
A burst of extremely happy laughter came from the white mist.

"Come on! O oppressor! Give me more oppression! It doesn't matter! I will turn this bruised body into a rebellious blade! Pierce through your pride and greatness! Hahahaha!"

The huge figure seemed to be unhurt, laughing like a rampaging chariot, rushing towards Mordred.

The greatsword in his hand aimed at her head and chopped it down.

"It's really annoying!!!!!!!!!!"

Looking at Berserker who seemed to be unharmed and rushed over, Mordred couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart, and rushed directly into it with a flash of red lightning.

Such a naked attack method was too simple. Mordred dodged the waving giant sword with almost no effort, and pierced his entire chest with the red long sword in his hand.

"It's really disgusting!"

Looking at his arm that grew out like a piece of meat and was still wriggling, Mordred couldn't help but curse, and a very powerful magic power was transmitted from his body to the sword.

Berserker's body suddenly burst into lightning, and the terrifying red lightning carried extremely terrifying power and released it in his body.

"Hahahaha! Spalasi! Spalasi! Being abused! Being ravaged by the controller of power! The weak can only face despair like this in any era! Is this arrogance? This is the ruthlessness of the oppressor to the weak!"


Countless wounds exploded from his body, and the red magic power was like a rampaging buffalo, and his body began to disintegrate at an extremely fast speed.

Countless wounds exploded from his body, and blood and flesh flew across the entire fog.

"It's okay! It's okay! Keep ravaging me like this, keep ravaging me like a weakling, so that I can shout when I win."

Berserker, covered in blood, ignored the wounds on his body, still with a terrifying smile, and once again swung the sword in his hand to chop at Mordred's head.

Mordred had never thought that there would be a servant who could endure the power of her wanton release of magic, but she could hardly dodge now.

The sword in her hand had already sunk deeply into Berserker's chest, and the other hand that grew out of it at some point fixed her in place, unable to move at all, and could only watch the long sword chop down at her head.


The golden sword broke the long sword directly, and any weapon would be eclipsed by such a golden sword, let alone just an ordinary long sword.

Even after experiencing the sublimation of historical legends, it cannot be compared with such a golden sword.

"Who needs your help!!!!"

Mordred grinned and shouted at Arthur, and the red magic gathered in front of her.


Berserker, like a cannonball with a red tail, was once again knocked away by Mordred.

"I can break free!"

But Arthur seemed to not care what Mordred said to him at this time. He held the golden sword in his hand, turned back very quickly, and blocked it in front of him.


Another collision sounded, and Mordred could only see a green light flashing in front of him, and a cross gun appeared in front of Arthur.

"Let us complete the myth we have not completed before"

An extremely arrogant voice came from the owner holding this cross gun.

Chapter 144 Support from both sides

"Mr. Lion Jie!"

Emiya suddenly shouted in his direction, stretched out his hand and ran towards him, trying to push Lion Jie away.

But with Emiya's current speed, it is impossible to rescue Shishi Jiejieli from Assassin's sword in such a short time.

And Shishi Jiejieli does not have anything that can resist Assassin's attack. Even if he reacts and uses the [Devil Haunting] given by Emiya, he cannot block Assassin's stab.

The original projection was designed to allow Shishi Jiejieli to use the degraded projection. The original projection can only barely block her slash. The degraded projection is probably like a piece of paper in front of Assassin.


An unusual sound came from the sky.

The frenzied airflow fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and in an instant, the surrounding thick fog was directly lifted.

The huge figure directly hit the petite body.


An extremely strong wind shook from behind Shishi Jiejieli.


With a small cry of pain, the petite girl was hit violently as if by a truck. She turned into a silver stream of light and crashed into a solid wall.

The entire wall was shattered in a spider web-like manner with the silver-haired girl as the center under the extremely terrifying collision.

"It hurts!"

The silver-haired girl slid straight down the wall and collapsed on the ground.

Such a strong gust of wind made it difficult for Emiya to open his eyes. He could only hear a crash in front of him.


A heavy object directly hit Emiya Shirou before he had time to brake, and he flew behind him and fell to the ground.

"Yo! King Arthur's Master!"

As the thick fog dissipated, a creature with a gryphon's upper body and a horse's lower body, waving huge wings, appeared in front of Shirou Emiya, and on the horse, Astolfo waved his hand to He greeted Shirou Emiya.


Emiya Shirou rubbed his eyes, raised his head, looked forward, and planned to stand up from the ground.


A mature voice came from his body along with thick smoke. Although Astolfo's attack was directly aimed at Assassin, the strong airflow also directly knocked away the nearby lion Jie Jieli. .

Facing the followers, Lion Jie Jieli had no chance to react.

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Mom! Mom! We are in so much pain! Mom!"

The silver-haired girl hugged herself tightly and murmured tremblingly. Such a thin body stayed under the wall, just like the little match girl huddled in the corner on a snowy day, desperate and powerless.

"Rider! Deal with Assassin first!"

Emiya stood up after supporting the lion Kaili with one hand, pointing at Assassin who was slammed into the corner by Astolfo. If they wait until she merges into the mist again, they will be at a disadvantage again.

Perhaps Rider's arrival has eased the situation, but the crisis has not been resolved. Even if she does not appear, just the continued release of the mist is enough to have a great impact on them.


Perhaps it was because he was the son of King Odo of England and the heir to the throne. He naturally wanted to be close to Arthur and trusted his master very much.

The creature under Astolfo's feet turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Assassin at an extremely fast speed.


The already crumbling wall suddenly collapsed in an instant, and countless stones fell downwards.

The huge smoke and dust covered Astolfo's entire figure, and Shirou Emiya could only see the surrounding fog disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

"Is it resolved?"

Emiya Shirou expressed his doubts aloud. Could such a difficult Assassin be easily solved like this?

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

A figure appeared from the dust, and Astolfo was seen covering his head, looking extremely painful, riding the creature under his feet, and quickly appeared in front of Emiya.

"It hurts so much to hit your head with those rocks!"

Astolfo rubbed his head that was hit by the stone again.

"Where's Assassin?"

"Her master used the command spell very decisively, but my attack did not hit her."


Sure enough, it's not that easy to eliminate a servant?

Emiya sighed inwardly, for the Servants, Assassin may be the weakest existence among all the Servants, but for the Master, Assassin's existence is always a knife hanging over the head.

Even if it is a top-level barrier created by a modern magician, Assassin can sneak in and eliminate the target without touching the barrier at all.


Just when Emiya wanted to ask Astolfo something, a man in armor ran towards his position at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Saber from the red side?"

A spear almost as tall as Astolfo instantly appeared in Astolfo's hand, blocking him in front of Shirou Emiya.

Although he knew that he did not have much fighting power, he believed that he was a hero from the bottom of his heart. Since he was a hero, how could he not stand up when facing a powerful enemy.

But Mordred ignored him and rushed straight towards the position of Lion Jie Jieli.

He directly pinned the lion Jie Jieli on himself, and once again accelerated his speed to leave.

Astolfo was left standing there with a bewildered face.

"Did I save the master of Red Saber before?"

Astolfo came back to his senses and asked Shirou Emiya beside him blankly.

Emiya just nodded and gave Astolfo a positive answer.

"What happened, Saber!"

Lion Jie Jieli, who had been carried by Mordred, saw how anxious she was and immediately asked.

"Archer, release the Noble Phantasm here!"

Mordred only gave a slight explanation to Lion Jie Jieli, and once again quickened his pace and ran towards the distance.

She was not afraid of the Noble Phantasm released by Archer on the red side. On the one hand, Rider told her that Archer's Noble Phantasm was a large-scale attack and her Master could not withstand the damage from the Noble Phantasm of the servants. On the other hand, she did not want to Received AOE damage from your own Noble Phantasm.

Chapter 145 Intertwined battlefields

Rider and Archer on the red side did not follow Berserker all the way to this position. If they had followed Berserker all the way, they would never give up the opportunity to make Arthur retreat in the fog.

They just received the information from Assassin's Master, asking them to go to Tulifas as quickly as possible to support Saber and prevent her from being surrounded by the Black Team.

Although they did not follow Berserker, the priest had always kept track of his whereabouts, and of course he also monitored Saber, who was also on his side.

When Berserker ran towards Saber's position, he secretly thought that it was not good.

As an uncontrollable Servant, Berserker did not have outstanding combat power. He could only feel a little regretful if he was abandoned.

But if Saber, who was on his side, was also lost, it would be a huge loss for the Red Team.

After all, through the results of their battles with the Black Team's puppets and androids in Tulifas, Saber's values ​​were enough to reach the first-class level.

He still needed to keep such combat power.

So after making an analysis in his mind, he immediately notified Archer, Rider, who had recovered, and Lancer who was staying at the door of the church.

They were asked to go to support Saber as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, when Saber was surrounded by the black servants, she would be powerless.

So Rider, who was the fastest, arrived at the battlefield first, and Archer, who was also very fast without approaching the center of the battlefield, followed closely.

Let's go back to the time when Shirou Emiya and Astolfo met.

The scene turned to another battlefield.

"You bastard!"

Mordred pointed the scarlet sword at Achilles, and the scarlet lightning on his body shot towards Achilles in the next second.


The extremely fast speed directly pierced Achilles' body, and the powerful impact even knocked him directly into the air.

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