Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 178: Drank the crunch and the whole family was sent away

  Chapter 178 Drinking crunch wine, the whole family was sent away

   "Chen... Doctor Chen, my wine is not... not very good."

   "It doesn't match your identity."

  Crackling and stuttering, completely lost the previous smooth flow of water, talking eloquently.

  Chen Yu said: "You must not say that, I am just an ordinary psychiatrist, what is my identity?"

   "If you are reluctant to give it away, I will buy it with money."

   "The postage of 88 yuan, I will transfer it to you now, don't forget to ship it."

   "Don't turn, don't turn!"

  Crunch scared the **** out of me.

  The water friends who kept their minds in contact with Chen Yu were all in bad luck without exception.

   All kinds of unbearable pasts were wiped out by Chen Yu.

  Although Crouching has never done murder, arson, burning, killing and looting.

  But he couldn't stand him earning a lot of black money.

   Once Chen Yu skinned him, he would get himself a mental illness by the way.

   There is no place to cry when crunching.

   "Why, you don't want to give me the wine even if I pay for it?"

  Chen Yu played with taste.

  Crunch said with a sad face: "My wine has no proof, this..."

   Before he finished speaking, the water friends in the live broadcast room were laughing like crazy.

   No wonder Crunch uses wine to put out fires.

   It turned out that there was no alcohol in it.

   "Look carefully, this man's name is Crunch, and he is facing the most important choice in his life at this time, whether to sell alcohol or not."

   "Brother Crunch, there are hundreds of known mental illnesses, there is always one that suits you, pick one yourself."

   "To be visited by Dr. Chen in the live broadcast room, your ancestors must have smoked."

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the barrage mocking him.

  Crunch wished he could rush to the homes of these water friends along the network cable and strangle them to death one by one.

  The look in his eyes that wanted to kill Shuiyou couldn't be hidden no matter what.

  Chen Yu said lightly: "It's the first time I've heard of non-alcoholic wine. The more you talk about it, the more curious I become. I'll place an order now."

   "Doctor Chen, no no no, brother Chen, I'll be honest."

  Crunch panicked and said: "The bottle is not wine, but a drink."

  Chen Yu shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

   "Others say that you, Brother Crunch, never deceive your family, and the things you sell are genuine."

   "And always sell them out at a price lower than the ex-factory price, and properly bring good people."

   Knowing that the bottle contained beverages, the water friends laughed like crazy.

   "This wine is really good. After I drank it, I ran into drunk driving when I was driving. I blew it all night, and the value was always 0."

   "When I was a child, I saw Brother Crunchy cheating real guns with fake guns. I knew that it would not be easy for this kid when he grows up."

   "Brother Crunch is actually using the name of carrying goods to tell everyone that there are many ways to carry goods, and the anti-fraud point is really positive energy!"

   "Crough brand craft wine, special for graves."

   "You're fooling around, aren't you?"

   "The bottle is so beautiful, I want to buy the whole thing, the wine is for my dad, and I will keep the bottle."

   "What a loving father and filial son."

   "The saying that people are shameless and invincible in the world is very thorough."

   Confirming that Chen Yu didn't intend to let him go easily, his whole body trembled, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

  If it weren't for the live broadcast.

  Crackling could kneel down to Chen Yu, kowtow three times to beg to let him go.

   "The bottle is really a drink. If you don't believe me, I'll show you one."

  Hearing this, Chen Yu said in a concerned tone: "What if I get alcohol poisoning?"

   "There is a drink in the bottle, it will not be poisoned."

   After finishing speaking, he creaked open the bottle cap and poured it down.

   The whole bottle of wine was drunk by Crunch.

  It is better to admit that it contains a drink than to admit that it is selling fake wine.

  Selling counterfeit alcohol is subject to criminal responsibility.

  Beverages in wine bottles can only be said to be trickery.

   Pay a fine to pass the level.

  The nature of the two types of errors is different, and the responsibilities assumed are also different.

   This point can still be clearly understood by Crunch.

  Chen Yu smiled lightly: "You must be very thirsty after drinking so fast, why don't you drink the remaining bottle as well."

   Hearing this, Crunch almost collapsed on the ground.

  Drinking a whole bottle, the internal organs were crunching so badly.

  The smell of low-quality alcohol rushed straight to the sky.

  Hearing that he was asked to drink another bottle, he crunched as if he was going to the execution ground.

   Reaching out to hold another bottle of wine.

  The other hand tremblingly unscrewed the bottle cap.

  The next second, the smell of low-quality alcohol inside rushed straight into the nasal cavity.

  Crunch, who was already overwhelmed, bent over and vomited on the ground in front of more than two million water friends in the live broadcast room.

   Today's crunching is not only trying to strangle those booing water friends to death.

  I even want to strangle the brand side of the wine together.

  It is enough to produce fake wine.

   Can you use some snacks to improve the smell?

   "I drank his house wine to death last year."

   "I don't understand how crunch can't get along with wine."

   "Is the biggest cost the bottle and shipping?"

   "KTV, the designated supplier of nightclubs."

   "Buy in the morning and arrive at noon, and the whole family leaves neatly in the evening."

   "I bought a case of the wine sold by Brother Crunch and gave it to my dad. I don't know why, but I was kicked out of the house by my dad the next day."

  Looking at the various bullet screens, Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Brother Crunch, you can't do this either."

   "I can vomit myself after drinking a bottle of drink. It seems that my physical condition is very bad."

   "How about I start a live broadcast for you alone and check for you, are you suffering from a mental illness?"

   "Doctor Chen, I was wrong."

  Crunch knelt on the ground with his knees slumped, and said to the screen: "I will never bring any goods in the future, so please don't mic with me."

   "Don't say I'm sick, please."

  Chen Yu said: "As long as you don't bring any more goods, your condition will get better little by little."

   "If you continue to live broadcast and bring goods, even I can't help you."

  Crunch raised his hand and swore that he would never bring goods again.

  Zhou Kexin almost laughed out loud.

   Really wicked people need...

  Bah, bah, bah, the wicked need to be grinded by masters.

  Only an expert like Chen Yu can make Crunchy honestly confess that there is something wrong with the wine he sells.

   "Someone is coming in, accept Lianmai."

  Chen Yu glanced at the door, returned to the desk with his hands behind his back and sat down.

  Hearing that someone was coming in, Zhou Kexin bid farewell to the water friends in a hurry.

  End the mic connection and go to open the door.

   "Welcome, are you here to see a doctor or to buy medicine?"

  Ten seconds later, a tall, majestic man came in from the outside.

  Zhou Kexin immediately brought her identity into the nurse of the clinic.

  Politely ask the man if he is here for a diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, or to find Chen Yu to buy medicine for treatment.

  The man looked at Zhou Kexin up and down, then turned his head and said, "Doctor Chen, who is this lady?"

  Chen Yu introduced: "Her name is Zhou Kexin, and she is now a nurse in the consulting room."

   "Zhou Kexin...oh."

   "Sister Zhou, the well-known Huyu platform, hello, hello."

   Li Changjun stretched out his hand and shook Zhou Kexin who didn't know anything.

  Chen Yu smiled lightly and said, "Captain Li is here to buy goods again, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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