called ability is created by the team, is it really worthy of everyone's worship?"

  "Unable to obtain my background information, he uttered nonsense and shamelessly attacked me personally."

   "I was attacked by him today. I don't know when one of you will encounter the same situation as me when he connects to the microphone."

   "Chen Yu is a big Internet celebrity touted by the Huyu platform, and I'm just a little unknown person."

  “Even if you sue him for defamation, it’s hard to win.”

   "Chen Yu has money and connections, and he can find a team of lawyers to file a lawsuit with me, but even so, I won't let him slander my parents."

   "This patient, can I say a few words?"

   Chen Yu said slowly.

   "I didn't gag you, you can say whatever you want, but remember, if you dare to slander my parents again, even if I lose everything, I will fight the lawsuit to the end!"

  The romantic and suave young man gave Chen Yu a hard look.

  Chen Yu smiled lightly: "If the family is harmonious and your parents are loving, your family must have a family portrait, right?"

   "This patient, is it convenient for you to take out your family portrait for a look?"

  After Chen Yu finished speaking, the suave and romantic young gentleman suddenly became tense.

   "The family portrait is placed in the living room at home, who would take this kind of thing with him."

"Oh, I see."

  Chen Yu nodded and said, "If there is no family photo, there should be a photo of parents, right?"

   "Yes, but...but I didn't bring it with me."

  The suave and suave young man's tone became more and more tense.

  Anyone could tell that he seemed guilty.

  Chen Yu said: "The family portrait is hanging in the living room, but I didn't take it with me."

   "You didn't take the photo of your parents with you, and you didn't bring the photo of you and your father either, did you?"

  Sweat beads appeared on the forehead of the suave and romantic young man.

   His face became very disturbed.

   Waited patiently for a while, but when the suave and romantic young man spoke, Chen Yu asked with a smile: "My friends, just now he showed a photo with his mother. Did you find any problems in it?"

  As soon as this remark came out, the water friends immediately recalled the contents of the photo.

   "The restaurant where they ate seemed to be the most luxurious western restaurant in our locality, and the per capita consumption was more than 2,000 yuan."

   "That aunt's bag looks a bit like a limited-edition platinum bag."

   "That's weird. Didn't he say that his family was average? How could mom afford a platinum bag?"

   "Could it be fake?"

   "The bag may be fake, but the diamond ring on my hand is definitely real."

  Shui friends have recalled the intriguing details in more than a dozen photos.

  These photos were taken in parks, shopping malls, and restaurants.

  In every photo, the mother of the romantic and suave young man always wears different clothes and carries different bags.

  The jewelry worn on the hand is also different.

  The romantic and suave young man mentioned that his family was poor.

   And just an ordinary employee in a company.

   How can a person with a poor family and an ordinary job have the money to buy so many luxuries for his mother?

   Often go to high-end shopping malls and high-end restaurants?

   "Brothers, have you noticed that in the group photo of two people, the expressions on their faces are not like mother and child, but more like the kind of you and me in a lover's world?"

   "Upstairs said what I've always wanted to say."

  “I felt that way when I first saw the two people in the photo.”

   "My god! Aren't they mother and son, is that the relationship?"

   "It must be so, otherwise it wouldn't make sense at all."

   "A woman must be rich with jewels on her body, otherwise why would she carry a different luxury bag every time she takes a photo?"

   "But that's not right. If you really want to get close to a rich woman, why is he still working here? Isn't it good for the rich woman to keep him?"

   "One thing to say, this guy's taste is really not ordinary, he can't be a steel ball lover?"

  The barrage on the screen is overwhelming.

  Shui friends analyzed from various angles, what is the relationship between the romantic and suave young man and the middle-aged aunt.

  Chen Yu said: "This patient, I have another piece of evidence in my hand that can prove that the two of you are not mother and child. Are you interested in continuing to listen?"

  (end of this chapter)

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