Emiya began to recall why the face of the young man in front of him was so familiar, and he began to calm down his emotions.

"You guys, ahem! Aren't you here to catch me?"

The young man still looked at the two people in front of him with great vigilance, his eyes showing great distrust.

"If we were to arrest you, you shouldn't have any chance to speak now."

Arthur explained softly to the young man in front of him.

He also had a vague sense of his true identity.

"Are you a servant of the Yggdomirenia clan?"

Emiya asked aloud. He didn't know that the Yggdomirenia clan also possessed the technology to create artificial humans, although he was surprised that the people in the castle had very similar faces.

But it's not easy to ask Danik about them.

But the face of the young man in front of him reminded him of the servants he met here who lived in the castle.

"Domestic servant?"

He did not seem to notice the malice of Emiya Shirou and Arthur and began to answer Emiya's questions.

"Ahem——! No, I am an android of the Yggdomirenia clan."

The young man answered Emiya's question very weakly.

Emiya and Arthur also took the opportunity to get closer to the boy.

"Artificial being?"

Emiya looked at Arthur with questioning eyes.

"Master, I am not omniscient and omnipotent. Don't look at me with doubts about anything you don't understand."

Arthur said that although the Holy Grail gave him a lot of knowledge, it was only the most basic knowledge. He didn't understand anything about this kind of knowledge that only magicians had.

And Emiya was very confused in her heart. Artificial human beings shouldn't be a matter of technology. Magic could actually create artificial human beings.

"Then why are you here?"

The problem is back to the beginning.

"I want to live!"

The young man gave such a nonsensical answer.

It also made Emiya and Arthur's hearts filled with doubts.

"What are you doing here?"

At this moment, a very familiar figure appeared at the door.

Astolfo's expression no longer held the previous joy, but he looked at the two people who appeared in his room with an extremely serious expression.

The atmosphere suddenly became anxious.

Chapter 135: Methods to rescue artificial humans

"We just heard unusual noises and were afraid of enemy invasion, so we came over to check the situation."

Emiya Shirou explained with the excuse that lying was not his strong point. It would be better to say that it was difficult for Emiya to tell lies.

Even Arthur felt that a fierce battle might take place here.

"Eh, really?"

Astolfo nodded thoughtfully and walked in.

Well, he couldn't describe it with common sense. Arthur covered his face, not knowing what to say.

It is unbelievable that Astolfo believed such a lame reason.

"Are you okay!"

Astolfo jumped over Shirou Emiya and Arthur and flew to the boy's side.

In fact, it was not Astolfo who believed what Arthur and Shirou Emiya said, although it did have a certain influence.

But the main reason was because Astolfo saw that they did not do any harm to the boy.

And actually speaking, in Astolfo's heart, Emiya Shirou and Arthur would not cause any harm to him.

After all, it was Caster who advocated for him to become the cauldron of the Noble Phantasm, and the people of the Yggdmillennia clan agreed with this, but Emiya and Arthur were not from the Yggdmillennia clan.

Coupled with the extremely noble knightly aura in Arthur, Astolfo had no other thoughts about them discovering the secret of his room.

Just like he told Black Archer about this matter, he had no intention of having as few people know about it as possible.

"Rider, why are you back so soon?"

"Emmm, it seemed like there was a lot of unhappiness there when I passed by, and then I slipped out immediately while the master wasn't paying attention."

Astolfo did not evade anything and directly stated the scene he had just encountered.

If Lancer and Archer hadn't stopped him, his master would have fought with Saber's master.

Thinking of that scene, he felt a little numb, but fortunately he was not there.

Otherwise, it would be a conflict between himself and Black Saber.

"Then what's his condition now?"

Astolfo seemed to remember something when he heard Arthur's question, and immediately told them the whole story.

"Is that so?"

Emiya nodded in understanding, agreeing with Astolfo's behavior from the bottom of his heart.

Even artificial humans are still alive and should not be controlled at will by others. Even the people who created them cannot control their lives at will.

At least that's what Emiya thought, so from the bottom of his heart, he believed that what Astolfo did was the right thing.

He couldn't regard these artificial beings that could speak and have self-awareness as objects.

"Please do not tell this to my Master."

Astolfo clasped his hands together and asked Emiya Shirou and Arthur.

"No, we won't tell them, but are you planning to hide here forever? If it's what Caster needs, he will find it sooner or later."

Arthur and Shirou Emiya nodded, saying that they would not pass on the news, but hiding like this was not a solution.

"I'll find time to take him away."

Astolfo's eyes were very determined, he must save this android with a strong sense of survival.

"No, you don't have to hide him at all."

Arthur stared at the android boy for a while, then said to Astolfo.

"You can ask Lancer to save this android. I'm sure the Romanian king will not refuse your request."

"Besides, you can get the support of me and Archer. Basically, he can live in this castle like other androids."

Arthur was almost fooled by Astolfo. It was not Caster or the Eugodomirenia clan who could completely decide the life of this android, but the Romanian king who was currently leading the black side.

As long as he allowed it, he basically didn't need to hide in the Eugodomirenia clan's castle.

What's more, Astolfo could also ask him to survive alone.

There was no problem with that.

If his existence was excluded, the joint request of Rider and Archer alone would be enough to get this boy out of Caster's control.

I'm sure that as long as Lancer existed, Caster would not do anything to this boy.

"Is it really possible?"

Astolfo couldn't believe it. It would be so simple?

As long as he asked Lancer for his request, he could give this boy a new life.

Arthur nodded.

You know, Rider is Lancer's subordinate now. He just wants a cyborg. How could he not agree to such a request?

If Caster had also made a request, Lancer would have hesitated, but as long as Archer also stood up to support Rider, the outcome would have been basically fixed.

The king of Romania is definitely not a king who only thinks about how to obtain the Holy Grail.

What's more, now he has his own support, and the decision of this young man has basically been stabilized.

"Then I will ask Lancer now!"

Astolfo said, he immediately stood up and wanted to run towards the room where Vlad III rested.


Arthur stopped Astolfo.

"It's not urgent now. If you have achieved certain results in the Holy Grail War, the success rate will be greatly improved, and it may not be necessary to add my name."

If you just ask like this, the success rate is certainly very high, but adding Arthur's name, the matter is somewhat forced to make a choice.

But if Astolfo has made achievements, it will be different. This is his reward, which gives Lancer some room to think about it.

"However, it depends on whether you are eager to let him go free. If you are, there is no problem in going now."

After all, if he is allowed to leave, it will be Astolfo who will be treated differently in the end, not the boy or Arthur.

But Astolfo followed Arthur's gaze.

At this time, the boy still looked very weak and was coughing violently.

It didn't look like he could live alone.

"Let's go find Lancer later."

Astolfo stopped. With his current physical condition, it would be difficult for him to live normally.

He still needs to be nursed back to health.

Chapter 136 Black Assassin

Tulifas, Yugdomirenia Castle.

"My king, there is something unusual happening at the barrier. According to the information sent by the familiar, it should be the Berserker of the Red side."

Danik stood respectfully beside Vlad III. In front of them, the familiar sent the picture of the Red Berserker constantly crossing the woods in a straight line.

Its purpose was very clear, and it rushed straight to the Castle of Yogdomirenia, which was their base.

"Is the barrier useless?"

The Master of the Black Saber standing at the bottom of the hall asked.

"No, it still plays its role, but the Berserker of the Red side seems to have determined our location in some way."

Danik didn't know how the Berserker found their location.

It can only be said that the Berserker has his own unique way of finding enemies.

"In addition to the Berserker of the Red side, are there other servants coming?"

Vlad III asked aloud. The matters of the barrier and the familiar were not carried out by him, and these detailed information could only be learned from Danik.

"No, it seems that because the Red Archer was seriously injured and had difficulty in moving, the Red Rider tried every means to stop Berserker's actions in the picture sent by the familiar, but failed."

"After Berserker completely entered our territory, the Red Rider decided to abandon Berserker."

Danik reported to Vlad III based on the information sent by the familiar.

"In other words, there is only one rider?"

Danik nodded. Judging from Berserker's momentum, he was far from the Knight King who broke into the Red camp alone.

Moreover, they would not be as arrogant as the Red team and send two servants to deal with it.

"Then capture the Red Berserker alive, Caster, you can transfer his contract to our Master."

Caster nodded and gave Vlad III an affirmative answer. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be in the same situation as Emiya Shirou.

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