Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 188: More than ten years ago, the dark chess set by someone

  Chapter 188 More than ten years ago, the dark chess set by someone

   What Chen Yu said will happen in a few hours. What's the use of calling the police now?

   Just the oil tank on the co-pilot can prove that the driver is going to kill himself?

  Life is like a cup of tea, trust Chen Yu.

  The local police may not believe it.

   "Dr. Chen, you are right, call the police now, I may get nothing."

  Life is like a cup of tea and sitting back in the chair.

   Thinking about how to attack competitors.

  Businessmen, especially successful businessmen, are not fuel-efficient.

  Life is like a cup of tea. Being polite in front of Chen Yu does not mean that he is really a kind person with a gentle personality who can laugh everything off.

  Chen Yu said: "You don't have to worry, the person who killed you is not the competitor you think, the murderer is someone else."

   "Anyone else?"

  Life is like a cup of tea. Meng hurriedly said: "I'm not a competitor, who else wants to harm me?"

  Chen Yuruo pointed out: "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you."

   "Who is the first in the phone's address book?"

   "My wife!"

  Life is like a cup of tea blurted out.


   "Our husband and wife have been together for many years. We have never quarreled, let alone blushed. She has no reason to hurt me."

  Believe that Chen Yu's life is like a cup of tea, and question Chen Yu for the first time.

  The couple have been married for more than ten years.

   Husband and wife should respect each other as guests.

  No matter what happens, it is always discussed.

  In more than ten years, I have neither blushed nor quarreled.

  Life is like a cup of tea and very clean.

  Even if you need to go to entertainment venues for business reasons.

   will also keep a certain distance from Fengyue girl.

   As for which aspect, life is like a cup of tea, you can pat your chest and say.

   As mighty as ever!

   The two have been married for thirteen years and have three children together.

  The relationship between husband and wife is harmonious and harmonious, and the family atmosphere is happy and happy.

  Belongs to the five-good family that everyone envies.

   For this kind of drama of grievances and grievances between rich and powerful families, water friends love to see it the most.

   Barrages of ridicule emerge in endlessly.

   "Fighting and killing among rich people, we have fun and eat melons, just watch the show."

   "Fortunately, I'm poor enough to not get involved in a rich family battle."

   "Looked at my husband who was sleeping like a dead pig next to me, and then I looked at my bank deposits, um, don't worry."

   "Is this something you should worry about with a monthly salary of two thousand?"

   "There are a few businessmen in China who are not stained, and I am numb."

   "What makes ordinary people have the illusion that businessmen must have perfect personal morality?"

   "I can't understand it, but I was shocked. This melon is really delicious."

   Many water friends analyze that life is like a wife with a cup of tea, who may be cheating.

  Or he inadvertently hurt his wife.

   All in all, there is no hatred for no reason in the world.

  Life is like a cup of tea whose wife bribes the driver and murders her husband.

   There was definitely animosity between the two.

  Looking at the live barrage sent by the water friends, life is like a cup of tea, and the face is more bitter than bitter melon.

   "Doctor Chen, why don't you analyze it again?"

  I feel that Chen Yu may have made a wrong prediction this time.

  Life is like a cup of tea, please politely ask Chen Yu to recalculate for himself.

   "Take a step back and talk about it. My wife really hurt me. There must be a reason?"

   "I've never done anything sorry to her until now."

   "I will give what she wants."

   "And I'm not like other rich people, who often spend their time outside, messing with flowers and grass."

   "I can swear to God, I am definitely a qualified husband."

  Chen Yu said: "You have never done anything wrong to your wife."

   "The reason why your wife hurt you is not what the water friend said. You did something to hurt her."

   "Harming you, just to protect yourself."

  Life is like a cup of tea stunned.

   Could it be that the wife has been threatened in some way?

  Life is like a cup of tea and said uncertainly: "If she doesn't kill me, she can't live by herself?"

   "Your wife has been threatened. As for saying that she will not survive unless you are killed, that is a bit of an exaggeration."

  Chen Yu said slowly: "If you don't kill you, she will lose everything she has now."

  "Including a rich life of rich clothes and fine food, a husband who obeys her, and three lovely children."

  Hearing this, life is like a cup of tea, as if thinking of something, his face suddenly changed.

   "Did she do something sorry for me?"

   "My lover threatened her not to kill me, so that the embarrassing things between the two of us will be exposed?"

   "Before answering your question, please tell us about how you and your wife met."

  Seeing what Chen Yu said, life is like a cup of tea, frowning slightly.

  Recall the scene more than ten years ago.

   “My wife and I met at a pharmaceutical product expo more than ten years ago.”

   “At that time, my wife was a medical representative of a pharmaceutical company.”

  Recalling what happened more than ten years ago, life is like a cup of tea with a happy smile.

  The pharmaceutical company his wife works for happens to have a certain degree of business dealings with his company.

   Having been in touch several times, life is like a cup of tea, falling in love with each other uncontrollably.

  The wife likes hobbies and dresses up, which is very in line with the criteria for choosing a spouse that life is like a cup of tea.

  Life is like a cup of tea. I like to watch literary and artistic films, and my wife is also a literary and artistic film lover.

  As a native of the Southwest, he particularly dislikes spicy dishes.

   is biased towards the light taste of the south.

   Unexpectedly, at this point, his wife is also of the same height as him.

   Also likes light dishes and classic literature.

   "After months of dating, I'm sure my wife is the soul mate I've been looking for."

  Life is like a cup of tea: "Our two personalities, preferences, and even our views on things are not the same."

  Chen Yu sighed, and said: "In your opinion, you have met a soul mate that no one else can find in their entire lives."

   "But if you think about it from another angle, are there really people in the world who have the same interests and hobbies in all aspects except gender?"

  This sentence once again makes life like a cup of tea.

   "Could it be that her hobbies, tastes and opinions are all deliberately catering to me?"

   "The purpose is to make me fall in love with her and marry into a wealthy family in this way."

  Life is like a cup of tea muttering to itself.

  Chen Yu said with a smile: "Ten years ago, your company could only be called a medium-sized company, far from being a rich family."

   "But there is one thing, you are right."

   "All the same things you see in her, she is indeed pandering to you."

   "She didn't do this to marry into a wealthy family"

   "At the same time, from the moment you met to the moment you fell in love and got married, you were all controlled by a pair of invisible hands."

   "The purpose is to bury a **** by your side."

  "A dark chess piece that will only work after ten or twenty years."

  (end of this chapter)

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