"Fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it"

Emiya closed his eyes and began to search for his memory of the summoning words.

"It goes around five times."

"But when it is full, it should be discarded."

"What's going on? The summoning spell he recited!"

The masters standing aside immediately became agitated when they heard what Emiya said.

It was not unknown to them that this was the summoning spell for the regular Holy Grail War.

However, such a summons would not make it clear which camp the servant belonged to. No one knew whether the ultimate summoned by Emiya would be the [red] camp or the [black] camp.

After all, their Assassin hasn't been summoned yet.

If Emiya directly summons [Black] Assassin, then [Black] can be said to have lost a huge amount of combat power.

Simply calculating with numbers, if Emiya summoned [Black] Assassin, they would lose two cavalry in an instant.

The [Red] servant who originally belonged to the [Black] side has returned to the Red side. No matter how you think about it, you will feel very disadvantaged.

Thinking of this, Danik stepped forward to stop Emiya Shirou's summons.

But the white-haired man next to him stopped him.

"Keep reading, I think he will definitely bring us a big surprise."

Emiya Shirou had no idea that the incantation he was chanting would become like this.

He still closed his eyes tightly and spoke according to his own feelings.

"In response to the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this will and this principle, then respond."

"I swear this"

"I am willing to save all good deeds in the world"

"I am willing to bear all the evil deeds in the world"

"I don't remember these two incantations like this."

The bloated man with short hair frowned.

"I remember very clearly that it should be 'I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world' and 'I am the one who kills all the evil deeds in the world.' Can it really be possible to summon heroic spirits by changing the spell at will?"

He extremely doubted whether this white-haired boy had any formal education in magic.

With such rare magic power, it looked like a second-rate magician using third-rate magic. How could it be favored by Darnic?


He snorted coldly, expressing his disdain for Shirou Emiya. Anyway, he now held an extremely powerful card and didn't have to worry about anything.

At this time, Emiya's chanting continued

"I am the one who holds his chains"

"You are surrounded by the three great speaking spirits for seven days."

"From the Wheel of Suppression, Guardian of the Scales!"

As Emiya finished speaking, a burst of extremely powerful golden light rose from in front of Emiya.

Everyone present felt an extremely strong momentum burst out from it and swept across it.

The extremely stressful power even made the white-haired man sitting in his seat stand up.

Everyone can feel that this is an extremely powerful heroic spirit.


Only Emiya Shirou felt that the magic power in his body dropped sharply, and was drained out almost in an instant.

The sudden suction force made Emiya's body suddenly weak, and he couldn't help but fall forward.

At this moment, a generous hand supported Emiya and slowly helped him up.

"It's okay, Master!"

It was an extremely elegant, gentle and friendly male voice, and Emiya could only feel his anxiety from it.

Then he felt a golden warmth in his abdomen gradually repairing his broken body.


At this time, Emiya opened his eyes and saw clearly the servant he had summoned in front of him.

It was a man wearing armor, with short golden hair and a gentle smile, just like a child dreaming of a knight on a white horse.

Emiya could only feel endless warmth from him.

"I am the King of Wallachia, Vlad III Tepes! Unknown servant, dare I ask your name?"

That was a very familiar aura to the Grand Duke, and it was not that the knight-like man in front of him was an old acquaintance of his.

Instead, he felt the aura of being the same king.

"Since you have given your real name, let me also reveal my identity."

"Master, is this okay?"

The knight asked Emiya Shirou in a low voice.

He was not marked as belonging to any camp. He only knew that this was the Holy Grail War, but he did not know why there were so many heroic spirits around his master.

However, after just a brief observation, he quickly judged that he and those heroic spirits were like friends but not enemies.

Those heroic spirits were very quiet, except for a certain pink male who escaped, and there were no signs of fighting around them.

Basically, it can be judged from these that the heroic spirits here are similar to allies.

However, he still decided to ask his master about his decision.

Emiya was still in shock at this time, and could only nod with a blank expression. For some reason, he felt longing for the man in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

It was as if the man in front of him was the [Partner of Justice].

"This body is named Arthur Pandaragorn!"

Arthur inserted the invisible sword in his hand to the side, straightened his chest in response to Vlad III's inquiry, and an extremely strong aura radiated from the inside out.

"Arthur! This is impossible!"

A certain bloated man exclaimed in disbelief.

Chapter 112 Servants

"As the legendary king, it is impossible for his attributes to be so low."

After hearing his answer, all the masters present looked at Arthur.

Class: Saber

Attribute: Order·Goodness

Ability value————

Strength: B

Durability: C

Agility: C

Magic: B

Lucky: B

Noble Phantasm: C (EX)

Such ability parameters are already very low for Saber's job description alone, not to mention that this servant is also the extremely famous King Arthur.

In terms of popularity alone, King Arthur's ability parameters should not be like this.

Suddenly, Danik seemed to have thought of something, and raised his head slightly to look at Shirou Emiya, who was being helped up by Arthur.


As an outsider, Emiya Shirou did not enjoy the same treatment as the other masters of the Yggdomirenia clan.

You must know that it is not the Masters who provide magic power to those servants, but the artificial humans they produce.

For their followers, the values ​​in all aspects are basically in the best condition.

The level of magic power also affects the servant's ability values.

Darnic is the only person who has explored the magic circuit in his body in Yggdmillennia.

He knew very well that although Emiya Shirou had 27 magic circuits in his body, most of them were completely inactive.

And it's unknown how he developed his magic circuits, according to Avisbron's description.

This boy's circuit load capacity is very high, but he cannot continuously supply a large amount of magic power.

That is to say, it is able to use large-scale magic with a heavy load, and even if it forcibly absorbs magic power, it is difficult to incinerate its own magic circuit.

In short, the magic circuit on Emiya's body is like a steel pipe, extremely durable.

Of course, Danik didn't tell Shirou Emiya about any of this. After all, he was not a magician of his own clan.

Thinking of this, Danik immediately nodded in relief, understanding why Emiya Shirou's servant attributes were so low.

"For a servant, ability value does not mean everything."

Arthur shook his head, not caring at all about his doubts about himself, but straightened his body and faced the Master with the most intuitive attitude.

Of course he knew why his abilities were so low, but he would not blame his Master for this.


I saw what he wanted to say, but it wasn't that he didn't believe that the knight in front of him with extremely dazzling light was King Arthur.

But I don't believe that such an outside magician can summon a powerful heroic spirit like King Arthur without using any medium.

He didn't believe that an orthodox magician like himself could be worse than that half-baked magician.

But before he could say his next words, the white-haired man next to him, wearing armor and with his chest open and emitting a faint light, took a step forward and stood in front of his master.

"You have the breath of a dragon on your body. Legend has it that King Arthur has the blood of the red dragon. I believe you are the legendary King of Knights."

His tone was extremely calm, and he answered affirmatively about the identity of the Saber in front of him.

"Thank you, unknown Saber"

Arthur also responds to his own identity, even though he does not need the approval of others.

Because he is Arthur.


The man with blond hair who looked a little bloated snorted, seeming to be very dissatisfied with his servant's behavior.

"It's just a first-term servant."

He muttered under his breath and gave up questioning the identity of Emiya Shirou's servant.

"King from afar, Romania welcomes you!"

The white-haired man next to Danik was full of force and stretched out his hand to express respect for him.

And Arthur responded quickly.

How could he not understand the meaning of this man's words?

In a camp, there is no need for two commanders.

He understands this truth very well.

This is his country, his territory.

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