When night fell, Emiya Shirou dragged his slightly tired body to open the door of his room and walked into the room.

Because the Holy Grail War is most active at night, Emiya Shirou did not spend all his experience during the day. He only needed to rest for a short while to regain all his physical strength.

But as soon as he entered the room, Shirou Emiya felt an extremely abnormal aura.

Rather, it was not that Emiya felt the unusual aura directly, but the current state of the entire room, which would make people cautious anyway.

All the lights were turned off, and the howling wind blew the curtains and slapped the walls. Only the faint moonlight shined on Emiya's bed through the windows.

But before Emiya could project the weapon, a gentle and young voice came.

"I'm sorry."

I saw a figure appearing in the depths of the room. A young man wearing priest attire turned around and showed an extremely gentle smile to Emiya Shirou.

"The priest of the Eighth Mystery Society of the Holy Church, Kotomine Shiro."

"I apologize for coming here without saying hello."

Kotomine Shirou revealed his identity to Emiya Shirou who walked into the room, and also expressed his apology.

Emiya didn't feel any hostility from the young man in front of him, as if they were not two opposing camps.

After learning that Shirou Emiya had lost his servant, the King of Knights, in order to gain Shirou Emiya's trust, they also gave up monitoring Shirou Emiya.

Danik has also always known that Shirou Emiya knew that he had been monitoring him, but the two of them had tacitly understood it.

And now, in order to win over a combat leader like Emiya Shirou, the surveillance was naturally removed.


Emiya Shirou fell into deep thought the moment he heard Kotomine's last name.

He actually remembered that there was a church in Fuyuki City where he lived, and the priest's surname was Kotomine.

If it corresponds to the parallel universe, I am afraid that the priest in his city should be one of the employees of the Holy Church that he mentioned.

It’s just—Shirou?

This combination makes Emiya always feel that this is the name he was given after being adopted by Father Kotomine.

"So, is there any reason why you came to Black's base camp to see me?"

Shirou Emiya knew from the very beginning that the Holy Grail War Temple Church belonged to the red side in this Holy Grail War from Darnic.

There is also a master from the red camp.

And that Master must be the Kotomine Shiro in front of him.

"There are two reasons. The first is that I want to see what kind of person the Master who can defeat Archer head-on is. The second is that I want to invite you to join the red side camp."

Kotomine Shirou's voice was extremely sincere, and Emiya Shirou couldn't hear the slightest hint of conspiracy in it.

His words and deeds are full of good intentions that make people feel relieved.

Even Emiya can feel like a spring breeze.


Emiya Shirou didn't understand. Not only did he not understand why he wanted to extend an olive branch to him, but he also didn't understand why he could appear in Black's base camp so confidently.

"It must be the right choice to come here and see you."

Kotomine Shiro nodded, with a gentle smile on his lips. Under Emiya Shirou's puzzled eyes, he walked up to him and stretched out his hand.

And looked at Emiya Shirou with extremely sincere eyes.

"From the first moment I saw you here, I knew clearly that you and I are the same kind of people!"


Emiya's eyes were a little confused. He looked at the dark man in front of him but with an extremely gentle smile, and unconsciously held the hand he extended.

And a burst of red light flickered at the moment when the two hands were held, and the magic power also merged at that moment.

The moment Emiya held his hand, he seemed to see something behind him and his experience.

It was a scene in which a general holding a sword in his hand thrust the weapon into the ground, then grabbed the flag in front of him and knelt on the ground, begging the gods.

That was so hopeless and heartbreaking.

I saw the white-haired boy kneeling under the flag, kneeling in a pool of blood, looking at the flag in front of him that was soaked in blood, and kept talking.

"My flag, please listen to me."

"If they are guilty, their only crime is believing in me and following me."

"I would gladly give my life."

"So tell me how to redeem them."

"But if there is no redemption."

"If at the end of this battle their lives are needed"

"Then I will give up saving people and I will save the entire human race."

"Whether they are good or evil, whether they are weak people or strong people, I will save all mankind."

The white-haired boy stretched out his thin hand and faced his flag, as if he was begging or offering something. His tone contained pleading and agreement, but also contained determination. It was such a complicated expression.

What a great wish to save all mankind.

At this moment, Emiya felt how heavy this wish was and how difficult it was to realize it.

With a flash of silver light, the white-haired boy's head fell to the ground. In his eyes, Emiya only saw endless pity.

The picture also turned into fragments here, dissipating in front of Emiya.

This brief dream describes the life of a certain heroic spirit.

This kind of dream-like experience is no stranger to Emiya. On the night of the contract with Arthur, Emiya dreamed about everything about Arthur.

After he woke up, he talked to Arthur about the dreams he had seen, but Arthur had already looked past his past and had no taboos about talking about his experiences.

Not only did it answer Emiya's doubts, but it also gave him a deeper understanding of the legend of King Arthur.


For some reason, Kotomine Shiro looked at Emiya Shirou blankly and said this sentence.

The blend of magic power was mutual. Emiya Shirou understood him, and Kotomine Shirou also detected something unusual from the magic power revealed by Emiya.

Under normal circumstances, when He signs a contract with someone, He will also give some power, not just sign a document with them without giving any help.

And this kind of energy will also be reflected in various aspects, whether it is the enhancement of physical fitness or the maturity of magic use, these are all manifestations after the contract.

Although it seemed that the contract did not give Emiya Shirou any improvement, it still left a mark on his body.

It probably means that Emiya is already the one who signed the contract, and other beings cannot take away the same meaning.

In other words, Mineshiro felt the traces left by Emiya Shirou from his magic power.

He looked at the red-haired boy in front of him covering his head with great confusion.

He once had the function of Ruler, and he also received many messages from the Holy Grail, one of which was about the knowledge of the so-called guardian.

But the young man in front of him didn't have a spiritual foundation, so he couldn't be a heroic spirit at all, nor could he be the guardian sent by him.

Suddenly, Kotomine Shiro seemed to think of a possibility.

His eyes began to look different.

The young man in front of him may have signed a contract with Him, but he has not yet died and has become an official guardian under Him.

Chapter 157 The Holy Grail War has officially begun!

"Save, all mankind!"

Emiya stared at Kotomine Shiro in front of him without showing any expression. He didn't know how to make any comment on such a wish.

"How is it? Do you have any judgment in your heart? Master of the King of Knights."

An extremely pure smile appeared on Kotomine Shirou's face, and his eyes directly met Emiya Shirou's eyes.

The two of them stared at each other wordlessly in such a dark room.

"Your wish is really great, so great that I admire you immensely."

Emiya also expressed his admiration to Kotomine Shiro without hiding his inner thoughts.

With such a grand wish and such dedication, Emiya Shirou admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Having such thoughts and taking actions for them is enough to be called a saint.

Saving others and allowing others to be redeemed is what Emiya Shirou has always done.

But there are some differences between Emiya Shirou and Kotomine Shiro. Emiya Shirou saves people one by one, while Mineshiro = intends to save the "human race".

Listening to Emiya Shirou sincerely express his admiration, Kotomine Shirou would also smile heartily and reach out his hand again.

However, this time, Emiya did not hold it.

"But, I refuse————"

Kotomine Shiro's hands stopped in the air, and the smile on his lips froze.

"Do humans really need to be saved?"

Emiya Shirou didn't know how Kotomine Shiro planned to save humanity, nor what he would look like after saving humanity.

He wanted to know, but he didn't want to know either.

Shirou Emiya didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Shirou Kotomine's words or actions.

He didn't receive any strange message that made him feel strange about Kotomine Shiro's wish.

Emiya Shirou simply felt from the bottom of his heart, does the word "save" really apply to human beings? Has humanity really reached a point where it needs to be saved?

"Why don't we need to save? War? Crime? Struggle for power? The end justifies the means! You can kill your compatriots at will! Human beings have so many bad qualities, which have plunged countless people into dire straits. Why don't human beings need to be saved? Why are these Evil must exist in the world.”

Kotomine Shiro's tone became excited when he saw someone who could clearly understand him replying to him like this.

Obviously we are all the same kind of people, why, why don't you understand me, you don't understand my actions.

During the Shimabara Rebellion, he saw clearly how despicable, despicable, and cruel human beings could become and become stronger. This is true even when facing people of the same race. If they have different skin colors and different cultures, to what extent will it accelerate the cruelty of human beings?

Coupled with the sixty-year turnaround, he has become more aware of the nature of human beings, and he also hates and loves human beings even more.

"But, it is precisely because of these despicable evils of human beings that human beings can continue like this, right?"

Human beings are two-sided creatures. They feel fear when encountering terrible things, anger when encountering unfair things, and greed when encountering things they like.

Even Shirou Emiya himself cannot resist these things, for example, he does not like plum kelp tea, and he still won't accept it.

When he likes to jump high, shoot arrows, or do something that can make him focus and forget the time when he is in a bad mood, this is a greedy behavior.

And these good and bad things constitute the present self, and it is precisely because of the existence of evil that the quality of good appears more noble.

If I lose evil, will I still be myself? Will I still have my own consciousness?

These are unforeseen things.

Emiya has seen too many evils in the empire, and he has also had it. It would be great if the evil of the world could be eradicated.

But he knows that this is impossible. Esdeath, the imperial general who likes to kill the enemy, treats his subordinates and his people very gently and tolerantly.

In order to resist the corruption of the empire, Leone deceived a boy who just came out of a small village because of the shortage of funds for the night attack.

If they hadn't just happened to be on a mission to save him, I'm afraid the boy would have died of hatred and would not have been able to avenge his friend.

And because of desire, humans began to fight constantly, and because of desire, humans have been able to progress to the point where they are today.

"If we lose these evils, will humans be unable to develop? Will humans be unable to continue?"

"I don't know."

Emiya shook his head. It wasn't that Emiya answered Kotomine Shiro's questions, but that he didn't know the answers to these two questions.

He didn't know if humans could develop without the existence of evil. Shiro Emiya had never seen such a world, and he couldn't know whether humans would be happy in a world without evil.

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