Or, save the world and give up the beauty tour.


"People are all selfish. As far as the current situation is concerned, haven't you replaced Miyu? Be the person who was sacrificed——"

As he spoke, the wheelchair pushed by Darius leaned against the altar, and at some point, a black iron thorn appeared in his hand.

The next second——



The tied Xiao Hei's eyes widened with anger, and he tried hard to break free from the shackles of the iron chain, but with the meager strength of the doll's body, there was no way to break free, even if it was just an ordinary iron chain.

Blood slowly spread from Illya's hands to the entire stone slab.

Xiao Hei, who was sitting on top of Illya in maid uniform, also kissed her directly.

The magic around him seemed to be activated, and it surged like waves in an instant.

"There is only one last section left before the Holy Grail ceremony is completed!"

Chapter 1040 I want to save them all


When Illya regained consciousness, it was already the next morning.

Alija was still sleeping soundly lying next to Illya.

Everything seems to be the same as yesterday, no different.

However, Illya would not regard what she experienced yesterday as a dream.

If what happened yesterday concerned her the most, it was Xiao Hei who was discovered by Darius.

Almost the moment she woke up, Illya couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Hei!"

"I am here!"

And the moment Ilia called out, a familiar voice responded from the group of dolls on the cabinet nearby.

"Xiao Hei!"

Illya cried with joy again.

"Keep your voice down, don't alert the Ainsworth family!"

As a doll, Xiao Hei waved his hand to signal Illya not to be too public.

Last night, after Illya lost consciousness, Angelica and Darius carried out further brainwashing of Xiao Hei, who was a doll.

Xiao Hei was miserable for a while, and his entire consciousness was almost sealed. It felt like being sealed into Illya's body again, being sealed into that doll's body.

Angelica and the repaired dolls were then placed in Alicia's room. She could only watch everything in the outside world on the counter, but was unable to take any action.

Perhaps because of luck, Xiao Hei regained control of his body by relying on his connection with the job introduction card in his body.

But what is more important is her will that has been tempered by time.

If there was no strong will, Xiao Hei's consciousness would have been wiped out long ago when he was in Illya's body.

However, if Xiao Hei is to say it now, she must set an example for her sister, so how can she just leave her alone.


It seemed that Illya's movement woke up Alicia who was still sleeping beside her.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, sat up in a daze, and looked at Illya aside: "Good morning! Sister Illya!"

"Good morning, Alicia!"

Illya also responded softly. At this time, Xiao Hei on the counter was motionless, almost indistinguishable from a real doll.

"Originally, my father asked me to take care of sister Illya, but accidentally I fell asleep."

Alicia squinted her eyes, as if she was still awake. It looked like she had indeed slept very late last night.

"Hey, Alija, are you taking care of me?" Hearing Alija's words, Illya seemed very surprised. After all, it was hard for her to imagine that a child like Alija, who seemed to know nothing, could take care of herself.

"Well, actually, dad asked me to give you the blood-replenishing medicine and told me to drink it."

As she spoke, Alicia pointed to the glass bottle placed on the bedside table. There was a bright red potion inside, which also exuded some magic fluctuations.

"Then, thank you——"

Illya didn't dare to drink the potion prepared by Darius, especially since it contained magic power. She had no way of telling whether it was good or bad. If the ruby ​​​​were here, maybe things would become simpler.

But the ruby ​​has been taken away by Ishtar.

"Hey! No need to praise me!"

"I don't want to be praised at all. Please don't touch my head or anything like that!"

"After I said no three times, I will definitely—"

Hearing Illya's words, Alija seemed very excited and leaned directly into her arms. She even lowered her head on her own initiative, as if deliberately allowing Illya to better touch her. head.

Faced with Alija's coquettishness, Illya had no choice but to stroke Alija's head with a gentle smile, and looked at Xiao Hei's position again, and then slowly said: "This is it, Miyu." Everything she's been through?"

She felt heartache when she thought of everything Miyu had been burdened with.

Only from Miyu's position could Illya feel her inner struggle and everything she was carrying that was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

Sacrificing themselves and saving the world is simply not something they can bear at this age.

It is even said that most ordinary people in the world cannot face the matter of sacrifice calmly, let alone their elementary school students who have just matured in their outlook on life.

She doesn't want to sacrifice herself because she still has people she loves and people who love her.

She also doesn't want to sacrifice others, because others also have their own loves and are loved by others.

She doesn't want the world to be destroyed, because countless people will lose the people they love and the people who love them.

If you want to choose one between the two.

If you have to choose one between the two.

Then the decision she made was - I want to save both.

Whether it's herself, Miyu, or the world, she wants to save them all, and she doesn't want anyone to die.

This may be a dream that only children can have, and this may be a choice that only children can make.

But, this was Illya's final choice.


The door to Alicia's room was pushed open again, and Xiao Hei in a maid uniform appeared in front of the two of them and began to urge them to get up early.

"Got it!" Alicia responded loudly and quickly got out of bed and began to change her clothes.

As for Illya, she also wanted to get out of bed, but the moment she stood up, she felt a weakness rush from the soles of her feet to her forehead, causing Illya to fall straight on the bed.

"Didn't Illyasviel drink the blood-replenishing medicine?"

Xiao Hei, who was standing by the bed in a maid outfit, frowned and looked at the blood tonic that was not moved at all on the bedside table.

"Because sister Illya never woke up, so I forgot about it!"

Alicia tilted her head and explained apologetically.

"Please drink the blood-replenishing potion as soon as possible, otherwise even movement will be problematic. Lord Darius does not want tonight's Holy Grail ceremony to fail because of this."

Xiao Hei, dressed as a maid, spoke coldly, as if she was dissatisfied with Illya for not drinking the blood-replenishing medicine.

Illya said that she didn't know this would happen, and the feeling of weakness in her body didn't seem to be fake, but she really didn't dare to drink it, what if there was some soul-stirring poison?

Ellie brought the bottle of commendation medicine to Illya's side, but looking at Illya's resisting eyes, she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said: "Sister Miyu also drank this blood-replenishing potion before!"

Have you ever drank from Meiyou?

For some reason, after hearing Alicia say that Miyu had also drunk the blood-replenishing potion, Illya immediately started drinking it with confidence, making Xiao Hei who was standing on the counter beside him blush.

This vigilance has been let down too quickly!

However, it is not without reason that Illya is so weak. If Illya did not take any action and was simply captured by Darius to perform the Holy Grail ceremony.

He would wake up before dawn, so he ordered Alija to let Illya drink the blood-replenishing potion.

Even if he didn't drink the blood-replenishing potion, he wouldn't be too weak under normal circumstances.

But Illya first ran around in Endsworth Castle in the morning because she was forced to use two career cards at the same time, causing magic disorder to break out.

After finally calming down, he had an extremely fierce fight with Beatrix, and suffered a certain degree of damage.

You must know that Illya is not a real magician. Without the assistance of rubies, problems in the magic circuit are basically controlled by her own body.

So when Darius took her away, Illya's body was already exhausted. It was just because of the high tension and the dizzying special situation that Illya had been ignoring her physical condition.

And now, it is the result of the accumulated negative effects of the entire day yesterday.

Chapter 1041 The escape plan is established!

"It can be considered recovered -"

After drinking the blood-replenishing potion and taking a short rest, the feeling of weakness in her body was finally reduced to a large extent, at least it no longer affected Illya's normal actions.

However, if you fight, this weakness will still have some impact. As for the impact, if you have a ruby ​​on your body, this impact will be almost negligible.

But without the assistance of rubies, the impact on Illya is still quite large.

"Now we finally have time to sort out the intelligence we have collected."

Alija has left, and she takes time to go to school almost every day. If Alija keeps clinging to Illya, it will be really difficult for Xiao Hei to communicate.

She is too innocent, so innocent that it can be annoying at times.

Perhaps because the other party has been staying at the Ensworth house, Alicia has always thought about the problem with the Ensworth house as the center.

What is absolutely certain is that if Xiao Hei appears in front of Alicia without any precautions, she will completely expose herself when she meets Darius or Angelica.

"Illya, please tell me what you gained first——"

After checking that there were no special magic spells in the room, Xiao Hei sat in front of Illya's bed.

"The employment card and rubies have been found, and now they are all in the hands of Rin Tosaka in this world. I don't know how to get them from Rin Tosaka."

Ilia lowered her head. Sometimes she really felt useless.

"But you still got two employment agency cards, right? Can you tell me what happened when you met the other party? Maybe there is a way to get the remaining employment agency cards and rubies from her."

Although he learned from Darius's words that night that tonight should be the last moment of the Holy Grail ceremony, Xiao Hei did not urge Illya to tell him everything in one go.

Instead, he listened carefully to what Illya had told him about what happened yesterday. Xiao Hei understood that they only had one chance to leave the Endsworth family, so they had to seize it.

As for leaving this world, Xiao Hei said that he had not thought that far yet. He would leave the Endsworth family first, otherwise he would be in a passive situation and there would be no possibility of leaving this world.

Illya also nodded. After confirming her belief, she no longer avoided it. Her eyes became more determined and she told Xiao Hei everything that happened yesterday in detail.

"Take back the ruby ​​and the job card--"

Xiao Hei pondered slightly, because this was not a simple matter. Of course, she would pass on the option of directly snatching it.



Illya and Xiao Hei's eyes flashed with light, and they shouted in unison at this time.

"It seems that you think the same as me, Yimoduo!" Xiao Hei smiled slightly.

"It was obviously me, as the elder sister, who came up with it first!" Illya pouted in anger.

"Let's say it together!"

"Find an opportunity to use projection magic to replace the original!"

"Find an opportunity to use projection magic to replace the original!"

It was indeed a telepathic solution. This was the only solution that could be thought of in a short period of time without alerting Ishtar.

Although Xiao Hei's projection magic now has great flaws, it is not comparable to normal projection magic.

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